My specific goal is to spend more time exercising when at work or studying at a desk. I spend a lot of time sitting at work and I should try to do some form of exercises or walk around the hallway every 30 minutes. At lunch time, I can walk around the building for 20 to 30 minutes since I usually finish eating very early. In addition, I want to do strength training at least once a week in order to build muscle mass. I have school two days a week so I can utilize the gym at my school and use the weight equipments to perform numerous weight lifting exercises. To achieve the maximum benefits, I have to perform one to three sets of eight to ten exercises, each with ten to fifteen repetitions. The reasons I set these goals is because I want to lose
For my exercise goals I’ll begin by bike riding two to three times a week. I’ll also play a few games of basketball once in a while to add variety to the ways I am getting a good cardiovascular exercise. On my job I am actively moving or walking for about 3 to 4 hours a day, but that doesn’t get my heart rate elevated enough to be considered a vigorous workout. Secondly, continuing my current workout plan of weight lifting, pushups, and sit ups is fundamental for muscle growth and maintaining a consistent weight. Having difficulties with digestion is difficult to maintain a consistent weight, so identifying and maintaining a workout regimen and proper dieting will help regulate my weight.
Specific goal of mine is to graduate Medical Billing and Coding, by December or the beginning of January. Not only to have a certification in that particular career but, to be able to have a successful rewarding future. Continuing to learn from future educations as well as remembering my past learning life.
I began the baseline measurements on a Wednesday, timing and recording the length each time I exercised for 14 days. I graphed the results, and determined the average length of each session. With this information, and professional guidelines, I set my goal to a minimum 30mins per session, and at least 3 sessions per week. I determined the goal was realistic, based on the baseline results, and my exercise history. I then implemented the program for a further 14 days, using reinforcers. When I achieved my daily goal, I allowed myself time to play my computer game; and when I achieved my weekly goal, I went out with my friends on the weekend. On the days I didn’t achieve my goals, I did not allow myself to play the computer, or go out with friends.
Specific behavior goal: I will increase my physical activity and stamina by completing a 60-minute work out 5 times a week by the end of the next 8 weeks.
In one of the stories called Making Kids Work on Goals, Sue Shellenbarger has evidence of students wanting to achieve their goals at younger ages. “42% of students ages 10 to 18 say they are energetically pursing their goals 35% Strongly believe they can find ways around problems that may arise and 53% say they are hopeful for their future”. In another story called Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, Randy Pausch talks about how childhood dreams can come true and that it feels even better to help people accomplish their childhood dreams. “And as you get older, you may find that ‘enabling the dreams of others’ is even more fun” Now is it better to have short term or long term goals for a dream job, short term works better because of how long term goals seem to affect people.
My goal for this fitness program is to lose weight and gain muscle strength and the way I am going to achieve my goal is using the magic bullet: diet and exercise. My current weight at the start of this project is 230.0 pounds. I will be going to the gym five days out of the weak and I will also start a dieting plan as well. My workouts will include upper body, lower body, abs, and at least thirty minutes of cardio at the end or before each workout. The upper body will include chest, arms, shoulders, and back on Mondays and Thursdays. The lower body will include legs, calfs, lower back and hips on Tuesdays and Fridays. Abs will be just abs with cardio on Wednesdays. Leaving me with Saturdays and Sundays to use as rest days and giving my muscle a chance to rebuild and grow.
By the end of my senior year, my main priority, like any other senior, is to wear my cap and gown, walk across the stage, and receive my high school diploma. To accomplish this goal, I must continue excelling in school with all A’s and maintaining my diligent study skills. I also need to take as many dual enrollment courses at Clayton State University as possible in order to shorten my time in college. After graduating, the next leading goal is to get accepted into either Emory University or University of Georgia, but preferably Emory. Should Emory accept me, then I definitely need to apply to and receive scholarships like Gates Millennium and Zell Miller, for example. In addition, I desire to preserve my current rank as the salutatorian. Perhaps if I persevere more, then I could possibly graduate as the valedictorian. To do this, I can always study harder and receive tutoring about topics I do not completely comprehend. Also, somewhere along the lines, I hope that can obtain a job as a
It’s important and critical to know what are my strengths and weakness, I must know what I should improve and focus on. This way I will be able to achieve my aims of accomplishing good work and high results for this course. This can achieved by identifying and planning of the following:
How can I ensure that my work goals and plan are aligned to the organisation’s goals and plans? Ways in which you could ensure that personal work goals reflect the organisation's goals and plans include. Creating a balance card which is a management system that enables you and your organization to set, track, and achieve key strategies and objectives. Using one Involves examining your own work goals and responsibilities and devising indicators and measures of performance to ensure that both directly relate and align with the measures targeted by the organisation. Furthermore to ensure that work goals reflect the organisation’s examine their operation plans for short-term and view what is needed to be achieved in the given year, the budget to
My short term goals include graduating from high school and beginning college in the fall. I am continuing to research different fields of business to help narrow down what I would like to pursue in the future. I also plan to get a part-time job to help fund my college education, allowing me to graduate with as little debt as possible. This will help me achieve my long term goals more easily.
My personal short term goal for this year and the next is to graduate high school by passing with A’s and B’s and get a part-time job to pay off college and other expenses. For my educational short-term goal I plan to attend Treasure Valley Community School to earn my associates degree. To achieve these goals I will have to be facing many challenges and obstacles. One of the main challenges I will be facing is myself; I am a person who mostly procrastinates, so I will try my hardest to fight off all the procrastination that will make college life difficult for me. Also I am a very timid person, so I do not like speaking to unfamiliar people because I get uncomfortable and I am very self-conscious about myself. To ensure my success I will not
In my community, I volunteer immensely with the 4-H and FFA youth in Pima County and Arizona. I am a cavy judge at local shows throughout the year, as well as a certified shooting sports leader to teach 4-H members safe shooting techniques with rifles. I was also given the opportunity to volunteer with Future Farmer of America student members through my sorority, Sigma Alpha. I will be volunteering with the Meat Evaluation CDE at the State CDE Day, and have applied to be a Camp Counselor at the Arizona State FFA Camp held at Camp Shadow Pines in Herber, Arizona in June. Volunteering with youth involved in agriculture has allowed me to give back to a community that gave me so much during my youth. 4-H transformed me into the young woman I am
Drawing characters, backgrounds, rims, cars, or trucks spends most of my pastime. In addition to drawing, I would also like to partake classes in Animation. Art directors earned $56,880 in 2000, and the highest 10% made more than $109,440 dollars. Artist work about 40 hours a week, but during busy periods, they work overtime to meet deadlines.
Starting off with my short term goals. An important short term goal for me is to improve my English language proficiency for many reasons. Firstly would give me the ability to help me with my life in many ways which include the ability to easily contact other people from around the world when I travel abroad. Improving my English language wouldn’t just be for the benefit for travelling or contacting people, It has become an important issue that gives me the ability to help expand businesses around the world and it is a good way for increasing my opportunities to find a good job.
Each day will begin with warm up/cardio, and a flexibility session. Warmup and flexibility are a very important component of my program, in terms of increasing performance and decreasing the risk of injuring myself. As we progress onwards, the risk of injury decreases.