
My Perceptions Of The Environment And The Amount Of Control

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Based on my responses to my perceptions of the environment and the amount of control I feel I have, the VISA evaluation validated my perception about my leadership proficiencies. This evaluation indicated a “Dominance” personality as a leader. According to my VISA profile there is a strong emphasis on Vision and Action which echoes the dimensions that form my leadership style. Interdependence and Structure have been indicated to be the less developed areas in my evaluation profile. This also confirms my perceptions as I find rigorous adherence to policies and procedures sometimes stifling progress and my dominant preference of action approach resonance with my desire to be goal oriented, action driven to achieve results and freedom to make quick decisions. Having Vision couple with Action reaffirms my personality in a sense that I am future-orientated, love creativity and innovative thinking, and tends to seek unique accomplishments and innovative solutions. I enjoy tackling varies activities and embrace a wide range of tasks. I am also high in conscientiousness and tend to use a systematic approach on problem solving. When working with others, I have a tendency to be diplomatic and use an indirect approach to avoid conflict. This illustrative VISA profile is therefore well-aligned with my character and leadership assessment.

While Vision is more dominant, the Action element compliments my behavioural drive for my visionary outlook. I embrace change and view the use of

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