
My, My Grandmother, Jean Griffin

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My research garment will be taken from a picture of my Grandmother, Jean Griffin. My grandmother (J.B.Griffin, personal communication, October, 15, 2015) described all the details about this photograph. She said she is pictured at 23 years old walking her 10-month old daughter, Mary Joyce. Jean is my maternal grandmother, and has three boys and four girls. Jean dressed up everywhere she went. Whether she was going to the store or church, she always had makeup, heels, and a nice outfit. My mother (J.G Jackson, personal communication, October 17, 2015) states this picture represents Jean’s daily life. She didn’t have a driver’s license, so she walked everywhere. This picture was taken in San Diego, California, in April, of 1959. My grandparents and their children moved to San Diego so my Grandfather John could do his internship and residency at the Naval Hospital. If observing the photograph carefully enough Jean has s a small baby bump. Jean was 5 months pregnant with her second child James. She is wearing a Maternity jacket and a skirt. The jacket has a bow neck collar with a large bow. The sleeves have ruching with buttons at the hem of the sleeve. The jacket is straight with no defined waist. The structure of the jacket was made for a pregnant woman so it would allow someone to continue to wear it throughout her pregnancy. The skirt hits mid calf and is also a loose straight skirt. Both garments in the ensemble are not form fitting. The ensemble at first looks as if it

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