
My Social Norms

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The Values, Norms, and Self-concept of Jorrin Thacker Socialization in my life has been unique compared to most people. I have been homeschooled all my life, making my socialization different than most. The best example of this is through my family. Being homeschooled meant that I spent all day with my parents and learned values and norms through frequently watching and interacting with them. Values I learned included the importance of honesty, selflessness, loyalty, hard work, and education. Along with these values came norms that I still follow today, like saying Mr. or Ms. when talking to someone older than me or holding the door for others. Through these values and norms, my parents nurtured a healthy sense of self, like being loved by …show more content…

The first was through my peers. Norms that were reshaped by my peers was what was acceptable as music. My friends and I often listen to Pop or Rap music, while my parents would rather listen to nails on a chalk board than listen to Rap. My peers shaped my sense of self into caring much more than I should about popular culture and what is “the newest thing”. Second, the media shaped my sense of self to conform to what everyone else is doing, because that is what everyone wants. This is something I am fighting to reshape to not always conforming with what society says. Media reshaped my values through movies and tv shows to think less of a person being killed. I find myself often not blinking at the brutal deaths in films, which I know I would have grimaced at when I was younger, showing how I have become slightly desensitized to death. Third, Religion has had a massive influence on both my values and my sense of self. Christianity has shaped my values to a basis of love and selflessness, both of which were encouraged by my parents from childhood. It has shaped my sense of self by knowing that I am loved by an amazing God and can always find peace in Him. Fourth, School has not influenced me in the way that it has for most people. Because I was homeschooled, my school influences fall into the category of family. My family shaped my values to emphasize education and learning in my

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