Personal Philosophy My personal philosophy to life starts with you must create a plan for yourself, follow your heart, and remain positive while you execute those goals within your plan. In order to develop a plan, you must recognize your personal and core values. Some core values that were instilled in me growing up and that I use in my everyday life are honesty, integrity, happiness, faith, loyalty, independence, and most important respect to self. Always have high regards to who you are, and strive to be the best that you can be. Core values are embedded in our upbringing and creates the way you will orient to the world. Being a single mother of two children really puts these things into perspective. As we all know, life has many daily challenges, so develop your plan in faith, …show more content…
As Mike Tyson says, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I find it much easier to be prepared with a plan then to be punched in the mouth and have no plan. For example: I did not feel that there was going to be any good time to go back to school to obtain my Masters of Science-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP). I always had an excuse like “I will just start the next semester” or “I just don’t have time for all that” “How am I going to juggle home, work, and school life?” I had time for what I chose to make time for. So, the next semester would come and go then another then another. I finally sat down and formulated my plan which was when both children started grade school then that would be when I would start. I planned it, was prepared and I started. With a clear understanding of your values, you have a greater sense to self and will be
The beauty of mankind is that we are all unique in countless ways. We are all gifted with our own particular sets of skills, talents and interests. To state the overused cliché, we are all like snowflakes; no two people are exactly alike. I take comfort in the fact that no one can tell me exactly how to live my life solely based on the notion that it’s my life. I am my own person with my own personality, my own set of goals, and my own plans for the future.
Every person in this world has its own definition and answer to the question, “how shall I live my life?” This is mostly based on the fact that each individual is different. A quote that illustrates how Kathleen Dean Moore has answered this question is, “We do not remember days, we remember moments” by Cesare Pavese a famous Italian poet. Moore wants to enjoy every single moment of her life with her family, she believes that spending time in nature will awaken homing instincts found in her daughter. In a nut shell, according to Moore nature is fundamental, worth noticing and celebrating.
What is a life philosophy? The Merriam-Webster defines it as an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life. This purpose or attitude toward life is based on the priorities, values/morals/beliefs, and lifestyle we live. Henry David Thoreau one of the greatest transcendentalist writer wrote in his novel Walden, “ I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”(Walden 383) Here Thoreau explains that he did not understand his purpose and had no clear philosophy but went in search of it because he did not want to wake up one day on his deathbed regretting the life he lived and finding that it had no purpose. Thoreau, in the end, found his philosophy and I too found mine by reflecting on my beliefs, my priorities, and what kind of life I want to lead.
Over the years, an individual’s life experiences help to shape their philosophies about life, family, and faith. Personally, I think life is a wonderful journey where learning takes place daily. The aim is to grow and learn from everyday events then to apply that learning to make a positive
The philosophies I live by are more directed towards being independent and reaching my full potential. As said by Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” ; by me being independent and paving my road in life, I make sure to try my best in every given factor. I personally live by this quote because it is very true. Trying out something even if you think you’ll fail will at least teach you a lesson. I don’t think I can succeed in life unless I try something out. Whether I am prone to fail or not, the outcome will be a gain rather than a loss. Even if it isn't a large step, it is still a step and you still make progress. I started living by this quote back in 7th grade in Drama class. During our drama competition, my group had the opportunity of winning first place. We didn’t try as hard as we would have when practicing and didn’t take a shot towards success. After not even winning an honorable mention I knew at least I had to change something. A year later, I proved myself to be right and one small change made a major impact on not only me but my entire
If I have one operating philosophy about life it is this: “purposeful religion gives one a moral compass with a true north.” Four principles guide my philosophy.
