
My Papa's Waltz Literary Devices

Decent Essays

A parent in a child's life is a role model in there eyes. If one has bad influences on your child, in what way do would think one may impact on his or her life. The narrative poem “My papa’s Waltz”, is written by Theodore Roethke in 1948. Papa is a extremely hard working man by the show of his hands. Papa and his son are in the kitchen waltzing around remarkably rough, while mother is not too happy about it. While the father and son are dancing around the son keeps getting hurt. While in the end papa waltzed his son right off to bed. In the narrative poem “My Papa’s Waltz”, Roethke uses symbolism and imagery to reveal the theme, parents impact children's life, even after they are grown.
Dealing with an alcoholic parent can be frightening to …show more content…

A child always leans on a parent for help trying to determine what is right and wrong. “ You beat time on my head / With a palm caked hard by dirt,”(13-14). While using imagery and symbolism, the word “caked” is highly descriptive. The dirt symbolizes all of the mistakes. Every time the dad misses a step, the son get blamed for it. This is another factor that could scare a child while being around an alcoholic parent. As a parent, one may not realizes how much they are impacting on your child’s life. “At every step you missed / My right ear scraped a buckle”(11-12). As the dad stumbles, his son is young and short. The father does not realize his son is getting hurt at this moment. Not only because the son is shorter but because the dad is drunk and he is physically and mentally impaired. This frightens the son, he does not know what will happen next or if he will continue to get hurt.
While one parent might be abusive, the other parent might be too afraid to step up and take control. While the two are in the kitchen, the mother sees her son getting hurt but does not do anything to stop the situation. “My mother’s countenance / Could not unfrown itself” (7-8). Using imagery in two lines, shows the mother is sad, she stands still and still does nothing. As co-parenting some parents are too afraid to stand up for their children. This will impact her son’s life later down the road when something needs

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