
My Story Of My Life

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The Real Me I am here to tell you my story about how I struggled dearly throughout high school and how I am back in school to try and start my life. Usually, all college students’ stories are the same give or take a couple of details. I guess you could say that I have had normal college experience except for a couple hiccups along the way. The usual “normal” timeline would grade school, high school, then college. I tried to do it that way but it did not work out so well for me personally. Even though school has not always been the most intriguing to me, I decided to go back so that I could get my degree and I could start my career, to be able to start my “adult” life finally. So here is my story of how I got to where I am and where I hopefully will be in five years. When I was growing up my parents moved a lot, well technically my mom did. My parents were divorced and my mom moved about every two years so whenever she moved my dad would follow her so that he could still watch me grow up. Since I moved so much I was always going to a different school and having to start over every time, and it was hard because not every school is on the same schedule for curriculum especially since we moved from state to state sometimes. So that lasted until middle school when my mom finally decided to stay in the same state and same general area so that I didn’t have to change schools every time she wanted to move. By the time I got into high school I was excited to be a “high schooler”

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