One personal belief that I would have a difficult time changing is my freedom of speech. The reason being that nobody has the right to tell my I cannot express my beliefs. I want to be someone who changes the world so being able to speak whenever I want on different problems is necessary. What would you do if someone tried to take away your freedom of speech? If it had not been for a lot of civil rights leaders everything would be the same as it had been several years ago. I don’t know what would change this belief because this is a natural right. This belief has changed my life because my freedom of speech has given me a voice to be able to be with or against a certain subject. My speech gives me my personality, and my mindset.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on how my experiences in life influenced my personal ethical development. By reflecting on my life experiences, I will explore how my upbringing, and my faith influenced my morals and values. This paper will also explore ethical issues in counseling, and ethical codes used to resolve the issues. In addition, this paper I will reflect how this course has changed me in certain aspects regarding ethics and legal obligations in counseling.
The root of this is to live with purpose. Don't just let your days determine how your life will go. Make intentions for your life and commit to going after what you want. Again, your intuition will come in handy here. When you know what your purpose is and what you need to do next to live it, you will start living at your highest potential.
My teaching philosophy is a reflection of my passion for providing all students with the tools necessary to not only succeed in school but also out in the real world. My passion is a reflection of my experiences as a student and now as a future secondary mathematics educator. From my experiences, I have been able to determine that my teaching philosophy entails three tenets. Students should be ready for the world, no two learners are the same and a great teacher can inspire a student to do the impossible. It is these three points that have and will continue to evolve to become a more defined philosophy, partly because of the intuitive learning I will gain as I begin by teaching career. My view is influenced by my desire to educate mathematic secondary students to contribute to a better tomorrow.
My Personal Philosophy of life. My Philosophy of life will be different between each person. A person’s philosophy will vary depending on one’s life experience. I believe that no two people will have seen life in the same way. There would be many people that have similar philosophy in life but none of them would be exactly the same. I will share my ideas and thoughts on what is my philosophy of life. The way i have experience life has made me change my way thinking more than once and am sure it will change again. What is my purpose in life? What is anybody’s purpose in life? That’s a question that we all deal with, why are we here? what is the point of life? There is the thought that our purpose of life is known by God that he has chosen it
According to the LSI results, my personal style is Achievement, which is under the header of Constructive. These styles pertain to self-enhancing behaviors in ways of thinking, which determine a person’s level of satisfaction. These styles also reference the ability to work with people effectively, relationship building, and proficiency in the area of accomplishment of tasks. An Achievement Style of thinking pertains to the ability and the desire to achieve personal goals and take on tasks that represent challenges.
After I went to talk to the advisor, I realized the process and the plan are very important to attend in college because the advisor wants us to plan out and decide which field you will go in the future. That makes us easily to follow what we need to attend in college. They don’t want us to waste time and get lost on the direction we want to go. Luckily, I always decide the path I will go when I go to college because I don’t want to have anything new make me nervous at the first time. I planed out my schedule and my career. I wrote down all of my classes I need and those classes I will attend in each quarter. With me, the plan is really effect to myself because I don’t want to miss out anything or worry about it. That’s why I always put myself in a good schedule that works for me. The challenge I always feel is nervous, anxiety, and stress because I am the person always think too much. This is a weakness point of myself. Every time I face with the challenge, it makes me really hard to sleep and focus on think about it. However, I never hide to challenge I have because each challenges will bring a lesson for me to learn. It teaches me a lot of important things to help my life and I can keep that to use when it is necessary in my life. Otherwise, it is a resource to me and I can share to anyone who needs help or have the same struggle like me. I’m excited about my planning ahead to next year because I already know the details and the specific classes to choose that makes me
Have you ever heard of the saying “life is what you make it”? Well, for many this is true. There comes a time when a person must think about all of the things that they want out of life, and ask themselves “am I willing to make it happen”?. If the answer is no, then most likely that person will struggle with living a life of fulfillment. But, if the answer is yes, then he or she should begin taking the steps to ensure a bright future for themselves. Identifying the things that motivate you, taking risks, and taking on the responsibility of reaching your goals, will all contribute to one's success in life. Each of these concepts, and many others, are all examples of the components that make up what is called “life planning”.
Philosophy To Live By - Live and let live is the spontaneous non-aggressive co-operative behaviour. Smile every chance you get. Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you do have and all the problems you know you don’t