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My Poli sci paper
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Through great strength and courage, women are capable of succeeding and accomplishing their goals now more than ever before. Oppression was the force that brought them down, but the willpower of women from the past has paved the wave for women in many male dominated fields such as academics, medicine, and government. Consequently, women are capable of reaching their full potential due to the actions of those that came before them and the women in present time in various fields. We're noticing an increase in women in government, for example, women make up twenty percent of the United States Congress, which is a great accomplishment considering the great strides women had to go take to simply make a vote. Clearly, women are gradually obtaining power in government and one perfect example of this is the Chancellor of Germany, Angela
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Unfortunately, the issue of multiculturalism in Germany has been one of Angela Merkel's greatest struggles. Merkel, who has strong faith and live by her Christian values has stated, “we feel attached to the Christian concept of mankind, that is what defines us” and “Anyone that doesn’t accept that is in the wrong place here”, enforcing her views on integrating Germany(Gjeorgjievska). Although she is clearly for immigration, she strongly believes that immigrants should adopt the values and culture of Germany, which can cause quite a deal of tension when Muslim immigrants clash with German citizens due to religious and overall cultural
“To succeed we must believe that we can.” - By Nikos Kazantzakis. This quote has truly carried meaningful inspiration for men and women in the world today. The success of one person can lead them to what they want to pursue in life, and it may happen to be becoming the president of the United States. From the first presidency of George Washington, in 1789, and through all the presidencies until today, has only had one thing in common; they all are males. Nonetheless, a woman will eventually become president. Soon, a woman will become president because the twenty first century allows more opportunities for jobs for women, more women are encouraged to be bold as the modern society begins to grow, and many women are just as capable as men in
Hi, Kathleen as you mention in your post woman gain momentum in the workplace. However, women didn’t have the same opportunities as man until World War One. The woman made several advances. (Ryan, 2006). Before that time, there were few professions for women. The woman did numerous jobs that were unheard of before the war. Government position was held by woman helping them to establish laws for woman rights. In the progressive era, the 19th amendment was establish giving women the right to vote. Despite their achievement woman in the workforce still add a long way before they would receive equal
I think it is important to take time and actually think about all of the advancements women have made. If you think about it we would not have some of the things we have today due to the women in past standing up for they believe in. There is a quote that I cannot remember off the top of my head, but I know that it is along the lines of saying a woman in general is powerful, but once she realizes how truly powerful she is, you better watch out. “Like Mary Richards, American women in the 1970s were figuring out how to use their new powers to craft a good life” (Collins 241). This quote is amazing because there are so many women that do not see their potential. Everything is just a matter of you can do anything you put your mind to and it was not until the 1970’s that women were starting to come around to see what they were truly capable of.
Women have had a long and hard fight to get to where they are now and they are still fighting for the equality they deserve. Throughout history, women’s roles have changed and they’ve gotten more freedom as time has passed. Some women have been lucky enough to be alive during the right time when changes occur however some women weren’t so lucky and had to fight for a long time. There is still much equality to be fought for, but there has also been much that has happened over time. Some women who have been strong and stood up for themselves and women are Eleanor Roosevelt, Abagail Adams, Hilary Clinton and Pocahontas. Some women who have had it easier than most women are the pharaoh’s wives, Katharine Burr Blodgett, and Amelia Earhart.
