Although you far from them, the love still exist. The story “The waiting man” was written by Andria Wu. The poem “my other Half” was written by Tabitha R. Scoot. Both of the story and the poem give the reader the strong feeling about the love, and also sad.
First, both “The Waiting man” and the “My other Half” give the strong feeling about the love. In the story “The waiting Man” the writer wrote “The night was muggy,no cooler than the train station, and he found no cool relief, leaning against the wall of the building.” It's shows Shan's feeling and action when he knew the Meifei's died, he doesn't have ant strength when he hear this message, and he also can not think anything. It's important because the train station was not really cold,
In “The Poem You Asked For” by Larry Levis, he is comparing writing a poem by comparing it to a plant, stubborn person, and toad. Larry Levis, a 20th-century writer is well known for his brevity and surprise approach in poetry. This poem magnifies the complications that authors may face while trying to write something of such importance. The speaker uses an abundant amount of figurative language to personify how writing is so difficult, and can lead to many difficulties and dead ends. The author uses figurative language to portray the theme of difficulties in the writing process such as: difficulties prewriting, writers block, and how hard it is to let go of writing as an author.
The American Dream is the national ethos that people’s lives would better and more abundant with many opportunities. Although the “American Dream” is still possible, many minorities, a vast portion of people in low to middle class, are affected by the lack of social mobility. As a result, minorities fail to have a sense of the realization of the American Dream because of the fewer advantage and more problems we have to endure. Some advantages comes from the upper class and how they are fortunate to be wealthy to obtain good education and wealth. Ultimately, minorities are suffering within our society because we face intersectionality issues, having fewer opportunities, and are often struggling The article by Steve Lopez, “ LA’s Crisis:
. The video “To this day” by Shane Koyczan, based on the poem by the same name, is a little boy with an unfortunate nickname of porkchop that led to bullying throughout his life. They have Koyczan the nickname porkchop when they heard his story that he used to call porkchops karate chops. Koyczan wrote the poem because he is noting how people get bullied and that he also got bullied also that bullying is still going on. What he also explains in his poem is that kids can break and nobody hears how nobody cares or knows.
Is love always beautiful? It will be great if it is, but life is not a romantic Disney story. Do not kid yourself into believing that every love story has a happy ending, because in reality, such perfection never exists. Indeed, love can sometimes be the cause of one’s downfall by turning his or her life into turmoil. Worst, it can scarily be used to justify one’s action in harming others. In The Jade Peony written by Wayson Choy, Sek Lung informs us of the existence of a Romeo and Juliet kind of tragedy through his narration of the love story of Meiying, his babysitter to whom he looks up. This forbidden love had unfortunately caused Meiying to be a criminal because her pregnancy had given her a reason to commit a sin towards the pure-hearted life growing in her womb. In the last chapter of the book, Meiying was discovered with “[…] two long knitting needles glinting between [her] legs” (Choy 275), showing her effort in aborting her baby. Meiying has bravely decided to put an end to the life of her own child using her own two hands because of the external and internal pressures surrounding her pregnancy. Meiying thinks that her pregnancy is socially unacceptable and it clashes with her interests.
A study was conducted to show a link between football and brain damage and to show the dangerous effects that football has on the brain. 111 NFL players but one had a brain disease referred to as chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE. Further investigations have shown that American NFL players have a higher chance of developing neurological conditions such as CTE. CTE is a neurological disease that occurs when someone has had repeated brain trauma. Symptoms of CTE can effect one's behavior, memory, mood, and can cause dementia. 87 percent of NFL players had CTE, but the rate was 99 percent higher. Players with a mild case of CTE had played for 13 years, while others with a severe case of CTE had a career lasting 15 years. These brain injuries
Sharon Olds in "True Love" wonders about a true meaning of love in her uniquely written poem about a married couple. She hints that true love is about belonging to one another. That belonging or self-possession is reflected via ties of marriage. She further says that children, which are a product of marriage, only tighten marital bonds even more. The speaker starts her poem by describing two people having sex and looking at each other in a “complete friendship”. However, as much as the poem at first seems to have a positive meaning, the message appears to be quite opposite. In fact, “after making love, we look at each other in complete friendship" (2-3) sounds odd if used when describing the love between friends with benefits or a married couple. Friends with benefits contribute to unhealthy relationships that they are in, which is built on lust and only physical desire. Her poem, perhaps is an ironic portrayal of true love. A true love, if it even exists, is very difficult to preserve and can take a different turn especially within the marriage.
