My Personal Learning Style
Wow! I have a personal learning style! If I had given any thought to my learning style prior to this course, I would have said simply, "Some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not." Now I can say, "I am a grouper, a top-down learner, an owl, in the C-D quadrants, and my strong intelligences are linguistic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal". What all this means, still, is some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not. But there I go again, simplifying the matter.
My learning experience throughout grade school was cast in the Traditional method, employing rote, reward-and-punishment, and repetition, repetition, repetition. It was a one-size-fits-all approach, intended to
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Secondly, some of us prefer to start with minute details and study from the bottom up, accruing information and data systematically, and building to a mastery of the topic. These people are considered "stringers." A "grouper" like me prefers less structure, a more free-formed, big-picture approach that allows divergence and eclectic side trips leading to a general understanding of the subject.
The third element has to do with the four quadrants of the brain that dictate our preferences for dealing with facts or emotions, learning independently or with a group, and using logic or creativity. Ned Herrmann, who wrote The Creative Brain, has pioneered study in this area. Herrmann associates these 4 quadrants with the following characteristics: Style A: Logic, rationality, clarity, precision, efficiency, complex to simple Style B: Sequential, detailed, orderly, with a reliance on what works Style C: Sensitivity to moods, feelings, intuition, with an interest in people Style D: Originality, ambiguity, surprise, metaphor, chaos, creativity
Remembering my struggles with math, I was not surprised to learn I favored the C-D styles almost equally.
Finally, there is no single intelligence or capacity to learn;
I liked everything about this course. The seminars, study plans, and the weekly discussions help
I am an independent learner, so this course is perfectly suited for my learning style. However, I find that I am somewhat of an auditory learner. Reading subject matter that I
Inventory: I am an independent learner, so this course is perfect for my learning style. I’m also a spatial learner which means I take in information by studying graphics. One way I would
With today’s changing world and the economy the way it is, it is not uncommon for people of all ages to enter the college setting. In fact, two-thirds of students entering the college setting are classified non-traditional (Brown, 2007). Bill (2003) found that there was an 11% increase of non-traditional student enrollment from 1991-1998 displaying 35% in 91 and 46% in 1998. These numbers have since increased according to Jacobson & Harris (2008) showing that half to 75% of undergraduates consist of the non-traditional student sitting the reasons for reentering the college setting to be economic. What exactly defines a non-traditional student and what services may they need in comparison to the traditional student.
Read the article Diagnosis Coding and Medical Necessity: Rules and Reimbursement by Janis Cogley located on the AHIMA Body of Knowledge (BOK) at
Self leadership through personal learning and reflection “provides a foundation for effective leadership skills” (Watson, 2004). The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) includes self leadership as one of it’s five core leadership competencies, which is defined as “The Lead Self” domain. As part of Leading Self, effective leaders must demonstrate: self awareness, managing self, developing self and demonstrating character. (CCHL, 2010).
I must admit that I have always looked at this type of course as being a complete waste of time. After taking the Learning Connections Inventory, I've discovered that I'm a Dynamic Learner according to the results of the questionnaire. It's totally shed some light on the how, what, when and why of my success and failures in my educational as well as personal and professional life.
In school everyone learns differently; however, according to the article The Myth of Learning Styles, “The idea of learning styles is based on a theory… developed in the early 1980’s.” (pg 1.) A lot has certainly changed from the 1980’s as we learn new more material in every class we take. With this being said, someone the scientists referred to in the article “assumed” that learning styles challenged the way of the educational system when in reality, it is simply a myth. Students, like myself, only prefer to process information that they find useful or interesting to him or her. Thus giving us the problems of that teachers may take too long to cover one idea, and students may miss out out on information because he or she did not prefer that learning style.
From an early age I found learning hard and in my early educational years I
Structured and programmed training venues are designed to equip the employee, supervisor, and manager with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to startup, maintain, and improve services and products provided to general public on a global scale. Formal training is generally the focus of most organizations when discussing the return on investment in the form of revenue generation or in the case of governments, efficiency in utilizing citizens taxes in a responsible manner.
There are many different aspects of a person that contribute to our personal worldview. For example, our family values, expectations of education,age, race, and gender roles. The main influences on my worldview are family, age, and educational values.
Students have their own best way in effectively learning the lesson. With the diversity of students, the problem is each student has a preferred learning style. It becomes undeniably one of the reasons that make it difficult to achieve the best expected outcome out of teachers’ effort. However, teachers try to incorporate various teaching techniques to make every learning opportunity become productive, meaningful, and relevant for the learners.
I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.
This paper will identify which of the Kolb learning styles best suits me and why I think so. It will also give some examples from my past and present to support these findings. After determining, the learning styles that best fit me and completing an inventory exercise, I have concluded that I learn best using audio and visual techniques in the learning process. I agree with everything this exercise has brought to light. I never knew that these styles were the meaning by which I learned. I have also included examples as to how I see the use and benefits of these learning styles in my career.
The development of self starts at a very young age. When a preschooler is asked how are they different from other children, they usually look at their self concept. Self concept is their identity, of their set of beliefs about what they are like as individuals. Most preschoolers give inaccurate statements about their self concept. They usually overestimate their skills and knowledge. Preschool-age children also begin to develop a view of self that reflects their particular culture considers the self. An example of this would be to look at the different views as self between the Western culture and the Asian culture. Western cultures believe that an individual should seek attention of others by standing out