My relationship with writing has always been more of a punishment or torture than a pleasure or recreational fun. I have always felt like I was a poor writer, no matter what the content or subject was. I do enjoy proofreading or correcting grammar mistakes but as far as writing a paper from scratch, I feel a great deal of inadequacy. I do not particularly like or care for writing generally speaking because of the many fears and lack of ability to express my thoughts.
I have many fears when it comes to writing a paper, essay, or even just a discussion post. My biggest fear when it comes to writing is the overall poor quality of my paper. I constantly feel like my paper is inadequate or that I will lose the reader long before my paper is over. I am always worried that my grammar is under par; or that because of my low vocabulary, that the reader will just discard or label my paper as foolishness. I am also afraid that I do not punctuate my sentences correctly, and that I will have either run-ons or incomplete sentences.
I have a very hard time expressing my thoughts or feelings on paper. However, I have found that I have the ability to converse on many subjects. My wife says that I have ability to talk to anyone about anything, and I can sometimes transfer my thoughts from the conversation
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I have never looked forward to writing in any form. I do not get any enjoyment out of it except for when I am done. This is probably the thing that I dislike about Bethel University, there is so much writing involved but no mathematics. I do have a brief sense of enjoyment for writing but that’s only if I do well on a paper and the feeling does not last very long. I have been able to write instructional papers for coworkers and/or clients as to the process of manufacturing our product, but this has been more of a step-by-step tutorial rather than my thoughts on a specific
I know I will probably have to when I get out of school but I this moment there is no time I can think back to where writing is an everyday occurrence. The only time where I can say I use writing is just for other classes homework other than that there is nothing. I am actually happy about that because I never find anything fun about writing that only good thing about it is when you finally finish. When it comes to writing different pieces of paper it’s like choosing the lesser of two evil. If I would get the chance to choose a paper I would be forced to write I think it would be best to write a research paper. I know the research paper would take more time to get prepared before you start writing, but once you get all the research material writing the paper is the easiest part. When you have the information for the paper you don’t need much creativity to actually write the paper. All you have to do is just slap all of the information onto the paper and just write in transition to get to one part of the paper to the other. My least favorite type of writing to do has to be and autobiography or a personal essay. Even though I feel like it should be the easiest paper to write since you have to talk about yourself, but I always have trouble talking about myself since whatever I say I feel it doesn’t
All throughout my years of schooling, I’ve had just about, one paper that was about one page long, due every year. My papers never had to be more than one page in length. Therefore, I did not have to do much writing or do many essays. Surely not enough to remember any of the assignments. Writing has never been something I enjoyed doing, so I never bothered to many any memories of my writing experiences. I did not think it was necessary to remember any of them since I only had to do them to get a grade. The only writing experience I remember was the first assignment I had in this English 100 class about a writing experience. All week long, I sat there thinking about what to write about, but nothing came to mind as a topic. Then, one thing came to mind, but it was so very vague, I could not write the length that was needed for the assignment. I could only think of a few sentences to write for it. After sitting for a few moments longer, I thought, how about I write about how difficult it was for me to write this essay before it was due.
Everyday writing is embarked upon in some form or fashion, most without thought. For instance, consider social media; in years past, posts to social media on nearly any topic, was acceptable, more from a journaling concept, no real thought to the writing. Not so today, that type of freedom could cost one their employ, friendship, or associations, thus, fear of judgment could stifle one’s ability to articulate and deliver what could be great writing. On the other hand, relating to this essay requirement, equally generating fear in the writing relationship. Hence, creating a heightened fear of a poor grade, due to the inability to articulate the emotional relationship I have with writing, ending with a poorly-written paper. That being said, fear can also work in one’s favor.
I personally enjoy writing. I always have and I, likely, always will. However, I severely struggle under certain writing conditions and prompts. For example, I found the investigation essay extremely difficult. I was largely unable to grasp how to investigate the truth behind cat erections. While I did receive an average grade of an 88%, I felt that my investigation essay was one of the worst papers I have ever wrote. In fact, I was worried I would receive a horrible grade on that essay.
