
Dominican Republic Compare And Contrast

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There are two sides to every story. For the Dominican Republic, they are two very contrasting stories. One being the serene, white beaches where a person’s every need can be waited upon. The other side is where a person’s most basic needs cannot even be met. A story where a child has to worry about if they will even eat tonight. Now, the majority of people would avoid the latter story. Not my mom, she dives right into the middle of it. My mom grew up in small town, Illinois with hopes of being a veterinarian. Growing up on a farm, she always learned to work hard to get something. That lesson is what got her to where she is now. In college, she changed course to become a doctor. Even through all the hardships and prejudice of women doctors, she came out on top. Now, most of what she does is give back. …show more content…

The trip has spanned from an entire month, to about ten days. She does this out of the good of her heart, not because she has to. Part of the trip is staying in the community with the citizens. My mom immerses herself in the culture while she provides relief for those in need. To meet the needs of the people, she sets up clinics and administers care for the women of the community. Even when she comes back home she’s still helping people. She works at Oneworld Community Health Center in Omaha. This clinic provides health services for anyone who cannot afford other health care. Teaching is another form in which she provides help for those who want to become doctors. She guides the students through their journey and assists them with almost anything they

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