There are many types of love in the world, and many different ways to love a person. Without the right type of love, one’s personal growth is often stunted and it can prove to be detrimental to one’s wellbeing. This is shown and explored in both “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “Do You Know Where I Am?” by Sherman Alexie. Although the characters differ in gender and mental health, they are both stuck in marriages that lack communication and ultimately, the type of love they need.
Both, the poem “Reluctance” by Robert Frost and “Time Does Not Bring Relief” by Edna St. Vincent Millay, revolved around the theme of lost love. Each poet used a similar array of poetic devices to express this theme. Visual imagery was one of the illustrative poetic devices used in the compositions. Another poetic device incorporated by both poets in order to convey the mood of the poems was personification. And by the same token, metaphors were also used to help express the gist of both poems. Ergo, similar poetic devices were used in both poems to communicate the theme of grieving the loss of a loved one.
The poem "A Song of Changgan" is very poignant, as it starts with a bashful girl who does not even smile around her husband and ends with her almost heartbroken, as her husband is far away. The poem shows the different stages of the relationship of the speaker and her husband, and it is an excellent example of long-distance relationships before modern communication systems.
“Elvis’s Twin Sister” is a comical dramatic monologue in the character of Elvis’s imagined twin sister who is a nun and lives in a convent according to Duffy. Presley had a twin brother who died in childbirth, however, Duffy imagines him to be alive but as a girl. Henceforth, the poet shows similarities and differences between Elvis and his fictional female twin sister. Moreover, the poem incorporates Elvis’s rock ‘n’ roll music along with Christianity from a female perspective. This essay will examine the structure, imagery and language used in the poem to contrast Elvis’s life along with his imaginary sister who is a nun and the lavishness of rock ‘n’ roll.
First of all, Shan didn't have any memories of being with Meifeng. In the story, the writer wrote,“They had skyped several times.” and “They were scheduled to meet.” Although the speaker from the poem 's pup was dead, the speaker still had the memories which his pup played with him and brought happiness to him, but Shan even didn't have the chance to stand beside Meifeng and talk to each other face to face. The speaker from the poem always kissed
Letitia Elizabeth Landon is recognized as the most read British poet of the early nineteenth century. Landon is regarded as a renaissance woman—among the first wave of women to gain individual recognition, financial independence, prestigious literary acclaim, and supporters of her unique style of poetry. Landon published an enormous amount of literature from 1820-1838; generating seven book of poetry, creating literary annuals, authoring three novels, several children’s stories, publishing translations, a number of short stories, and providing literary reviews/criticism. The quality of Landon’s work speaks for itself and is consistently reviewed in the literary society. For this paper I intended to compare and contrast the textual similarities and differences of Letitia Elizabeth Landon and George Gordon, Lord Byron—using literary devices and subject matter.
The poem “How Do I Love Thee”, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and “What Lips My Lips Have Kissed”, by Edna Vincent Millay are both well-known poems that both have themes of love. (LIT, Kirszner & Mandell, Pg. 490). In both poems the poet helps the reader experience a lot of emotion with the use of certain words. There are speakers in both poems. In Mrs. Browning’s poem, the speaker is undefined, leaving open that the speaker could be a he or she. Millay’s poem which is written in first person, the speaker is more defined leading the reader to believe it is a she who is talking about love in the past tense. Both poems are sonnets written with fourteen lines, and written in Italian style. When comparing these poems we will be looking at the use of rhyme scheme and metaphors and how they were used to express emotions in these two sonnet poems.
The way Granny Lin describes her relationship with Kang also shows how she has been deprived of romantic love her whole life. She “wonders if this is the love she missed in her younger years, hand and hand with a dear boy” and in the closing lines of the story she calls her time with Kang “her brief love story” (Li 18, 22).
Vengeance flings the driver’s door OPEN. He gets out and SLAMS the car door shut. He walks with a limp towards Jillian. Holding a butcher knife that drips blood onto the ground.