Abstract The purpose of this paper is to look further at my sexual attitudes by completing four assessments. The assessments will measure my sexual satisfaction, preferences, arousability, and self-concept. This paper will also address cultural considerations with each assessment. After interpreting the results of the assessments, clinical implications in how to treat myself in therapy are provided. My Sexual Attitudes: Looking at Satisfaction, Preferences, Arousability, and Self-Concept Assessment instruments are invaluable tools, helping clinicians determine levels of distress, expediently gathering important background information, understanding clients’ subjective views of the world, and evaluating outcome and …show more content…
The purpose of conducting these assessments was to evaluate areas in my relationship my partner and I can improve. Sexuality Assessments Index of Sexual Satisfaction The Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS) is used in clinical and research settings to measure sexual satisfaction (Hudson et al., 1981). The purpose of the ISS is to evaluate the quality of the sexual relationship between partners (Hudson et al.,1981). The ISS is a 25-item self-report questionnaire designed to measure individual’s feelings about behaviors, attitudes, events, affects states, and preferences that are associated with the sexual relationship between partners. Scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating greater degrees of sexual discord (Fisher et al., 2010). Sexual dissatisfaction is indicated by a high score while high levels of sexual satisfaction is indicated by a low score (Larson, Anderson, Holman, & Niemann, 1998). The ISS has a clinical cut off score is 30 indicating the presence of a significant degree of sexual discord in the relationship (Fisher et al., 2010). A score above 70 indicates that clients are experiencing severe stress, in which case, violence could be considered or used to deal with problems (Fisher et al., 2010). In order to compile a score,
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane is a very interesting book about war. This book highlights what it is really like to be in a war and shows the colorful details and how it truly is something horrible. Where as normally when you hear war stories they are romanticized and have a hero of some sorts. That is exactly what the main character of Stephen Crane’s book believes. Henry is still a very young boy who believes that life is just like the stories. Today I am going to be talking about if Henry Fleming matured through the course of this book.
The Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale (BSAS) (Hendrick, Hendrick, & Reich, 2006), a 23-item questionnaire, was designed to measure multi-dimensional attitudes towards sex. The scale is a modified version of the original Sexual Attitudes Scale. For the current study, the Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale will be modified and shortened. The scale is made up of the following four subscales: Permissiveness, Birth Control, Communion, and Instrumentality. Some of the items refer to a specific sexual relationship, while others refer to general attitudes and beliefs about sex (Hendrick, Hendrick, & Reich, 2006). Participants are instructed to answer questions with their current partner in mind. If the respondent is not currently dating anyone, he or she should answer with the most recent partner in mind. If the respondent
These assessment tools would make it much easier to gauge the mental state our patients are in when referencing stress level. It would give specific questions to ask about the patient’s current stress level and could be ice breakers into diving deeper into what’s going on with the patient and can be used as building blocks to help with the patient’s issues once and for all; or at least better equip them with coping skills. Using these assessment tools and other like them would equip the nursing staff with the tool needed to provider more holistic care to the patient which is synonymous with Watson’s Theory of caring.
The sexuality and reproductive assessment helps describes sexual fulfillment, sexual perception, and sexual self –concepts. (Edelman & Mandel, 2011). This assessment is focused on the satisfaction of one’s sexual life, and the changes that take place throughout a lifespan. Another pattern is the coping-stress tolerance pattern. This focuses on the family’s adaption to internal and external pressures related to their health, environment, and social status and how they cope with these pressures in their day to day lives. Finally, the last pattern is the values and belief pattern. Values and beliefs vary in different cultures. Therefore, the focus of this pattern is one’s attitude regarding the meaning of life, spirituality, and how these attitudes affect the family related health problems. (Edelman & Mandle, 2011).
Over the course of the semester, my attitude towards my personal sexual behaviors altered drastically and my scores based of the questionnaire reflected on those changes. One prominent reason to why I believe my scores changed,
The assessment process is the back bone to any package of care and it is vital that it is personal and appropriate to the individual concerned. Although studies have found that there is no singular theory or understanding as to what the purpose of assessment is, there are different approaches and forms of assessment carried out in health and social care. These different approaches can sometimes result in different outcomes.
