For my multicultural experience I attended a Mexican celebration at the Hispanic Center. This writer had reservation about the event due to the language barrier as it was solely Spanish speaking. This writer must confess that she actually went for the food. From this experience, this writer learned the Mexican culture is perhaps one of the most fascinating cultures worldwide. The mixture of strong native legends, artistic expressions and Spanish culture elements in this writer’s opinion makes the Mexican culture unique. Being proud of their native heritage, Mexican people have preserved many of their ancestors’ traditions. Many of them are present in Mexican music, which resembles the music produced by the ancient Aztec’s drums and ceremonies.
More than half of the population live in just three states; California, Florida and Texas which makes the people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority. As such, we see their influence in the culture of our businesses, in politics, and in film, food, music and art. Traditional Hispanic music has strong roots in the United States and is characterized by its rhythm, along with a mixture of instrumental and vocal leads. The arrival of Columbus brought a mix of languages and cultures that helped to define Hispanic music. Its history can be traced back to the slaves from that came from Africa, the Europeans, the Spanish and the Portuguese who all cohabitated in United States all those years ago.
Abstract Cultural representation of Latin America in 'Latinoamérica' Cultural representation is hard to pinpoint, but if you define it is people associated to the same culture must have general similarities, to a great extent, mental systems of representing themselves and very similar in symbolic. However, there are different kinds of cultural representation, both regional and continental. Here, we will discuss the continental cultural representation of Latin America. The entire culture of Latin America is too much to discuss so we focus on the message of the song 'Latinoamérica'. The cultural artefact, the song 'Latin America', tells about the culture and problems in Latin America through music.
The essay “How To Tame A Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua shows how Mexican American people feel about language. For Gloria Anzaldua, language is the key to learn a new culture in a different country Anzaldua attends classes and her teachers expects for Anzaldua speaks clearly English. Still Anzaldua has grown with her Spanish Chicano culture. In page 173 declares:“ The whole time I was growing up, there was norteño music.. I grew up listening to conjuntos..” Anzaldua feels that the impact of Chicano’s art works much movies, music and books has allow her to connect with this culture that it is forbidden by their teachers.
In my personal experience, Mexican music has revolved around my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up in a bordertown has its Hispanic heritage. Whether I was at home, school, or even in public places, I would hear Spanish related music playing in the background. I believe Spanish music holds many values when it comes to different occasions. The music can manipulate the minds of its listeners using love, passion, and outstanding rhythms. After reading an article online, I can explain how three different genres of traditional Mexican music influence people’s culture.
Mayans, Aztecs, and Spanish-Mexicans; these are the stepping stones to the Mexican people of today’s world. Each had their own way of doing things and built upon each other in every aspects of life. The food customs and what is consumed has not changed in as much what is now considered a delicacy and what is considered normal in their culture. These customs compared to the Western culture seem naive, native, and uneducated. Where did these customs come from? What traditions are kept? What needs to these met? These questions will be answered in the following paragraphs.
Moreno asserts that ““Too many times, we have read our history books that have been written by Europeans, and it has had a tremendous impact in the way we view our culture and listen to our music. I do think that our identity is lost with it and at some point, we try to find it again later in life” (7). Students are able to see a different point of view rather than only the perspectives of textbook writers who at times deprive students from the full truth and the media who exaggerates or embellishes the truth. Many artists and musicians express their anger and oppression through music and students are able to listen to this and get the complete synopsis of problems happening in the world. For instance, in “The Embodiment of Salsa: Musicians, Instrument and the Performance of a Latina Style and Identity,” Patria Roman-Velasquez argued that the embodiment of salsa develops through specific practices whereby instruments, performance techniques, vocal sounds, bodily movements and ways of dressing are encoded and experienced as part of a particular Latin identity. Therefore, this expressing that music has much of an influence in Latin identity and the construction of identity and
Every culture has their own unique and distinguishing characteristics. One’s cultural identity defines who they are as an individual, group, and community. Their cultural identity may be reflected in numerous ways such as: language, communication styles, religion, beliefs, values, clothing, or other types of aesthetic markers. Cultural identity is formed by many of these traits but is not limited to these specifically. This essay will provide detailed information on Mexican Americans, and their ancestry and heritage. I will also explain about this cultures central beliefs and values, while incorporating information on Mexican Americans, cultural patterns, cultural identity, and their cultures communication characteristics and styles.
As part of the Grupo Folklorico “Sol Azteca,” I have acquired knowledge in regards to the Hispanic Heritage. This has been due to the fact
Below, I will discuss the results of a multicultural self-assessment that I took. I will describe a time in which I felt “other”. I will then proceed to explain my personal feelings regarding each. I will discuss a course of action I plan to take as a result of the multicultural assessment. I will develop a counseling identity statement. Finally, I will explain why multicultural awareness and cultural competency are important in the field of counseling.
Today, people-who do not study music- tend to group different musical genres under the same category. Although there are many genres that share musical characteristics, it does not specifically mean that they fall under the same musical category. One of the controversial questions ethnomusicologist that study Latin America-or anyone else who is interested in the subject-face is can huichol music groups be considered “traditional mariachi”
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, popular music and culture became significant influences on the lives of many individuals within the city of Los Angeles. East Los Angeles (“East L.A.” or “the Eastside”), in particular, was a center of flourishing musical, cultural, and social scenes with strong connections to the changing Chicano/a identity. Under this environment in which the Chicano movement (moviemiento) continued to prevail, a large number of socially aware and politically active, Latin-fusion “Chicano” bands were developed. One of such was the Ozomatli band, who strived to express their activist viewpoints through popular music. The spatial context of the band’s emergence, their links to past musical movements, and their implementation of a wide array of musical styles and genres all define their impact on Chicano identity in Los Angeles. Through their music, the Ozomatli band has showed much about the importance of the changing Chicano culture and served as the framework for cultural and social dynamics of present-day Los Angeles.
The concept of globalization, which is the increasing integration and interdependence of different countries from one another in terms of economic, communication, and technological aspects, leads one to address the concept of cultural diversity or multiculturalism. Cultural diversity in the health-care system touches lives of many Americans in one way or another. No matter what our own cultural background is, when we go receive medical care, we may encounter a care giver who comes from a different cultural background than ours(Naylor 1997,291).. In the concept of cultural diversity, it can be recognized that two terms are equally important. The first concept is culture, which refers to the total way of life of individuals, and the unique
There are a lot of times I have been place in multicultural cultural settings. My reaction to multicultural setting is no different than a native setting. I treat foreigners with the same respect I treat with English speaking people. You will be surpise how many foreigners think like Americans
For my multicultural experience, I went to an Easter Sunday non-denominational Christian sermon at one of the most widely known churches in my Oklahoma City, Crossings Community Church. The service consisted of many elements, from live orchestral and choral music to the incorporation of multimedia video streaming. The service lasted an hour at most but was jam packed with information. Although the service took place on Easter Sunday, the sermon topic was “love,” not a stereotypical presentation about how Jesus rose again from the dead, and all the other Easter related theme’s that might be expected, which was actually rather refreshing. Overall, the whole service was much more interesting than I thought it would be.
Culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Is it a good thing to become culturally enlightened? This is the topic that stood out to me in Alice Walker's “Everyday Use”. The world is as big as you make it, and everyone is a part of a culture involuntarily. Whether they have been taught one, or learned a new one. Multiculturalism can be seen in the oldest daughter’s role showing benefits to your family, connections that can be established, and personal health would be positively affected.