
My Philosophy Statement Essay

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My Philosophy Statement

In this philosophy statement you will not be reading the statement of a great philosophical mind, but of an education student who loves to work with kids and who tries to have the students' best interest in mind. comparing and contrasting my views with the views of many of the philosophical giants throughout history I will discuss five topics: 1.) the nature of students, 2.) the nature of knowledge, 3.) the purpose of public education, 4.) the method of education, 5.) and the curriculum that should be used in public schools.

Taking off on the topic of the nature of human beings we need to look back at our own childhood and try to remember our actions, if not our thoughts. Pragmatist/Progressivists …show more content…

I also agree with the pragmatist/progressivists about the area of evolving knowledge. Throughout our lives, and especially in our younger years, we develop different changes and experiences. For instance, after sent to stand in the corner for the tenth time Billy finally realized that the action of talking back to his mother had consequences.

My third topic, the purpose of education, has several areas in it that I am going to discuss, the first being the general importance of education. Spring outlined many goals for education. The prevention of teenage pregnancies, prevention of drug abuse, and the prevention of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases were among the many goals. To achieve these goals I agree with the pragmatist/progressivists that believe that we need to teach kids how to think and not what to think. By teaching kids how to think we will allow them to see the consequences of their actions and let them make the decision of whether they can handle the consequences or not. Today kids are taught what to think and not how to think so they rebel to get out from under the control of their authorities -- not seeing the consequences. For this reason education is very important, because it allows students the opportunity to make educated and well founded judgments and decisions that they may not have been able to make otherwise.

Continuing on with my third topic, I hope to accomplish several goals as a

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