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My Poli sci paper
Johnae Fisher to me
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Through great strength and courage, women are capable of succeeding and accomplishing their goals now more than ever before. Oppression was the force that brought them down, but the willpower of women from the past has paved the wave for women in many male dominated fields such as academics, medicine, and government. Consequently, women are capable of reaching their full potential due to the actions of those that came before them and the women in present time in various fields. We're noticing an increase in women in government, for example, women make up twenty percent of the United States Congress, which is a great accomplishment considering the great strides women had to go take to simply make a vote. Clearly, women are gradually obtaining power in government and one perfect example of this is the Chancellor of Germany, Angela …show more content…

Unfortunately, the issue of multiculturalism in Germany has been one of Angela Merkel's greatest struggles. Merkel, who has strong faith and live by her Christian values has stated, “we feel attached to the Christian concept of mankind, that is what defines us” and “Anyone that doesn’t accept that is in the wrong place here”, enforcing her views on integrating Germany(Gjeorgjievska). Although she is clearly for immigration, she strongly believes that immigrants should adopt the values and culture of Germany, which can cause quite a deal of tension when Muslim immigrants clash with German citizens due to religious and overall cultural

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