
My Personal Values In Life

Satisfactory Essays

An individual’s personal values serve a direct purpose in guiding them through life. A person’s principles or standards will reflect upon the actions that they put forth. Whether we choose to acknowledge our values or not they dictate the unspoken standard of living we participate in. Three important values that are the central part of who I define myself as are spirituality, self-respect, and family. Each of these values have influenced fundamental decisions in my life and has sculpted me to the person I am today, and will continue to do so as I progress through life. Spirituality is one of the most important of the three values I choose because it connects me to a feeling of pure love. I am incredibly thankful to be able to communicate with God on such a personal level. When dealt with difficult adversities within life I am reassured through the presence of God that things will turn out exactly how it is meant to be. By committing myself to God I was able to heal and understand that everything in life has a purpose and that I am blessed to be alive and well. The Bible and the wise words that it consists of continuously inspires me to make the right decisions. As I am making such judgments, I keep in mind to echo the love and unity that the bible promotes. Self-respect is a critical value that most humans should acquire in order to continually improve and enhance certain traits about themselves. Unlike other values, self-respect is not something that can be influenced to have or be taught. Self-respect is a quality that is developed throughout the stage where a person is beginning to find their true self’s. Lacking the value of self-respect allows you to be subjected to unfairness and mistreatment. People will surely take advantage of individuals that lack the self-respect to defend themselves and make decisions based on their worth and beliefs. Possessing this value has allowed me the opportunity to have a complete understanding of my significance and a sense of self-awareness of what I would and would not be willing to tolerate. The ability to exhibit such high levels of self-respect has resulted in the skill of making lucrative judgments that are based on my personal beliefs and not the

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