Completing this introduction speech was a great experience for me overall I thought. I was actually first to complete my introduction speech amongst my peer classmates, so I driven to set the bar high and leave an example for the rest the class. Grading myself from the rubric on a scale of 100, I would grade myself at a 79.5% which would round up to a 80% which is a B on the grading scale. For the learning expectations for this assignment, I demonstrated effective delivery techniques and I created an identity that lets the class know who I am. I can admit that I struggled with the ability to organize information and present it a well organized form for my audience to grasp. As I walked up to the front of the classroom, a lot of jitter was going through my body. I introduced myself to my fellow classmates and presented a sufficient introduction, so that they know who I am, where I am from, and what brought me to Wake Tech. From the looks of the audience, everyone was paying attention and I was genuinely clear with what I was saying. After giving an introduction about myself, I let my audience know what I do, which is play basketball. I let them know I play basketball for Wake Tech, this is my second year attending the college, and I will be transferring after the spring semester to a four-year university. Additionally, I characterized how I transferred in from Pfeiffer University and how the coaches from Pfeiffer University and Wake Tech got in contact with each other,
My presentation consisted of 13 slides discussing a variety of topics: my background, my freshman year of high school, my thoughts on college as a high schooler, diversity, what colleges look for in potential students, how expensive college is, how i feel about college now as a freshman, high school regrets, and other advice. I answered various questions ranging from relationship advice to how intense my transition from high school to college was. During the session, which lasted an hour for each group, there was no teacher present, simply
Standing at the front of the class, my nerves grew from a small, nagging annoyance to rampant thoughts of failure, causing me to scramble, my memory of the topic becoming fuzzy. My groupmate made his closing statement, which signaled to me that the hard part of our presentation was only just beginning. Watching several of my peers’ hands raise, it sunk in that the questioning phase of our presentation, and the only phase we could not thoroughly prepare for, had commenced.
My visual aid was the strongest part about my speech. I brought in the ingredients to make Tiramisu to show which brands I like to use for the recipe. I also prepared Tiramisu for the class as my hold interest technique. To relate the topic to the audience, I told them that they could make this recipe when they want to impress someone. My credibility was also convincing as I informed the class I had researched and compiled the best recipe. My introduction in general was concise and convinced the audience pay attention to the rest of my speech. I also thought my tone was conversational and not too formal.
As I walked out of my dorm that morning for my 9am class, I checked my schedule to see where I needed to go. My first class was public speaking in room 232. My stomach instantly dropped. The calmness I once felt left my body in a rush. Public speaking was my worst fear. I stuttered and mumbled and shook each time I entered a crowded room. Speaking in front of a whole classroom has never been on my bucket list. I fretfully continued my journey to room 232. I attempted to give myself a pep talk along the way to help calm my nerves, but nothing was helping. I told myself that this was not
Overall the process leading up to the speech was a great experience. Even though our group was close this speech was able to help us learn more about each other. This speech was able to help us understand each other and grow as a group. We learned how to work with each other and adjust work to fit everyone’s schedule. This was a great opportunity for us to show responsibility, teamwork, and leadership. We are satisfied with the grade we got on the speech because we put a lot of time into
This paper will discuss mine self-evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first speech takes place in front of my class and I have to tell a story of an experience that has happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A speech can have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos, pathos and logos of my speech for my personal assessment.
This movie, The Classroom, which was very interesting to watch, discusses all that goes on in the school system, the good and the bad. But it also shows how things at home can affect the way the student acts during the school day. This movie definitely makes you look at students that act out differently, instead of punishing them maybe we should all look deeper into the issue and find a way for the student to thrive and use school as an outlet.
In Conclusion I feel I did a good job on my informative speech. My preparation needs work, but my content and my ability to tone down the facts helped to pull everything together. I can always use more practice, but I feel this speech went better than my
Comparing to my pervious speeches, I thought I was more confident and effective. Since we were in the small room, I made sure that the tone and volume of my voices were balanced. Moreover, throughout the speeches I used various hand gestures to help me get connect with the audience. Preparation is one the most effective way to improve in any kinds of speech. Therefore, I could have done better by practice and preparing more.
Finally, one of the main aspects that could have used improvement would be the introduction. The attention getter was not as effective as I had hoped it would be. It didn’t seem to grab anybody’s attention so the speech was already off to a not so great start. While the main topics were introduced it could have been done more effectively instead of just listing of the three main topics. Also the thesis statement could have been more thought out with more information about my
3. Was the speech well-organized? Did it have a robust introduction, a solid body with specific main points, and a conclusion? How was the time allotment for each section (too long, too short?) Were the times dedicated to each section appropriate? (Introduction and Conclusion: between 45 seconds to1 minute; Body: main points each 1:15 – 1:30)
Even though this was our class’ first speech, not only did everyone bring exciting topics to discuss, but we were also able to effectively use the conventions of an informative speech. Not everything was perfect yet, as there are still some tweaks or improvements that can be made as we strive to better our public speaking skills. Taking a look at the speeches by Mariapia, Elizabeth, and Ashley I will evaluate their speeches for effective openings, notable transitions, and other achievements in their organization or delivery. In doing so, I will assess the success and potential shortcomings of each speaker in their informative speech, before reflecting on my own speech, in order for the speakers and myself to reflect on our public speaking skills
The only question that we received at the end of our presentation was; “Why didn’t you introduce yourself at the start of the presentation?” The answer we gave was that we forgot about it and would take it on board in future presentations, but I believe that with being the first group to perform to the class, we didn’t get the chance, like the rest of the groups, to look at eachother’s presentations and pick up tips to improve our own, therefore I felt we were at a slight disadvantage.
There is no question that after giving about four speeches, I have become a much better overall public speaker. In the beginning of the semester, I would tend to get nervous during some of my speeches and consequently the delivery of my speech would be greatly affected. If I had made a mistake, my level of nervousness would drastically increase and I wouldn’t know how to correct it. Although today I have improved on these aspects. Normally in order to control my nerves I try to think as positively as possible. This is critical because when I start to think even a little bit negatively then I severely hurt my chances of giving a good speech. Instead today, my main priority is to stay very confident and tell myself that I’m going to perform fine.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction? How did you gain the audience’s attention?