My peer assessment values, versus my supervisor expectations, shows overall I am performing well. There was minimal weakness in three roles; producer, broker, and coordinator. All three of these roles fell across 3 separate quadrants; Create, Execute, and Control. Although the weakness was small when measured by the negative 0.2 gap across the roles, it does show a margin of growth or change that could be available for me to meet or exceed expectations. My supervisor scored the highest roles in the same three I indicated slight weaknesses; producer, broker, and coordinator. The team indicator that my supervisor scored the highest was the task indicator. I was actually surprised by the team task score being the highest from my supervisor, because he does not participate in our group work or team efforts and yet he seems to value a team environment. There was no gap between the peer and expectation on the team task indicator. This would suggest I am performing as expected in this role. …show more content…
It made me feel good about myself and showed me that even though I may not feel that I am not performing well, like the mentor role; my peers feel that I am. I tend to be hard on myself and meet or exceed what others may expect of me. This was truly the first time I realized how effective I am in a team environment. I honestly have shied away from group related tasks in the past, it has only been in recent years that I reached out to others and felt we could accomplish so much more as a group. The degree of how well we were doing was only measured by the completion of a task, but this has shown me an in depth view of the dynamic nature of group
It taught me a lot on how to really listen to those commercials and ads on tv and better understand them. Before when I was listening to ads I really was just hearing a bunch of words but now that I know what I'm looking for they make so much more sense to me. Also I like the fact that i can pick out all the logical fallacies in the commercials now. When we first started the project i really didn't understand those but as i looked for them i realized how easy it is to see them. I also felt smarter when listening to them because of it haha. This project also made me more aware of other ways to look a subjects. I see it's important to listen to both sides of the story before deciding because everyone is really in it for themselves. It also really showed that if as a country we actually worked together we would do so much better then we
The category in which I rated as only good, or a possible opportunity for improvement, is synergize. I believe I scored myself low in two out of three categories because it has been an incredible weakness in the past and one I have been working on for quite some time. While I have significantly improved in this area I continually work on this factor of working better with people by seeking their input. In doing so, I rate myself harshly on this aspect, despite the progress I have made, because I am not as competent as I would like to be.
It is a pleasure to read your post. From a Christian point of view, the Bible is the word of God,2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul asserted that the Bible equips for good work, is beneficial for correction, rebuke and training in righteousness. God’s word gives the view of life and His absolute standards. The Bible is not irrelevant to ethics but, instead, it is the foundation for ethics.
I also made some friends of different places like Ann from Kerala. In this activity I have learned how to work and manage all the stuff of understanding in the group which is good to learn as in future when I will do a job it will help me to make coordination and manage in the work.
Both assessments were accurate in the description of my strengths and leadership style. The test results offered me tools to reinforce the strong aspects of my style without negative feedback. I will use the positive results of both assessments to align my job and goals with my natural talents. Sharing this plan with those around me will help me develop their strengths and lead to a more positive and productive environment (Rath, 2007).
Though I tried my best to work well with the people around me, it was just something that everyone obviously struggled with and unfortunately there was a lot of room left for improvement. Though I do believe I tried my hardest in all that I did, so I’m happy I achieved at least one of my goals.
Personally, I believe that both criteria should be taken into account when assessing your colleague’s work. Ideas will fundamentally support your argument, and proper English grammar will present it in a clear, structured way, promoting the fluency of these very ideas. In some extend, one criteria are not detached from the other, since you can have great ideas and fail in defending them, or have great grammar but no ideas to present. Thus, in my opinion, these two criteria are sides of the same coin, and should be taken into account while evaluating peer works.
