
My Totem Pole Essay

Decent Essays

My Totem Pole A totem pole is a tall log carved mainly by the indigenous people of Alaska and British Columbia. The poles tell stories that have been passed down from generation to generation as legends and myths. However, that is not the only type of totem pole, there are totems that tell the carver’s history, their family’s history and some are even used to honor the dead. Additionally, some totem poles were made to show respect to an important tribal member. Totem poles feature animals and symbols, chosen by the carver to represent themselves, another person, or an event. I have chosen to construct a totem pole to represent my qualities and personality. My totem pole will feature a deer, a fox, a monkey, and a cat. For my first totem animal, I have chosen the deer. I chose this animal because I am quiet when I am around people I don’t know. Also, the deer is said to be helpful and not knowingly hurt anything, well, I try to be helpful and I don’t try to hurt anybody that I care about. I am different from the deer because deer are said to be uncaring about what people say to try to convince them to do something, but I usually listen to people that I trust like my friends if they say …show more content…

I am like the fox because people say that foxes are clever and cunning, The fox and I are similar. I like to be clever and hide things in my room like presents, candy, food, and books. Another way that I am like the fox is I can see and hear exceptionally well, like the fox. I am different than the fox in many ways since I don’t have four legs, a tail and fluffy fur (just joking). I am different than the fox since I’m not extremely alert to danger, and if I am, then usually I just ignore it and hope for the best. Finally, the last reason that I chose the fox is that the fox is my favorite animal in the whole world, I love their large ears and their

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