
My Service Learning Experience

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Aside from the instances in my service learning experience that I was able to relate to sociocultural factors and the impact that these factors had in her schooling, the experience of my student in my service learning project was that she was there to be tutored in order to expand her academic success. Both her and her sister attended the after school tutoring session each time I went. Her mother always dropped them off, and after the tutoring session, I would discuss with the mother Annie’s progress for that session, what we did for that session, and things we were going to further work on for our next session. At my last session, Annie’s mother made the effort to tell me how Annie had recently been announced as the highest scoring student on a particular exam and that she was excelling more in school. This conversation particularly struck me because it made me believe that in some small way, I contributed to some of that success that she had because of the intimate relationship we had and how we connected and learned together as a team. This is an instance in my service learning that affected me and made me truly believe that as a future educator, having a culturally relevant pedagogy and connecting with all my students on a personal level will help them to acquire academic success. Apart from my service learning experience, I completed my community cultural wealth at the Montopolis Recreation Center, which is also where I did my tutoring sessions. The Montopolis

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