I do enjoy writing, more so about topics that interest me. I try to find something in any topic I’m given that interests me, having that mindset helps me get through the writing process much easier. I have writers block sometimes especially while writing papers for school. I am definitely a procrastinator but, I’m trying to change that in college. I am working toward becoming a better student and writer. I want to be an Elementary School teacher, so I have to know the right techniques in order to teach students. Writing for school although it is something I don’t like, I know I have to do it in order to learn and get better as a writer. One of the few times I did enjoy writing for class was an assignment that I had to research and write about
My experience with writing has been one filled with . When I first began writing I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. I liked that I could express all of my opinions and feelings on a sheet of paper, but as I begin to grow older my interest in writing has significantly decreased. I do not like it as much because when writing there are so many rules and factors that I have to take into consideration. Presently, I have a love-hate relationship with writing. The only time I love writing is when it is an interesting topic. When I am given an interesting topic to write about I could write pages and pages about it. For instance, when I was told to choose a subject and write an essay about that topic I wrote a 5 paged essay about the murders of Nicole
I have many talents, except I would have to say writing is not at the top of that list. I am not a terrible writer, actually people tell me I am fairly good. The main problem is, I am not confident in my writing abilities. Writing assignment can be tough because it takes me awhile to fully grasp my ideas for the paper; which causes me to struggle starting an essay. There are several thoughts and opinions running rampant around my mind, so I have trouble taming them all; which causes me to spend excess time on a paper. Finishing my essays was a major struggle last year in AP Literature; the forty five minute time frame would end right before I started my conclusion. Hopefully this school year I can work on planning and organizing my ideas prior
Most of us at one point in our life or another have had a friend in which writing comes easy. They can write anything from a personal narrative to a research paper with no issues. However this is not the cause for most of us, we worry and stress about getting a good grade or even how to format our papers. This is writing anxiety, and it can cause some major road blocks, when it comes to getting the results we want. I hate writing and have since I was younger. I had to take English as a second language when I started school not because it was my second language but because I am dyslexic and it prevented me from reading almost at all and severely limited my writing skills. I was finally able to overcome most of my issue by the time I turned
Throughout my thirteen years in school, I have considered myself a decent writer. This idea came from me always getting good grades without ever having to put in much effort. In order for me to become what I consider a “good” writer, I need to learn how to show why I am right and cause others to agree with the points I make or cause others to contemplate what was written. Good writing allows readers to understand what is going through the writer’s head. Through hard work and learning how to strengthen my weaknesses, I can become what I consider a “good” writer.
Ever since I was young, I have always found writing to be a great experiance. Writing for me was an escape. I was very shy when I was younger, and the result of this was I didn't talk to many people. This caused me to not have anyone to really talk to besides a couple of close friends. So, this was how I expressed my thoughts and feelings. I always would jsut write whatever I felt, then went back and revised it if necessary. I realy enjoy writing, but I also still have my down falls. For example, I don't have the best grammer usage or word choice. But when I was in middle school, I was so into writng that I decided that I was going to write my own book. Sadly, I didn't become a renowed author, but it was a start into my love for writing.
The relationship a writer has to research is crucial. Research plays a key role in writing because it provides the reader with background knowledge in proving a point. Researching information whether it be online or in books helps me gather new ideas and opinions about the specific topic I am focusing on. For example, while I was researching information for my Synthesis #2, I was exposed to a lot of new details about my TV series that I would have never found out otherwise. While I was researching, I was also building on my essay and the topics I want to touch upon. Furthermore, during the research process I was exposed to potential information that I could include in my essay. The relationship that research has to writing is essential. I realized
I can honestly say that I neither like, nor dislike, writing. I have always had a hard time writing a paper it’s hard for me to come up with things to put in them I feel like I may ramble on. I have written a lot of letters just about every day activities to my dad (he was away for a while) I have written poems about feelings, letters to a boyfriend, lyrics to songs, grocery lists, when I was younger I loved writing little notes to my mom and sister and I could go on and on about different things that I wrote. I actually love writing but I don’t like structured writing I rather write a letter about how I feel or a letter to someone than a structured essay. I find it difficult to set it in the right format that the teacher wants. I feel this way because my senior year in high school our English teacher just gave us a rubric and topic and told us to write I was lost and didn’t understand what was being asked of me but this event has taught me I always need to make sure I understand what my teacher expects from me on a writing assignment.
Although I am very good at math and science, writing has never been my strong suit. I find myself desperate for motivation every time I have an essay coming up. Ever since my senior year of high school, finding the correct words and coming up with ideas to write about give me some sort of anxiety. I plan to become better at writing papers by working harder to find motivation and by beginning writing far in advance, so I can come up with several ideas and give myself plenty of time to revise my paper before it is due. I can also utilize outside sources by getting the help of my English professor and using the Writing Center.
For as long as I can remember I have never truly enjoyed writing. Writing for me has always been extremely hard, I was never that type of student that would take pleasure in writing. Throughout my life, I always have felt that writing was forced upon me because I felt that my teachers would make me a write paper that did not interest me not even in the slightest. Around the time that I realized that I was not too keen on writing, it then became a lot harder for me to keep up with class with my class writing assignments because I didn’t like to write.
Writing has always been something I dread. It’s weird because I love talking and telling stories, but the moment I have to write it all down on paper, I become frantic. It’s almost as if a horse race just begun in my mind, with hundreds of horses, or words, running through my mind, unable to place them in chronological order. Because I struggle to form satisfying sentence structure, it takes me hours, sometimes even days, to write one paper. It’s not that I think I’m a “bad writer,” I just get discouraged easily. Needless to say, I don’t think highly of my writing skills. When I was little I loved to both read and write. I read just about any book I could get my hands on, and my journal was my go to for my daily adventures. Although it’s