The early 1990s saw the emergence of studies examining the relationship between job demands reported by one partner, usually a working man, and the satisfaction of their spouse, usually a stay-at-home woman. Poor psychological well-being and marital dissatisfaction were associated with partner’s high levels of work stressors (Jones 1993 a; Jones et al. 1993 b; Jones & Fletcher 1996). A person’s overall levels of happiness can be affected by their satisfaction with their marriage or intimate relationship, and this in turn is often heavily influenced by levels of sexual satisfaction. The notion that marital and sexual satisfaction are related was confirmed in a study investigating the relationship between stress and sexual relationships (Morokoff & Gillilland 1993), and sexual expression (high levels of sexual activity and a satisfied sexuality expressed by both partners) has been indicated one of three factors predicting relationship satisfaction (Sprecher et al.
An examination of death penalty sentencing procedures within the American criminal justice system suggests that the legal and moral authority to execute condemned criminals granted to a government has been tested time and time again, only to be reaffirmed by the Supreme Court. While the 1960's saw a series of failed attempts to ban the practice, launched by death penalty abolitionist groups firm in their belief that murder can never be justified, it was not until 1972 that a majority of Supreme Court justices ruled to prohibit state-mandated executions. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing a forum for informed discussion regarding capital punishment, "the issue of arbitrariness of the death penalty was brought before the Supreme Court in 1972 in Furman v. Georgia, Jackson v. Georgia, and Branch v. Texas (known collectively as the landmark case Furman v. Georgia (408 U.S. 238))" (DPIC, 2013). While the court previously ruled in Crampton v. Ohio and McGautha v. California that the application of capital punishment did not result in arbitrary and capricious sentencing, the 1972 Furman case challenged the Eight Amendment, whereas the McGautha case cited the Fourteenth Amendment's due process provision.
Page three of the assessment form considers past and current medical conditions and health concerns. This part of the assessment allows the therapist an understanding of how the client’s health is impacting his current emotional strength and how it can be seen as either a strength or risk
Human sexuality is a common phrase for all, and anything, pertaining to the feelings and behaviors of sex for the human race. Sexuality has been a topic that has been discussed and studied for as far back as 1000 years B.C. and is still being studied today. As the discussion of sexuality has progressed through history, theories have been created based on research and experiments that scholars have implemented, based on their own perceptions of human behavior. Out of the many theories that pose to explain sexual behavior, Sexuality Now explained ten that are seemed to be the most overlapped, and built off of theories. Of these theories, two that were discussed in the text were the behavioral and sociological theory. These two theories cover some of the basic ideas of what could possibly influence a person’s sexuality.
The Tragedy of Macbeth is full of well tragedy with 9 on stage deaths and many more mentioned. Death in courts and battles, this is the setting of Macbeth. Death is honorable to some such as the king; “Nothing in his life/Became him like the leaving of it” (I, iii, 9) however there is never honor to those who murder. The deaths also hurt the reputation of murderers if the noble courts were to find out. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, maintaining the reputation of nobles is what motivates the characters Macbeth, his Lady, and MacDuff to conquer and murder.
Two neuroscientists Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam gathered online data that revealed peoples’ sexual behaviors and sexual desires. The reasoning behind this research because historically sex researchers have not been able to get good raw data or insight into peoples’ true sexual tastes and sexual behaviors because people keep theirs private. The usual way sex researchers try to figure this out is through surveys or just by asking people what they are interested in or what arouses them or what behaviors they did. They were not really able to verify this for themselves and there were many thigns that people just would never be willing to share. With the use of the internet we vould get a very clear picture into what people are actually doing because we could see what they are clicking on, what they are purchasing, what they are downloading,what they are reading or looking at and we could finally get a window into peoples true social tastes. Some of the important terms, that was looked at during the searches made on internet search engines and looked at individual search history, what they search over a period of time. They looked at downloads erotic stories and videos, moist popular websites in the world and figured out which sites got the most “traffic”. They got their hands on more than ten-thousand different romance novels, analyzed the test. They gathered a great variety of different kinds of data. Mnay people think they only looked at online searches, but
A self-designed instrument titled “Social values and Sexual Morality Questionnaire” was used for the study and data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as Percentage Scores, Mean,
Sexual disorders have always been a controversial topic in the scientific community. Some see certain sexual behaviors as deviant, “abnormal”, or even as addictions while others view those same behaviors as natural. But how can we classify a topic so taboo as normal or abnormal when there are such strong societal pressures to conform and repress? Hypersexuality is one of the most prevalent sexual issues that is being presented today and psychologists along with other mental health professionals are trying to categorize.
This study showed that the frequency of sexual intercourse, IELT and sexual satisfaction score were statistically significant lower in patients with GW and PE than patients with GW and no PE and healthy control subjects. In addition, this study found that the means of PEDT scores of the five questions and total scores were statistically significant higher in patients with GW and PE than patients with GW and no PE and healthy control subjects.