Besides bringing to the forefront skills that I excel in, the project also taught me a lot about areas I need to improve on in order to succeed in the business world. The Shred415 case taught me a lot about the way I work with others. Looking back to the start of the project I would have to say I took a back seat, letting others lead. I did what was asked of me, but didn't go that extra step. As the
If we use the Zenger-Folkman evaluation I received and place it in context with Jim Collins’ Level 5 Hierarchy, we would see that I fall within the “Effective” level of leadership. There are areas that I am strong at and areas that could use definite improvement. An “Effective” leader is one who stimulates high standards and has a dedicated vision. I expect high standards out of those who I work with. I do my best to communicate these standards so that everyone is aware of what I
Below the accountability table, the report illustrates a bar graph called “Performance Index Report”. The expected scores for the following indices were: Index 1 (student’s achievements target):60, Index 2 (Student Progress): 32, Index 3 (Closing Performance Gaps):28, and Index 4 (Postsecondary readiness target):12 (2016 Accountability Summary). In comparison, Richard J. Wilson Elementary had the following scores: Index 1: 73, Index 2:46, Index 3: 45, and Index 4: 33 (Accountability Summary, 2016).
One thing I realized from doing this project was that I was motivated. For example, group work helped me to stay motivated and focused on the topic even when the topic sometimes confused me. This is because group work allowed me to interact and discuss the topic with group members instead of just reading articles. Moreover, it forced me to be responsible to others and, frequently then, to do more and better work on the project than I might have done when only responsible
Peer evaluation is a term that gives a description of the assessment progress that allows learners to self-evaluate their performance together with that of other learners. Peer evaluation is a valuable assessment that is required in the organization. Any firm that implements peer evaluation has records of high productivity. The company uses information from the outcome of the assessment to improve on the working conditions of the workers. In addition, learners who are beneficiaries of peer evaluation have the task of assessing the thinking capability of their peer members and measure how their contribution could benefit the organization. The assessment procedure double-checks the capability of all the learners and their contribution to making the company productive. Peer evaluation is a process that involves activities like listening, problem solving and analysis. The activities above help in ensuring that the company succeeds in the implementation of strategies that the evaluator was evaluating. The procedure of peer evaluation is significant especially in the time of sharpening the skills of the workers. As a major role in the company, peer evaluation helps in exposing capability of the worker. The use of the concept in the company assists in giving group members with an opportunity of facing the reality. Members participating in the activity will have the chance of learning new things first from
I was able to connect with others that were in the group and felt comfortable around those people to share what my life experiences were. As I worked with other employees at my jobs, I always took the role of the leader so I was able to explain and train others on how to complete their jobs on time and correctly. Also, as I listened to others gave me better knowledge on how to communicate with others when trying to explain a situation. I learned you have to listen and ask questions to others when they are trying to explain something to you so you can gain the knowledge that you need to complete your task. Even though I went through really tough experiences when I was younger, I would not change anything that I went through. If I had not went through those experiences I would not have become the woman, the mother, and the leader that I am
It was a big eye opener, learning about how to prioritize the task within a team. I am completely guilty of usually wanting to knock out the easiest task first and save the challenging task for last. I learned the importance of tackling the easy projects last, consequently they do not require using up valuable resources and time. Projects that we are not familiar with or require more time should be started immediately. This leaves time for any snags that come along the way of completion. Setting these goals in the beginning of a project, present the whole team with the big picture. Present the team with a big picture, allows the team to distinguish the priorities of the task. Leaving your team in the dark does not allow
In retrospect, participating in this activity was very enlightening. It allowed me to fully observe interaction of a group. I realized the importance of having a facilitator in a group to enable effectual participation in the group. I observed the shifting role of the facilitator during the meeting. From the beginning when she clarified the purpose of the meeting to when she shared her experiences and encouraged members to do the same, and finally when she gave a closing statement of what was discussed during the meeting and the goal for the next session. From watching, I saw how the facilitator structured the meeting in the beginning when members were discussing among themselves; she put everything in order by saying what needed to be done. I also observed group respect among the members; they all listened attentively to each other without interruptions. Also at the end of the meeting, the facilitator concluded with a statement of what was discussed and