Out of all the places that I have been to Chicago would be on the top of my list for multiple reasons. Although I was not raised in Chicago, I was born there. Well a suburb of it anyway, Evanston, IL. My parents were on vacation visiting some of our family and they ended up having me while they were there. I think Chicago is such a beautiful city, and every time I go visit, it just becomes even more beautiful. There are so many things to do in Chicago, from walking downtown to trying exotic food, or just their famous deep dish pizza. Although they are famous for deep dish, they are also famous for being the windy city. I never truly knew how windy it was until a few years ago when I went and almost got knocked down by Lake Michigan. It is so
Above is my timeline that I was a part of with Ashley Bowden and we decided to do the Chicago area. I was able to talk her into doing Chicago for my love of big cities and architecture. Even as a little kid, I had a love of riding and now driving through the city looking at the massive skyscrapers and the beautiful skyline that Chicago has to offer. Chicago has an interesting story to tell and a big part of that story takes place with the Chicago Fire of 1871. After the Chicago Fire the city needed to rebuild. The land was transformed from early times of farming land to what is now the third biggest city in the United States.
grew up in Chicago, Illinois, a beautiful city surrounded by violence and controversy by the media. I found things more simple when I was kid growing up here, there wasn't much to worry about but as I got older things became more complex here. The sounds of the " L "' or as you know it as, The Train, and the roaring sounds of cars passing by my house made me feel alive while growing up and as a matter of fact still does. You could wake up in the morning and see the vibrant blue skies being pierced by the skyscrapers and see other kids playing ball or riding their bikes. When it was summer time I would play ins sprinklers or go downtown and play in the fountains with my family. Of course, like most big cities I had to watch my back while growing up because you never knew what somebody was up to. It's weird really growing up here because you never know what's going to happen next , wether it's a good thing or a bad thing. All I can really say about growing up in Chicago is that if I had the chance to redo it, I'd do if a million times.
The documentary ‘Chicago City of the Century’ tells a remarkable story about a city that underwent a horrific event, the people that did not want it to perish, and the enterpenurs that helped revive the city and proved that you can change a bad situation into something good.
During the elections, Queen Emma faced much criticism in the islands for her gender, background, and character. In a letter written by Curtis Jere Lyons, he says on the native bulletin, the words “We do not wish to see the petticoat putting on breeches (or inside of the breeches)” were written above the Queen’s proclamation . By referring to clothes and dress, these words were attacking Queen Emma’s gender. Whoever wrote it did not want to see a woman as ruling monarch. In addition, an article published in The Chicago Tribune in 1874 speaking about the elections states, “The popularity… is purely personal, as she has no hereditary rank and little force of character”. Claiming that Queen Emma’s popularity in the elections was “purely personal” erases
Chicago is home to tons of historic wrestling moments. They hosted WrestleMania 2, 13, and 22. Chicago is home of Cena’s debut, the return of Brock Lesnar, title changes, and always host a PPV every year. Chicago has also been home to some of the greatest matches ever like Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart and John Cena vs. CM Punk. They've held multiple MITB ladder matches, NXT and
I chose the city of Kankakee, Illinois not only because I was born and raised here, but because I believe that there is so much potential for change here. Kankakee is a 100% urban city in Illinois and is located 45 minutes from the south side of Chicago. Kankakee has been known to some as a very southern suburb, but it is not. Kankakee is a part of a tri-city area and is not included in the southern suburbs of Chicago. I heard a recording of Jay Leno saying that Kankakee is one of the worst places to live years ago and that lit the fire in me to return and see great things happen here. Kankakee is often talked about in a negative way from the residents and those who visit the area, but I see the potential of this city in its people.
Baseball in Chicago was very big it grew a lot in Chicago back then in the 1800’s.
For my city I chose Chicago. I chose this because I really like the city, it is close to home and it is the least vulnerable to climate change. Chicago is located in the Midwest. It is one of the largest city in the United States with a population almost at 3 million. Chicago is a huge city and a metropolitan area that stretches over 10,874km². As the center of the Midwest, Chicago is easy to find. This city sits right on Lake Michigan. It has lots of iconic sights and neighborhoods.
CAAP gives incoming freshmen insight into the University of Chicago experience. CAAP softens the transition for students into the UChicago experience. CAAP allows you to have a head start in meeting new and amazing students. CAAP exposes students to the Hyde Park way of life. CAAP is right for me because it will prepare me for what is to come next within the next four years at the University of Chicago.
In general, if I was African American sharecropper arriving in Chicago, I would have been surprised to see the number of sharecroppers from the South arriving in Chicago with me. During the Great Migration from 1916 to 1918, it was estimated about a half million African Americans moved from the Southern to Northern states and 30,000 arrived in Chicago for various reasons. In this assignment, I’ll discuss some things I would encounter (Mullane, 1993, p. 455).
In the streets of Chicago, a young disabled teenager was beaten. He was actually beaten
El Movimiento, also known as the Chicano civil rights movement, was the empowerment of Mexican Americans in the 1960’s and 70’s. Almost half a century later, Chicanos, Latinos, and Hispanics continue to fight a struggle. You may be wondering “what is a Chicano?” A Chicano is anyone who grew up in the U.S., but if their parents grew up in Mexico then moved to the states. This movement is one of the least studied civil rights socials, but this is a topic I have felt strong about for a while and I still do.
My capstone project was to go to Chicago and to see many high quality art in art museum and murals/monuments in public in the city. It was also to study the diverse art culture of Chicago.
My first trip to Disney World, now that, that was a memorable trip. That trip was one of the most magical and happiest memories of my life. It was back in 2008, I had just turned 6 years old a few months before we left to go there. It was summertime, and the weather was perfect. I remember being so bored on the way there because I am an only child so I didn’t have anyone to entertain me besides myself. My mom’s side of the family went on this trip with us, and at the time I was the only grandkid, and the only kid at all. So once we finally were almost there I remember passing the big ‘Welcome to Disney World” sign and being so excited I peed my pants--my mom was pretty mad, but my dad thought it was kinda funny so I didn’t get in too much trouble.
Some other inexpensive attractions in Chicago are the different museums and exhibits scattered around the downtown area.