
My Pants Are Bloody From Living Santeria Analysis

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Natasha Nowicki
Professor Lockler
REL 3375
May 23, 2016
An analysis of Santería and the struggle with identity
My Pants Are Bloody from Living Santeria: Rituals and Experiences in an Afro-Cuban Religion, written by Michael Atwood Mason, is an exemplary piece of writing that identifies the issues related to identity, and explores the idea of acceptance into mainstream society. The reader is introduced to Jose, a Cuban American, who appears to be living a double life. Outside of his home, he presents as a fully engaging member of American society, having the opportunity to travel often with his employment, yet inside his home, Jose is an oríaté for those that practice Santería, being responsible for divination and rituals associated with the religion. While, for the most part, Jose is able to keep these two lives separate, Mason draws attention to the occasion when the two intertwine, and Jose finds himself in a public place with bloody …show more content…

Looking to Santería’s future, and the recent restored diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, Cuban social, political and economic structures will be affected, and it will be interesting to see if there is an increase in the number of global Santería worshippers, as the rest of the world becomes more familiar with Santería customs and practices. Until we start talking and finding out about Santeria, those who practice may continue to feel uncomfortable and our main challenge as humans is to accept and embrace diversity and change. Although caution must be exercised, as highlighted by Mason (2002), it is imperative that we comprehend that our understanding of another person’s culture can only be explained in the context of one’s own cultural experiences and

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