
My Personal Philosophy

Decent Essays

Personal Philosophy My personal philosophy to life starts with you must create a plan for yourself, follow your heart, and remain positive while you execute those goals within your plan. In order to develop a plan, you must recognize your personal and core values. Some core values that were instilled in me growing up and that I use in my everyday life are honesty, integrity, happiness, faith, loyalty, independence, and most important respect to self. Always have high regards to who you are, and strive to be the best that you can be. Core values are embedded in our upbringing and creates the way you will orient to the world. Being a single mother of two children really puts these things into perspective. As we all know, life has many daily challenges, so develop your plan in faith, …show more content…

As Mike Tyson says, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I find it much easier to be prepared with a plan then to be punched in the mouth and have no plan. For example: I did not feel that there was going to be any good time to go back to school to obtain my Masters of Science-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP). I always had an excuse like “I will just start the next semester” or “I just don’t have time for all that” “How am I going to juggle home, work, and school life?” I had time for what I chose to make time for. So, the next semester would come and go then another then another. I finally sat down and formulated my plan which was when both children started grade school then that would be when I would start. I planned it, was prepared and I started. With a clear understanding of your values, you have a greater sense to self and will be

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