
My Post-High School Life

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While walking through the electric sliding doors, I smelled disinfectant wipes and saw a plethora of dark blue scrubs, white lab coats, and street clothing. I entered an elevator to my right. Once I got to the third floor, I made a sharp left and saw the patient transport room containing several other young people all wearing the same blue polo shirt. I was home. For my graduation project, I volunteered at three different hospitals: Paoli Hospital, Bryn Mawr Hospital, and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. After accumulating almost two-hundred hours in various hospital environments, I have made important decisions that will affect my post-high school life. I started volunteering at the Paoli Hospital after my grandfather passed away at the end of ninth grade. While …show more content…

Aside from the techniques, skills, and rules I have learned from my experiences, I have also learned how to handle the emotional side of healthcare. Being in a hospital can be a very sad place. In essence, it is a place where society’s sick go for help. After witnessing various traumatic experiences, I have been able to see these people get their lives back and overcome the illnesses. It is these stories that light my fire to continue the path in the healthcare field. I believe I did very well in the mock interview because I was able to get across my passion for healthcare to my interviewer. From the project, I volunteered at three difference hospitals and eventually was accepted into a medical program at a fourth hospital. One thing to take away from my project is to just appreciate your good health. Most people at school take for granted their healthy bodies, but every week I am surrounded by patients who are fighting for their lives. It has actually inspired me to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. The experiences from the graduation project will help lead to a very successful nursing

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