My Personal Code of Ethic Personal ethic is what a person believes about morality and right and wrong. Ethic should and can give real and practical guidance to our lives: gives our best rational interests and without sacrificing others. My family, friends, and education have played profound roles in the development of my personal ethic: conscience, personal integrity, responsibility, and egalitarianism. Additionally, these influences approaches to determining what conduct is consistent with these key values. Before I was in elementary school, I was living with my grandparents because of my parents’ work. My grandmother often sent the food to the homeless people, even sometimes they wanted to defraud her money, but she still kept sending the food to them. Likewise, she always taught me to help the poor, the disabled and people who need help, also not hurting others, either in psychological or physiological. My grandmother never went to school, she even does not know how to write her name, but the only thing she has is the conscience. Conscience is a human ability to distinguish right from wrong. Due to the influence of conscience, when you do something wrong, you will feel remorse. It can also be seen in the human conscience to distinguish right and wrong when, as a determination reference values. Through her action, it reminds me that what I had learned in ethics course- Kantianism. Kant says, requires that one possess a good will, the good will is the only unconditional
In her essay, “Superhero Worship” published in The Atlantic Virginia Postrel discusses how people limit themselves to try to become what they are not. Although people view celebrity impact on society as positive, Postrel argues that superhero’s or celebrities limit ordinary people 's lives because they strive to be what they can not.
My personal Code of Ethics includes Respect, Integrity, Fairness and Caring. Some situations in life may be subjective, but what matters is making sure the results are fair for all parties. Through the years I have found identifying and setting personal values to be increasingly difficult since the right decisions aren’t always appeasing to all that are involved. Every decision made or not made is definitive of myself, and in believing so removing the need to conform to standards imposed by society.
A code of ethics is defined as a set of principles, values, beliefs, and rules that define the conduct of a person. This helps a person to determine the correct behaviors that should be expressed in every moment of his/her life as well as analyze what is good or bad in present. Practice the code of ethics is important in all situations because the moral is implicit in everything we do. Hence, the importance of making sure that what you do is right. In the article “How to Write a Personal Code of Ethics?” shows the importance of dedicate time to do a Code of ethics about us. This is because develop a code of ethics is not harder as too many people belief, but because it requires a lot of thinking. There is explain the importance of follow four
Juvenile Probation Officers and Parole Agents require much patience as well as the ability to follow certain orderly conduct. Officers are given a group of individuals to monitor on a daily basis that are also known as caseloads. Each caseload is different for every officer. The juvenile(s) involved have unique behavioral patterns and backgrounds that construct the outcome of how each case may proceed. Therefore, it is required that all officers follow the code of ethics as a guide to an easier handling of your caseload as well as the everyday production of your job requirements.
As a social work undergraduate, we have several queries regarding why it is so important to follow the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons, as applied to a specific case where we are delivering social work. It is very essential to recognize the five core values of social work, service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, and integrity and competence on our occupation of social work. Today, we have chosen two areas and situations of how we are going to deal with our biases and our challenges while working as social workers, by employing the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons.
In my code of ethics the primary principles are integrity, respect, and empathy. I have always lived my life based off of theses three principles. Sometimes it feels challenging to live by these principles, but I always remember what my parents have taught me and I get motivated to keep living off these principles. My parent’s happiness matters a lot to me and that helps me stay motivated. I would never do something that would upset my parents or make them ashamed of me. They have given me everything I ever needed in life and taught me everything I know today. My decision making process revolves around how I feel about a particular situation because every situation has a different solution. So my decision making process is Intuitive because it depends on my perspective on that particular situation. My decision-making comes natural when I am put in a situation to make a decision. Also making my parent proud and respecting them helps me stays motivated to do the right things and follow my personal principles of integrity, respect, and empathy.
My personal code of chivalry is to stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves. Those who are less fortunate, mentally challenged, and or physically disabled. I was raised in a house where you respect and stand up for anyone in need. Being a bully was not tolerated in my house, being a friend to all was expected by my parents. My mom told me at a young age “everyone understands a smile”, whether they speak the same language, have a handicap, or are considered an outcast. A smile can go a long way, and make anyone feel included.
I will carry out all my duties professionally, Ethically and show objectivity in my judgement.
To help them understand that kids are love and joy and whatever they are doing they need guidance and not always a lecture. I will help them to see that it is not, how smart their children are, it is how are their children smart. I will help encourage them that even if their children are not going to be doctors or lawyers, they have a perfect place to be in this world.
I will show more compassion for all others. In my professional and personal life, I will take the time to listen to people and be genuine with help I offer.
.My own personal code of ethics consists of important key factors to my patients satisfaction. The two below, to me, are very important factors. It is important to me to make sure that my patients are always in a safe and clean environment. It is important to be aware or hazards so you are not accused of neglect. It is also a must to treat all patients the way I would like to be treated in return. Their happiness is what keeps them a patient at the medical practice that I work at.
My personal code of ethics has helped me achieve my goals in life and do well in school. Whenever I have to do something that is important to me, I make sure to keep my code of ethics in mind. My code of ethics comes from the values my parents have imposed on me and the lessons they have taught me throughout my life. Whenever I make a mistake or get in trouble, they make sure I understand what I did wrong and make sure I understand the consequences that I will endure if something like that happens again. The mistakes I have made helped me realize that I need to take responsibility for my actions. My principles have developed with my experiences as well. For example, during a tennis tournament that I played in last year, I had to compete against a girl that was very good athlete and won many more tournaments that I have participated in. Even though I knew I would lose, I didn’t give up after the first game; I continued
I developed my personal code of ethics by reviewing my life and reflecting on the values I have been taught and what I performed the most. I also remembered the ethics that other people I respect have offered so I adopted them and incorporated those into my daily life. Most of these I have learned to perform because I was educated with a Biblical worldview all my life so the Bible is my foundation for most of these. All of these ethics are utilized in keeping me on the righteous path of life and making sure I am pointed in the right direction.
Integrity is a high standard of living based on a personal code of morality that doesn’t succumb to the whim of the moment or the dictates of the majority. Integrity is to personal character what health is to the body or 20/20 vision is to the eyes. People of integrity are whole; their lives are put together. People with integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. Their lives are open books. They say to a watching world, “Go ahead and look. My behavior will match my beliefs. My walk will match my talk. My character will match my confession.”
What is Ethics? In Webster dictionary website define ethic is an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior: a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong. We have ethical training in the military to create a universal standard of behavior because morals are so variable and linked to religious belief. They cannot tell people what religious behaviors to have but they can create a universal ethical guidance. Many people might think of ethic is common sense and may not take it seriously. Sometimes we need the reinforcement like the ethic training to illustrate what is right and wrong look like, and hope people will do the right thing intuitively. I believe everyone has their own ethical