
My Reflection Of Philosophy: My Philosophy Of Education

Satisfactory Essays

To have a philosophy of education, is when one thinks critically about education as a whole- it’s importance, it’s role in society, people’s view on it and so on. I’ve never given much thought to it before, but I assume most students haven’t- something which proves that the education system in Ireland is failing. Throughout this module, I have developed my own philosophy and I aim to inspire students to think critically and openly, to broaden their minds, to push their boundaries and to be constantly creative.
The first educational thinker I was introduced to was John Dewey. One of his beliefs is that theory without practice is insufficient. He thought that if students were to truly understand mathematics, for example, then they should go …show more content…

A crucial concept of his is ‘banking’ versus ‘problem posing’ education. Banking refers to the way in which students are vessels; empty spaces that need to be filled with information provided by teachers. Their mere purpose is to receive and repeat what they’ve been taught. Not only is this information stored away, but so are the students.
Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other (Freire, 1921, p 53) In essence, knowledge isn’t gained through receiving and repeating, it’s through the continuous cycle of growth. I think that this banking technique is far too common in Ireland’s education system. Perhaps it wasn’t such a problem eighty years ago, as many people left school at an early age and were employed in manual labour. But today, especially with the ever-growing demand for exams, students are obliged to rote learn. Personally, I had to learn things off by heart that I truly didn’t understand for the sole purpose of passing my exams. Perhaps, I blame myself for not enquiring further but why didn’t my teachers encourage me to question what I was being taught? I aim to build a clear relationship with my students, where they feel they can openly ask questions and discuss the classroom topics without feeling they need to learn something ‘just because’. I hope that where I teach and they learn, likewise, I will learn from

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