
My Peer Assessment Roles Versus My Supervisor Expectations

Decent Essays

My peer assessment values, versus my supervisor expectations, shows overall I am performing well. There was minimal weakness in three roles; producer, broker, and coordinator. All three of these roles fell across 3 separate quadrants; Create, Execute, and Control. Although the weakness was small when measured by the negative 0.2 gap across the roles, it does show a margin of growth or change that could be available for me to meet or exceed expectations. My supervisor scored the highest roles in the same three I indicated slight weaknesses; producer, broker, and coordinator. The team indicator that my supervisor scored the highest was the task indicator. I was actually surprised by the team task score being the highest from my supervisor, because he does not participate in our group work or team efforts and yet he seems to value a team environment. There was no gap between the peer and expectation on the team task indicator. This would suggest I am performing as expected in this role. …show more content…

It made me feel good about myself and showed me that even though I may not feel that I am not performing well, like the mentor role; my peers feel that I am. I tend to be hard on myself and meet or exceed what others may expect of me. This was truly the first time I realized how effective I am in a team environment. I honestly have shied away from group related tasks in the past, it has only been in recent years that I reached out to others and felt we could accomplish so much more as a group. The degree of how well we were doing was only measured by the completion of a task, but this has shown me an in depth view of the dynamic nature of group

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