My strengths in dispositions that will contribute to your success as a professional educator is being empathetic. I believe it is important to establish a relationship with every student in the classroom. I know I need to positively communicate and understanding with my students and learn to accept the diverse points of view of my students. A strength in my disposition is that I believe every student has worth and the ability to complete each task. I have positive expectations of my students and believe that they have the potential to do anything they try to. It will contribute to my success as an educator because my students will not feel that they cannot complete a task due to me. Due to my self-concept and having a positive aspect on life,
When it comes to my strengths and weaknesses, I have only noticed a few. I sure as time goes on and I have worked in the field and have more experiences under my belt I will notice more. One of my strengths has been apparent to me for quite some time and that my compassion and eagerness to help. I believe I am a very compassionate person who has a genuine interest in helping people and I am also very intuitive and perceptive. I have a knack for helping people come to realizations in such a way that they believe they figured it out all on their own and have a way of motivating people to do things. One of my major challenges is that I can become emotionally invested in people I try to help. I have to
I have well-developed people skills and excellent relationships, though possessing the Feeling (F) trait, having excellent analytical abilities; though Introverted (I), being the defender of others. Consequently, possessing this particular personality trait could be very beneficial as I will continue my career in the healthcare field. Furthermore, with the distinct preference of sensing over intuition focusing on the present, the "here and now" aspects of situations and approach, see things as they are, nonetheless, a concrete thinker. Moreover, with an introversion traits as well, which is beneficial personality strength, focusing more on patients care
From the Strength Finder website questionnaire, my individualized leadership strengths are as follows: achiever, command, context, focus, and significance. In this essay I will elaborate on these in detail and the ways they explicitly relate to my personality and the different experiences and activities of my life. I have also researched several articles that discuss transformational leadership and how this pertains to the literature on the subject. I will discuss transformational leadership in comparison to my own strengths, and explain how my leadership style may progress as I advance through this nurse practitioners program.
My personal strengths are that I am a keen learner and organized person because like Benjamin Franklin I believe that if I fail to plan then I am planning to fail. Above all I am confident that I have made the right choice and that I am a suitable candidate for
• Positivity: Positivity is for someone who is upbeat and positive, which tends to rub off on others.
I was interested by the results discovered at the completion of the StrengthsFinder Survey. While I found the strengths listed surprising at first, after reading the descriptions I could see how they fit my personality and life experiences. I believe it will be a challenge learning how to utilize each individual strength into my life and career, but it will be worthwhile to take the things I’m already good at and use them to my advantage. My top 5 strengths were reported to be harmony, communication, responsibility, discipline, and consistency (Clifton, Anderson, & Schreiner, 2006). I will work to integrate and utilize these strengths into my professional life.
Two strengths that I may build upon as a future teacher are compassion, caring and respect. I believe compassion and caring may be a source of leadership in my future classroom because my student will see that I truly care about them in and out of the classroom. Taking the time to connect and build relationships with
The strengths I possess that have aided me in effectively interacting with people are my patience, positivity, and empathetic listening abilities. I have also developed my ability to convey intricate topics in an understandable manner through my academic and outreach work as well as my legislative
For instance the strength of being restorative has shown me that I need to work on not trying to control every situation and solve every problem someone has. I need to let them figure out how to solve their problems and just be a sounding board for them when they need it. Being a mom it is hard to not just jump in every time my boys face a difficult situation and just solve it for them. They are young men now and I realize that I need to take a back seat and let them figure out where their life’s road will take them and to be there to listen and help as they ask me. Hard, yes, but a necessity. By doing the assessment and finding out what my top three strengths are I can use them to in the best way possible to achieve the goals I have for my life both personally and professionally. I realize that being deliberative, my belief system and being restorative are my strengths and not weaknesses and I can now capitalize on those strengths at work and
Personal strengths are abilities, talents, and characteristics that God has given us. Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”. God has given everyone amazing characteristics that most people would describe them as. Even though most people don’t like talking about their own positive characteristics, we all have amazing gifts and talents. When I was talking to my friends, they gave me three characteristics that they see in me. The abilities that God has blessed me with are, a strong athlete, a good friend, and servant-hearted. I have thought about what these mean to me and I am going to describe each of them.
Trying to decide what your personal strengths are, is hard. For myself, I have grown in my strengths, and I’ve experienced my weaknesses. My personal strengths consist of: positivity, encouragement, laughter, and love. I pick these four because I feel that I am truly strongest in these aspects of my life. Being positive is a big factor in everything I do. I always want to be happy and joyful; not only to display Christ in me, but to make others feel the way I do. I want others to appreciate life and to feel any kind of uplift in his or her spirt. Positivity plays into encouragement. I make it my goal to make others feel better about themselves. My goal coming into college was to learn and know every person(s) name that I got the chance to meet. Just taking a few minutes out of your day to truly get to know someone, is such a blessing. It not only blesses me in new friendships, but it also blesses others because they feel that someone genuinely cares about them. Laughter is another characteristic I strive to pour out onto others. I laugh at practically everything. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. I’ve learned the importance of laughter, and I just want to make one person smile every day. Love is my last of the four attributes. Love is so important to me. I love creation (Trees, birds, squirrels), God, and I love people. I just want the love that God has given me, to pour out onto others. I want others to know that I love them. These are my personal strengths
After attending many interviews over this year, I have been asked “What are my strengths” numerous times. After careful consideration, the two characteristics that I feel are my greatest strengths are my passion for teaching, and the fact that I am coachable. According to Benekos (2016), Passion for teaching includes the ability to teach students how to learn and to instill enthusiasm and interest in learning. Since I was a little kid, I have always had a love of numbers. From playing with numbers, to calculating numbers, to talking about numbers, I have always been very fond of numbers. As an adult and mathematics teacher now, I try to instill my students with that same love and enthusiasm that I have for numbers. Everyday that I am in the
Personal strengths for me would be my strong desire to learn and change, and my persistence. I have been prevented from pursuing my desired education for so long, but I am chomping at the bit to get this done now. Not only am I pursuing a change in career, but I am going towards a field of study that I find interesting. I can be a very stubborn person at times and my persistence mirrors that trait.
I am applying for section leader because, I feel I can give back to the program. This program has grown me as a person exponentially. My personal strengths are that I have endured allot. Being in scouts has taught me there are 2 parts to being in a group. First you are a follower, you grow as an individual and learn new skills. The second part is being a leader, to now take what you have learned over the course of time and show it, and teach others . I feel as if I have grown as an individual following others, that I can now take the next step into the leading aspect of an organization.
My current strengths include; my honesty and passion towards my work. I have always been positive and confident regarding my aims and targets. Along with these, I am a good decision maker, due to which I can make right and quick decisions. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target; I work day and night to achieve my goal.