Motivation- My motivation for going back to school and getting my college degree is my daughter. I am almost 32 years old and it has been a long hard road for me but I want to show my daughter that it is never to late to earn your college degree. It is all about her and trying to make the best life I can for her and that starts with me making myself better and furthering my career. Purpose- My main purpose is to be able to say that I finally did it! I was able to stick with it, even though it can be very difficult at times, and I got it done. It also sets a great example for my daughter. It shows her that as long as you stick with it and always try your hardest, you can get it done. Values- I believe that I and demonstrating determination (sticking
My motivations for going to college include many things that include stepping out into a bigger world than just my small hometown, also seeing what other opportunities may await me. Other motivations I have for going to college is to get a higher level of education to help me find a future job and hopefully a future career. Being able to expand my horizons is another motivation, by doing this it may open doors for me in
The reasons I have decided to go back to school is because I want to further my education to better myself as a single mother, and I want to show my children that you should never give up on your goals no matter how challenging life can be. Also, I chose to go back to school so that I can boost my son's confidence level so when he does homework, I will be right by his side doing mines whether its researching, reading, or typing papers. My ultimate goal for using this degree is to receive additional pay through my employer once I have obtained my degree. Secondly, I want to expand my career in law
Returning back to school was a very natural decision for me. It seemed to be the next logical step in my personal and career goals. My ultimate goal is to be happy and healthy and be a good provider and role model. With that set aside for now, my next goal is to be financially stable and able to provide for my family in ways that my family was not able to provide for me. I definitely expect to work for what I want and earn every bit of it. The most recent motivator was that my company was willing to contribute a huge chunk of the yearly tuition, therefore removing some financial burden. This makes me feel like they truly care about my future and they really want to see me succeed.
An experience in my life that influences my goals to go back to school is when I went to jail for the first time. Going to jail is an experience that changed my life forever, because it made me think of all the wrong things I was doing with my life. When I got out of jail, I attended church for the first time and asked Jesus Christ to come into my life. After asking Jesus to come into my life, I felt a change within myself and realized I can be a good person and that I am forgiven for the bad things I did in the past. Going back to school and taking my future seriously is what I am focused on right now. I want my children to know that I am doing this for them so they can have a secure future as well. I have 3 young children who look up to me and I do not want to let them down.
My reasons for returning to school may seem a bit selfish but let me explain. I have been an EMT and Paramedic for the past 28 years. The areas for advancement in this field are far and few between. Although I have over 10 years of experience as a supervisor, to be considered for a Director position, a Bachelor's Degree is required and here I am.
Many things come to mind when thinking about what are my motivations for returning to school. My top three motivations would have to be: Being the best role model for my nephew, doing something that I am passionate about and proving to myself that I can finish what I started many years ago. Growing up I looked up to my parents and coaches as role models; but, now I see my nephew look to me as a role model and him to be proud. He is a very smart kid that will be able to achieve all his goals. I just want to be able to show him the way. Being financially satiable has always being a priority but I have come to learn that unless you love what you do no amount of money will be enough. My current job pays well but I find myself bored at times. I
My reason for returning to school higher education, that gives me an opportunity to promote as a leader in my department. My resume will shine as the number one applicant when a position for a new manager becomes available. Becoming an owner of my own business and hiring people to work for me is my dream. My bachelor degree boosted my pay. There is competition for jobs because several people are returning to school and getting a bachelor degree. A master degree is not easy to complete, but this degree will open multiple doors for me if I decide to work in a different field.
I decided to go back to school for many reasons. First of all, it's always been a personal goal of mine to get a bachelor's degree. Over the years, I have taken courses to get close to that goal but I haven't been successful with completing it yet due to life experiences. Another reason I have decided to return to school is because I realize it's going to help with my career. I know getting a degree won't necessarily guarantee a promotion or raise but I believe it will provide more opportunities along the way. My ultimate goal for obtaining this degree is to use it towards getting a Master's degree.
I went back to school with the simple goal of getting my degree and moving ahead in my career. School, education and obtaining my degree were always important to me, since my profession requires a bachelor degree to qualify for national certification, it was a better
In this paper I will discuss my key motivations to start and also finish college, with finishing college I would like to keep my motivations afloat in my mind for my future goal of one day owning a hair salon. As well as my motivations to complete my coursework. Which will one day lead me to a successful future.
You ask, why do I want to attend college? , probably expecting the most common response of a heart to heart sob story coming from a not so fortunate young lady residing in Sanford, Florida. I am not taking that option I like to call the “easy toll” paying everyone a feeling that results in a sign of sympathy. I don’t need sympathy; I wish to just impress anyone just by my intellect ways and showing that I am headstrong. There are a numerous amount of reasons why I would love to attend college but the main three is that it really is the only possible way to become comfortably successful, my ancestors fought for me to even go to school and further my education, and to make the woman that raised me proud.
My primary reason for returning to school is to earn a bachelors degree in order to be more marketable in the workforce; in order to provide a better life for me and my family. Moreover, in graduating with a college degree I’ll be able to show my children that if you never give up and work hard you too can graduate with a college degree in the face of adversity. Though, Keratoconus has blurred my vision I’ve overcame and now I’m about to graduate with my bachelors degree this spring 2016. As a result of me recommencing my studies I now have the necessary skills to be a more productive citizen in society. Overall my dream is to utilize my degree to work as a math teacher, who’s confident, hardworking and will be a positive role model for the
What motivates me most to pursue a college degree is opening new doors for career options and inspiring my daughter through my own actions to pursue lifelong learning. I have waited until this point in my life to take this first step for many reasons. I feel that I had a lot of fear of failure that kept me from pursuing this higher learning. I am in the right place mentally at this stage in my life and feel like I can fully invest in this experience and make it truly a success and representation of what I can do. I am also highly motivated by the fact that my career is truly stalled because I am not competition for someone that has equal experience and a degree. I plan to conquer that competition through this process.
What motivates me to go to college,to put hard work in,day after day, and to achieve my goals in higher education is my parents and myself. Since I started elementary school my parents have always motivated me to go to college. I was always a good student, but, when I had entered seventh grade, it all changed. I really did not care about school, i have been just whatever about school period. Then it hit me again in my junior year of high school. Freshman and sophomore I was not really interested in school and didn 't think I was going to college. My parents had a talk with me and that talk changed me. They were just asking me what am I going to do with my life if I didn 't go on with school and all this other stuff that made me think really hard. I didn 't want to make my parents think that their son was a failure, they raised a failure. I changed my ways and started doing better in school and now I am currently attending Cal State University of Los Angeles. Now they are more proud than ever, me being the first one in my family to attend a university. My parents will always be my biggest motivators.
The Purpose of my essay is to give my readers some high in sight on a few different challenges in my life that helped motivate me upon my return to school. I am a single 45 year old divorced woman with six children. I needed a good paying job and a college education to be able to continue supporting my family. I am also the youngest child of four and the light of my mother’s eyes. I was once married to my children’s father for 20 years. My ex-husband was always the bread winner for our family, so I had no worries. He worked for the park district in the city where we lived. I was going to school full time and taking care of the children. My two oldest children are boys and they are grown men now 25