A question asked by many Americans is why there aren’t many women involved in politics and hold offices? This will certainly change in the future, take Hillary Clinton as the incipient. There are various components that will give her many votes, such as her understanding of economic inequality, support for LGBT, and the fact that she’s pro choice, or her wanting to fix citizens united. In an article on The Nation, Steven Hill indicated that “ethnically diverse and divided nations that elect women rather than men to key national leadership offices end up with better economic performance.” (“Why Does the US Still Have So Few Women in Office?” The Nation. Steven Hill, 7 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 Jan. 2016.) Women are effective legislatures; hereinafter in the article, researchers have found that the use of fair-representation electoral systems is a reason why women succeed in democracies. Women have the ability to develop plain but effective financial decision makings which will make a nation thrive. (Showing a growth of gross domestic product for example). Women don’t compromise as men do in Congress, and they strive to achieve policy goals. Global business is extremely important for America, and if women have strategies that prosper country relations, why wouldn’t there be more women participating in office
Women used to be thought of as the stay at home mother by men. She was supposed to take care of the children and take care of the home. Seeing a woman in the workforce was desirable as long as she had an education. Women were seen working in factories or as teachers but they had no say in the government. Thanks to a few women dedicated to making a difference, women have become more independent and now have a say in the government if they choose too. The movie Iron Jawed Angels depicts a group of women who wanted women to have a voice in politics. First thing they had to do was get women the right to vote.
We have progressed a lot as a society. No longer are women stuck at home cooking and taking care of children. Now, more than ever, women have the same opportunities to achieve just as much men. There are no jobs that men do that women can’t. Women can vote, play
I think the role of women is everywhere essential and can include significant influence as in social life so in politics. Some people argue that women’s presence in power is a simple question of fairness. Fairness that demands women to get their proper share of power regardless of whether they us this power to promote women’s interests.
Women have been historically underrepresented in government ever since the first institution of government. The United States of America has existed for 242 years and for only 102 of those years have women been in government. From the first woman, Jeanette Rankin, elected when women were not even allowed to vote, all the way to the most recent election where a strong, powerful woman had the potential to become the President of the United States. Female representation in government has grown over the years, however there are still many obstacles they must overcome in order to reach equal representation. Underrepresentation of women in government can be attributed to system-wide discrimination against women, a toxic culture that encourages women not to seek office, and a general prevailing attitude that believes women are unfit to govern.
Furthermore, women are more than qualified to run a country, and can do so as well as men. There are many strong female leaders with potential all around the world. For instance the British Ex Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Aung San Suu Ky in Myanmar and many more have proven they are more than qualified to run a country despite the nonsense standards and stereotypes they have had to endure. These female leaders have represented their countries, they have changed their countries politically, economically and
The current open door policy in Germany is what incentivizes refugees to immigrate there. In my opinion, Merkel has done a great job in dealing with this immigration situation, these refugees deserve to have better lives and they can do so by moving to a stable country such as Germany, where the wages are higher and the welfare system is great. Many are against Merkel’s view on this situation and allowing refugees to settle in Germany. For one thing, they’re a huge asset to the labor force and bring a diverse demographic. Although there are many concerns about terrorism, many of these refugees are innocent people trying to evade the turmoil in their countries. I agree with Merkel’s current stance because it helps the German economy, and also
Since the beginning of time women have been the most underestimated power house of the world. Seeing life would cease to exist if it were not for women. Now years and many influential women later the United States is finally seeing the light and a women is closer than ever before to winning presidency. Being this close alone opens up many opportunities for girls old and young! To think what this means for the younger generation. As little girls were once afraid to race that boy on the playground or hesitant to join in on that football game. Society is breaking theses gender roles one remarkable milestone at a time. America can only grow from here. No more dictation on what is the “lady like” thing to do. As a female in America i can relish
Since the days of Roe v. Wade, women in the United States have made great gains in many ways in society. Two consecutive presidential administrations women have serviced as Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Condoles Rice. We are seeing rising female political stars of recent, two progressive female nominees of President Obama were recently ratified to the Supreme Court. Pepsi Cola, Hewlett Packard, Budweiser of Pepin Company has all had women Chief Executive Officers.
A women's role has changed tremendously and is making its greatest impact in our society today. Many years ago, women's contribution to society was limited and controlled by men. Women are standing tall and are playing a major role in many important areas. Women's role has changed at an accelerating rate and have part in areas such as Politics, Professional Training Jobs, Medicine,Business and Law. Formerly they were not part of any political matter, but they have advanced in many aspects. For example, women have attained power and have been growing in political office.