
My SEI Personal Statement

Decent Essays

The prediction I made in the beginning of this assignment was not so different from the results at the end. The types which I thought I resembled the most resulted in a code of SEA. However, the results from the self-directed search resulted in one difference; the search gave me SEI. Since I was coded with an SEI, the five occupations which drew me in the most were a financial institution president, political scientist, nurse head, school principal, and psychologist.
Overall, my self-rating assessment matched the results of the vocational assessment almost perfectly. The one aspect which surprised me a little bit came from how close my code could have changed and given me my self-rating score. The total scores for each of my traits rated my S as a 33, my E as a 23, and my I as a 19; however, my A came in as an 18. I knew I shared the aspects of independence and introversion as an Investigative type, but I did not think it would have been in my top three due to my weakness to math. My aversion to complex math problems are what pushed me to pursue career choices that may not necessarily require advance mathematic skills. …show more content…

Ever since I graduated high school, education, political science, and nursing were always paths that I thought about taking. Although I did not dream about these occupations, they were paths that had less resistance. I only found my interest in psychology when I refused to delve deeper into math and took an introductory class in the psychology department. Although it was not my dream job to be in a lab all day, my declared major has prepared me to become a psychologist if I choose to. My biggest issue with these occupations is that it requires stringent planning and dedication in order to get a higher paying

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