Being a nurse is not always easy. We never know what time has in store for us. Nursing is very demanding profession that requires a lot of dedication and commitment. Clinical education is recognized as an essential, fundamental and highly significant component of professional education for nursing. Clinical practice provides student nurses the opportunity to develop their clinical skills, particularly the patient care skills. It is one of the ways used to increase the nursing students’ professional competence. During our final years in high school, the curriculum was based on Leadership and Management which was so easy in theories. As soon as the clinical practice started, it was really getting difficult. We had to take turns to act as a student in-charge in a particular ward of the hospital for 3weeks. We were assigned in …show more content…
My partner had to take over me. The presentation went bad. I was worried. I still had loads of work to do and it was already tiring. I wanted to give up. As the saying goes, we cannot refuse to be challenged in our lives, but we can still choose not to lose. But it was based on whole curriculum of final year and the scores of our final year was lot dependent upon this. So, I continued, I was hoping to do well the next day. The next day was okay, the teachers gave us a positive feedback. The days were going on and on, I gave my best although it was exhausting. There were times when teachers were not satisfied but we kept going. The ward started running smoothly without any obstacles, everybody was performing well. We were praised for our works. The patient were happy as we also focused on keeping the ward tidy. We got compliments from them too. It felt good, there was satisfaction within myself. During the end of our turn, the teachers were satisfied, the staffs, colleagues, juniors as well as the patients. I scored 92% and I was also
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student, myself, to rediscover his or her personal philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program. Throughout the semesters, the view I had on what nursing meant to me has grown deeper, but one thing has stayed the same; my philosophy. In my philosophy project from the very first semester, I stated that nursing involves many different parts that all come together to make one great final end product, just like cookies. I compared nursing parts and all the different items nurses bring into the field, to being similar to the ingredients used to make cookies. I still believe that nursing is comprised of many different parts that all come together in order to give the best patient care possible. The personal philosophy paper now is an extension on that first semester’s assignment, to show the growth and development I have had while in this nursing program. It will explore what my personal definition of nursing is, the purpose of nursing, what assumptions in nursing there are, and will conclude with the principles of nursing.
To understand nursing philosophy, you must first understand what nursing means to you as an individual. To me nursing as well as nursing philosophy involves providing individualized holistic care to a patient, family, community, or even one’s own self. Holistic care is providing care involving the mind, body, spirit, and environment.
Nursing philosophies is derived from both individual and professional organizational aspects, which can greatly influence one’s personal perceptions of the profession, nursing. Every nurse should have a philosophy or a set of beliefs upon which to base nursing action. It is important to note that philosophies of nursing are dynamic in nature and may change throughout time. Having a written philosophy is not only considered as an academic exercise but also a requirement of professional accrediting bodies. A Philosophy’s distinctive contribution comes in the education of nurses and teachers and in the development of nursing theory and research. More importantly, philosophy strongly affects the formulation of personal values which underlines
anything thrown your way, yet sympathetic enough to be understanding of it. There is so much
This paper brings up my personal nursing philosophy that I am planning to deliver in my nursing career. I believe that nursing is more than merely as a profession, it also involves my medical knowledge combined it with a commitment to quality nursing care with compassion, respect, dignity, and advocacy for each patient. I believe that the interdisciplinary care and collaboration in the medical field are crucial elements that lead to a healthy relationship among healthcare professionals in promoting quality patient care that is individualized to each patient’s needs.
My personal philosophy of healthcare is something that I want to perfect, and change to make sure, I look to it at times when I might doubt myself or even question why I want to be a registered nurse in the first place. The American Nursing Association defines nursing as the “Abilities to protect, promote, and prevent injury and illness, alleviate suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of families, individuals, communities, and populations” (American Nurses Association, 2014). However, nursing is a lot more than these points that were stated above and in this paper I will be discussing my personal philosophy as a future registered nurse. A belief that I will incorporate, in my philosophy of healthcare are as follows: striving to be the
This paper explores the personal nursing philosophy I plan to convey in my personal career. This philosophy is going to be described in my own terms to explain what being a nurse means to me. I believe that there are a number of factors that are important to be successful in the nursing field. I believe that being a nurse it takes commitment to accountability, professionalism, and compassion for the ill. I will explain each one of these in my paper and what they mean to me.
I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the syllabus and the sections in the Catalog relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University.
The journey to development of my personal philosophy of nursing quite possibly began in my preteen and teenage years. It was brought about from experiences I had when I was doing missions work in Mexico. While these missions left quite an impact upon me, it did not end there. Time, age, experience and education also played critical roles in development of my personal nursing philosophy. These factors have helped my nursing philosophy grow and has allowed me to refine it. The purpose of this paper is to identify according to my views, what nursing is, my perspective of nursing, values and beliefs about nursing, ascertain two principles or rules that guide my nursing practice, and finally a reflection and conclusion.
Task You are required to reflect on your own and your family's experience of health care, and the experiences, beliefs and assumptions that have led you to choose to study nursing. You are then required to explore the views and theories articulated by nursing theorists published in scholarly literature, and apply what you learn to develop a personal nursing philosophy of care (1800 words +/- 10% including in-text references). Introduction The focus of this essay is to demonstrate an understanding of my own experiences of health care, and beliefs and assumptions that have led me to choose to study nursing.
Nursing is based on caring in nursing. Compassion and concern for protecting and enhancing the
The development of a philosophy related to the profession of nursing is important in that it provides a framework for the nurse to base his/her work on. Philosophy is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means”. In other words, philosophies are based on beliefs and assumptions with an overall goal of obtaining an objective which states the nurse’s purpose in the profession. In my undergraduate nursing program I was exposed to multiple nursing concepts that guided my practice. Coupled with my ten years of experience in the nursing field, I was enabled to formulate my own framework or guide to nursing. The paradigm which resonates with me the most is the interactive-integrative perspective as it views practice “as having multiple, interrelated parts in relation to a specific context.” (Newman, Sime, & Corcoran-Perry, 1991, p.38). My framework includes three main components: the client, the professional nurse, and the nurse-client relationship.
My love for nursing started as a young kid growing up and watching my aunt care passionately for the sick and the less privileged for many years. I somehow picked interest in the profession and that ultimately led me to choose nursing as a career. First I think in order to identify my personal nursing philosophy I have to define nursing. Although nursing can mean different things to different people, The American nursing association defined nursing as “the protection, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA,2012). I believe that personal philosophy of nursing is important to the professional nurse and to me in particular because it demonstrates the principals and personal values that will be evident throughout my nursing career.
A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step, a Chinese proverb that I have come to live by through my journey of nursing. I never thought in a millions years that I would have become a nurse. When I was younger nursing was the only profession my mother pushed. It was as if everyone in our family had to be a nurse. Honestly, I think I rebelled from the thought of being a nurse simply because it was my mothers desire for my life. I went from wanting to become a lawyer, to a therapist, to a pharmacist, to even a radiology tech. Ultimately; nursing became the clear path that God wanted for me. Interestingly enough I have come to realize my personal
In the fall of 1862, a war raged between the union and confederate forces at the Battle of Antietam. More than 130,000 soldiers fought, more than 22,000 were wounded. On the battlefront was a woman, Ms. Clara Barton, nicknamed the “Angel of the Battlefield”. Ms. Barton observed the strain of frontline battle, namely hunger, sickness, and wounds and once said “I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them”. (CITATION) It is this same dedication to nursing and our armed forces that drives my philosophy of nursing.