
My Sister Was Raped

Decent Essays

I still remember the night my sister was raped. My mom and I were driving up I-83 to Pennsylvania and my hair was still wet from swim practice. Interrupting a discussion of the long butterfly set my coach planned for tomorrow, her phone vibrated. Since my mother was driving, I read the text.

“Catherine 8:43pm call me please”

I dialed Catherine’s number and put the phone on speaker; rain drenching the windshield almost muted her voice.

“He raped me.”

I sat in silence the rest of the drive home while my mom, almost in tears, phoned the police.

For the next few weeks, it was cold and rained most days. It was snowing when she went to the hospital and met the police. The interviewing officer told her, “At least he didn’t actually rape you,” because he used a beer bottle instead of his penis.

After that night, I felt like I was going to throw up for weeks. The way police officers treated her disgusted me. I wished I could have protected her. All I could do was hold her hands when she had flashbacks because, in reality, I was a thirteen-year-old girl. I couldn’t fix her or kill the man that did it. So, I wrote about a world where I stitched my sister back together with old thread. With …show more content…

Writing is one of the few outlets I have. If I had the honor of being accepted, during my time with the Adroit Journal, I would begin to face my fears about writing. I absolutely adore writing; I need to write. But, sharing my work is terrifying to me. It’s like letting someone take my organs and soul out of my body and then inspect, revise, and critique them. I am so scared to let other people know me. After witnessing Catherine’s strength in sharing her story, I desperately want to learn to be a fearless writer. I believe a mentor could guide me on how to truly share myself with other people through writing, and overcome the fear that comes with being

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