My uncle Rube is someone special to me. A passion for computers ignited in me as bright as a star in the sky. That’s where it all started. We all have that one uncle or aunt who makes you feel like you’re the best out there. The one who always there for school events and birthdays with the best gifts. The uncle you want to ride to events with, with the windows rolled down because being around him makes you feel 10 feet tall. That is my uncle Rube. When I was younger, he always challenged me to be the best version of myself. At that time Uncle Rube was studying Computer Engineering at Sac State, that he purchased his first computer. This was prior to Microsoft’s graphical operating system. The computer’s screen was black with only a small
Rubios is a very popular Mexican / seafood restaurant in California! All type of people go to eat a fish taco or anything else during a hot sunny day in California. Rubios isn’t really that packed, but on the weekends there might be a line to order. They have extremely nice workers and fast cooks! Let me describe the amazing taste to you. The fish is cooked perfectly and end up very tasty and crunchy. They can add salty fresh salty guac to it, hot mexican salsa, etc. You get to pick what salsa you would like. The taco’s crunchiness is really good and the California bowls are also very good and fresh it’s a very healthy meal to eat at anytime of the day you would like. They have a variety of good seafood and other stuff on the menu. The beans
Patti LaBelle may be selling pies at Walmart, but the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin is putting food and water in the mouths of the people of Detroit.
I love to tell stories about my childhood. Looking back now, through all of my life’s experiences, it almost feels like I was living in a fairy tale. It brings both joy and sadness to my heart when I share these memories with my daughter. The joy comes from remembering how things were back then and how those things impacted my life today. The sadness comes from knowing that she will never get to experience those things, therefore, she will only get to live them through me. Even now as a young woman, she will say to me from time to time, “mom, tell me a story about the Good Ole Days”!
The Gotitright family has ruled over the Blue Planet for two hundred eight years and every twenty years since 1908 the Committee of Twelve performs an ancient tradition, in which they compete against each other for the privilege of selecting a writer, to update, ‘The Road to Glory: the History of the Gotitright Family.’
Bill Gates is a computer genius that changed American society in a matter of one lifespan, starting from when he was an adolescent. Attending Lakeside School, Gates was able to interact with computers as a local computer company offered free computer time (CNN Library - Database). It was here that his love for computers really developed. He went from using computers to writing programs like tic-tac-toe. However, it became so much more.
You are so right. Trust is one of the connections my students, para and I share. You know kids from pick out a phony a mile away as they would say. Therefore, building a trust relationship with my students was not easy because many of my students are from broken homes. However, with continuous support, firm love, and demonstrating the class expectations, the students realize we care about their academic and their well
The first little user with the screen name LiLestPiggy, the youngest, bought his computer at the local chain computer store CompUSA, and had just recently installed a modem so he could surf the net. Email being the primary reason for the use of his computer, LiLestPiggy purchased a computer with the most basic set up. He was planning to surf the web and play games online, pursuing a job as an English teacher at the nearby elementary school. It was the most basic set up for a beginner.
At only 5ft tall my Mamaw was a lioness trapped in kitten’s body. She was an independent woman that would never back down from a fight. Mamaw is the name we called my grandmother from my mother’s side. One of my favorite memories is when she would ask me to do her a favor and in return she would offer me a Yankee dime. If you’re not from the south and don’t know what that is, a Yankee dime is a kiss. My Mamaw, Lillian Delores, was an amazing woman!
When I dream at night, the dreams I remember are often very unrealistic. In my dreams, I often find myself floating in wide open areas like the grand canyon or in a forest. Or I will be jumping from high buildings and landing perfectly, unharmed, on my feet. Scientifically, these things are proven to be impossible. However, I have been to the Grand Canyon and I have been to forests. The places are realistic but the actions are not. The answer is very clear to me, I do not believe that my life is just a dream. However, I do believe that you can dream can be your life.
On May 2, 2012, the National Football League lost one of its elite players to suicide: Junior Seau. Seau played for the Chargers, Dolphins, and the Patriots during his professional football career and was a 12-time Pro Bowler before retiring in 2009. Three years after his retirement however, Seau committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a gun. This greatly shocked the football world and its image of Junior Seau as a person, but it soon realized the cause for his action. Shortly after Seau’s death, researchers examined Seau’s brain and found that it contained a disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy which is formed
When the I pad came out it took over some electronics in just a few years, like the netbook, the I pad also got people happy about the new product made by apple the I pad has showed that the I pad is one of the best tablets out there. The things, why I think the I pad is the greatest is because it helps with crodantion it is entertainment contrition. But some may think that android makes better tablets that will be the counter argument. In my opinion, I believe that the I pad has had the greatest impact on society.
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.
Nobody really knows how rubies were formed. There are some speculations that they were made by the earth’s plates colliding together and through the heat and pressure, rubies were made. However because the rubies appear in blotches and not in any order or over large amounts of areas, it leads to more questions. Rubies are part of a group called transparent corundum. A very rare mineral that is one of the four most expensive stones in jewelry stones and also one of the hardest materials. Its twin, Sapphire, are identical but just have a change of color. Both are made from a mixture of aluminum and oxygen being compressed together. The colors of ruby range from a very light almost clear pink to a nice deep blood red that is most expensive. However
Bombs, destruction and, desolations are still present in our age. We constantly read in the news or we experience from firsthand the rising of dictators or rebellions taking over established government. Our response in consequence of the pain, the sorrow or our sense of justice makes us think and ask, why this is this happening? Don´t God sees all this injustice? Don´t God is all mercy and love? Is God really controlling history?
Magnanimity or greatness of soul, as its name implies, only applies to big things; but we know, first of all, what are these things. Otherwise, we can indifferently study the quality itself or the individual who possesses it.