I am in a unique position as a First-year Composition student in his mid-thirties: I have a vast amount I would like to say about myself and the world, yet I lack the technical and rhetorical prowess to express myself efficiently. So, while I may have a lot to say, I don’t have the skills necessary to say much of anything. At least, this was my position in August of this year, at the start of the semester and at my introduction to college-level writing.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been a big proponent of the written word. I have been a lover of books and writing for my entire life, and learned the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of writing through my exposure to books. Which is to say, I might be a damn good reader, but good
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But I was still by no means an
“expert” in rhetoric. Ten years later, despite a decade of professional, full-time employment as a technical writer, I am still severely lacking in any real rhetorical or literary expertise. At the start of this semester, I could not differentiate between simple and complex sentences, nor explain a transitive vs. intransitive verb, nor did I understand any but the most simplistic rhetorical devices. In other words, I lacked the rhetoric of rhetoric.
Consider this: you bring your vehicle to an auto mechanic to resolve an issue, and you are attempting to explain in mutually-understood terms where the problem lies. The mechanic may have the most advanced knowledge possible in his or her field. He or she will be able to diagnose your issue using expensive, specialized equipment, and be able to draw upon years of experience to do so. Yet, as the owner of the vehicle, and someone with no technical knowledge in this field, it is still up to you to attempt to explain to the mechanic where to start looking for the problem.
"It makes a noise when I turn left,” you might say.
"What kind of noise?” the mechanic asks, “Like a grinding noise? A bumping or knocking sound?"
You’re at a loss, but stammer out, "It kind of goes, 'Whirl-whirl-whirl-whiiiiirl, ' and makes a grinding sound, then goes away once I straighten out the steering wheel."
Without skipping a beat, the mechanic replies: "It sounds like a bad wheel
risk of the owner. He assumed the risk of any damages that would occur to his car, while it is
As a millennial using the 5 canons of rhetorical has aided me in generating more compelling presentations. We are brought up in the era of technology. Using emails, creating power points, and even texting has helped us strive in being rhetorical by nature. As a radiologic technologist, I use mostly oral communication with my patients. Sometimes I have to be extremely persuasive to achieve the best optimal image and with that I have to go thru the 5 stages of rhetorical;
This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of an author’s ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not only have I been able to critically analyze rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to back my ideas or beliefs on a topic. Throughout this semester I have more of a general knowledge on rhetorical goals, critical reading and writing skills, my processes on how to write a paper, and learning a new way of creating an idea through electronical environments.
normally give the other driver. If you follow all of these steps you will be able to easily deal with
In case of an auto crash, the kind of scope you have will figure out who is at risk to pay the harms.
Operator will immediately report any accident to their supervisor, the Safety Officer/Fleet Manager for investigation/follow-up.
Accomplishing the specific task entrusted to him depending on the type of automobile in question.
My journey through Writer’s Composition has been a rocky rollercoaster with ups and downs, but from these experiences I have grown as a writer overall. The essays I have written for this course demonstrate that I have developed critical thinking and have shown minor improvements in my communication skills. They also demonstrate that though I have made some progress in personal responsibility and general writing skills, I still have work to do. From Writer’s Composition Two, I have developed an understanding of persuasive writing, and I now am able to pick a topic or a claim and argue it in classic argument writing.
This depicts rhetorical prowess that is a skill typical only of men at this
Each driver has a duty of care to the other drivers. That duty of care is to drive reasonably
writing and understanding words in a book. You may feel like you know English when you speak
A few years ago, I learned a new form of writing: IEW, which is Institute for Excellence in Writing. Before I learned this, I had a struggle trying to put my thoughts together in a way that would sound professional. I had no organization for my words so they would flow together nice and smoothly. Unfortunately, I lacked excitement. I wasn't excited about what I was writing and did not "get into it" too much because of this problem. I also did not know how to cite a quote or anything along those lines without asking my mom how to do it and not learning how to do it myself. Every sentence I wrote started the same. You could tell by just glancing at the page that every sentence started
When you are involved in a crash there are certain things you must do. It's like a
knowledge of words, which can be very painful and demoralizing as it’s the only tool
My experience in English Composition 1 this semester has been a tough one. From day one, I knew that this class was not going to be a “walk in the park”, so I tried to prepare myself for what was to come. Throughout this semester, I have recognized my strengths as well as my weaknesses , and I still continue to struggle with a lot of them to this day. Through it all, this class has been a journey that has taught me a lot.