One of the things that was surprising for me during my week doing the hours was while I was at the vaccination clinic at the hospital. I was about to leave but the nurse need it to see one more patient before taking me to the blood bank. It was an 18 year old patient getting his last shots in order to be able to turn in all his requirements to the collage of his choosing. I was talking to mom that was interested in nursing classes back in Chicago where she lives when the patient that was in front of us rolled his eyes and passed out and it looked like he was shaking too like about to start convulsing. It was total chaos I got super nervous not knowing where everything was the alcohol pads or ammonia to give to the patient and help him come
In 2015 there was an outbreak that involved students at the University of Oregon. Six students were infected, one died. The University with the Public Health Department held four mass vaccination clinics with the goal of vaccinating all of the undergraduate students. (
The article “Business Models, Vaccination Services, and Public Health Relationships of Retail Clinics: A Qualitative Study” by Bayo C. Arthur, Allison Kennedy Fisher, Sarah J. Shoemaker, Alyssa Pozniak and Shannon Stokley seeks to “understand the profitability, vaccine offerings, and decision making related to the Retail Clinics’ business model” (Arthur et al., 2015, p.429). The affiliations for these authors are Bayo C. Arthur, Allison Kennedy Fisher and Shannon Stokley from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sarah J. Shoemaker, PhD from Abt Associates, Inc., and Alyssa Pozniak, PhD from Arbor Research Collaborative for Health. The research problem addressed in this article is whether or not retail clinics will help increase patient access to vaccination services which we currently fall below from our goal defined in Healthy People 2020.
Most of today's society imagines a “perfect life” graduating high school then college, finding your “dream” job, marrying the man of your dreams and finally having children. In today's society vaccinating your child has become a dilemma among young parents. One of the main reasons there is a dilemma is Autism is being linked to the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccinations. Doctors recommend everyone be vaccinated in order to protected from three potential illnesses. (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine. (2014, September 11). Retrieved April 7, 2015.) The (MMR) vaccination is two series of shots. The vaccinations are recommended to be administered at a young age. The first series of shots is typically given between the ages of twelve
Increasing appropriate vaccination program has been initiated focused implementation of health care system and community services. Effectiveness of increasing vaccination rate in targeted population has been proven by research and data. Recommendation includes the health care providers to offer educations and reminders for clients. Additional strategies of implementation include accessibility of vaccination such as reduced cost and providing expanded access in clinics. Home visit can also be offered for immobilized clients. Standing order is another strategy that has been recommended in this program. Under the state law and approved protocol by the institution, nurses, pharmacists, and other health care professionals can administer vaccination
In the documentary “The Vaccine War”, there was a woman from Ashland, Oregon who’s main concern was that the vaccines being administered were causing more damage than good. I am not sure exactly as to how she can up with that theory but the mother stated the vaccines were not necessary. As a mother i can understand being frightened by the thought of medicine causing damage but it has been proven that vaccines have actually helped saved lives by preventing diseases that children used to most commonly get.There is a huge debate going on currently in regards to vaccines in children. In recent news during the second Republican Presidential Debate on September 16th, hosted by CNN at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in California, there was controversy between Dr. Carson and Donald Trump. Donald Trump has linked childhood vaccines to autism on multiple occasions, despite their being no evidence to link the two together. Trump started off his point by saying that “autism has become an epidemic.” Although there has been an increase in the diagnosis of autism in children, there is still no evidence supporting his theory. One of Trump’s main concerns was the over-grouping of vaccines. Meaning he rather have vaccines given over a period of time, rather than all at once. Although it has been theorized that giving children multiple vaccines at once is safe, Dr. Carson went to agree with Trump, stating: “It is true that that we are probably giving way too many in too short of a period of time”. The controversy between vaccines and autism is causing fear in parents. It is taking away from their will to protect, and prevent harm from their children. We need accurate facts and
Your research article was intriguing. The subject of vaccinating children has been a growing topic of conversation The point that you made regarding as a patient advocate nurses have the role of educating our patients and families of the benefits of vaccinations. The patient may not understand the role of the vaccine and what can be prevented if vaccinated. The healthcare worker may need education regarding vaccinations as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Hepatitis B, and Pneumococcal vaccinations are recommended for patients with chronic kidney disease or on dialysis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2012).
(1) I would not take steps in reducing the flows of people, but I would take steps to reduce the flows of food and manufactured goods. Reducing the flows of people would lead to racism and prejudice towards someone's country of origin. Racists are looking for any excuse to demean a race or a country different than theirs, so the results would be catastrophic. Instead of banning the flow of people, I would rather take steps in recommending everyone to (mayoclinic, 2015):
My current event article is about the Indiana State Department of Health sending letters to parents that urged them to get their children and teens a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease. The vaccination would prevent most of the common types of HPV and the cancers associated with it. The letter was sent to about 305,000 parents whose children had no record of having gotten the vaccination for HPV, and it encouraged parents to get their children vaccinated. A spokesperson from the State Department of Health said the letters were sent to parents of children with no record of having the vaccination, which was recorded in the state immunization information system called the Children and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program. Many parents were upset by this, and one parent called the health department's effort "intrusive" and he "balked at the idea of a state vaccine database keeping track of children." Critics of this vaccine say that they refuse to vaccinate for a specific reason, and others say that the vaccine could promote sexual activity among children and
My topic will be about the controversy of vaccinations. I am going to research its usage, the effect on your body, advantages and disadvantages. I am also interested in the reasons behind not getting vaccinations for your children, even when the parents could be willingly risking their child’s health and other children’s health. Furthermore, I wonder how doctors and professors view vaccinations and if they believe vaccinating your children is mandatory. The reason why I chose this topic is because recently, I watched an episode of Private Practice where a parent objected her child to be vaccinated for measles because she believed it caused her other son’s autism. To me, it seemed absurd that anyone thought that vaccinations, a precaution used against viruses, could be causing harm. So, instead of going off a T.V. show to understand vaccinations, I wanted to do in-depth research on it and become well-informed on this topic.
In colonial America in the 1700’s the smallpox virus was spreading throughout the population, and killing as many of half of the people who were contracting the virus. According to the earliest form of vaccinations was called “inoculation” and was being debated if it was considered safe. The fear was understandable, because the process to inoculate against the smallpox was riskier than todays modern vaccine. In the 1700’s inoculating statistics proved that it helped reduce the number of deaths. Inoculating took weeks and in the 1700’s George Washington did not have many soldiers to spare if one contracted small pox. Today, may historians credit inoculating with helping the Continental Army win the
Based on the review criteria, your thesis takes the position that all infants and children should be vaccinated. First, I find your thesis suitable and able to be supported within the length requirements of the paper. Secondly, I believe your thesis clearly indicates the intention of your paper, and that chosen your supporting ideas adequately defends your paper’s stance on vaccinations. Thirdly, in effort to strengthen your thesis, I would also highlight the consequences of contracting the aforementioned diseases. Finally, in addressing your concern, If you feel your topic is too broad, perhaps you should pick three definite reasons as to why all infants and children should be vaccinated. That way you can reduce the topic by focusing on key
Why are there are not clinical trials regarding vaccine safety? Why isn’t research being done to prove the efficiency and safety of vaccines like they have for other pharmaceutical drugs? That being said, why is there so much research and trials for pharmaceuticals but not for vaccines? A great example is the Gardasil shot, they were testing it and then realized how much money it was bringing in and they completely halted the research even though numerous girls were having adverse reactions to the 3 part series, The Greater Good - Why aren't doctors and nurses taught what are in vaccines while they are in medical school? Why are doctors so hesitant to give out the vaccine inserts to parents questioning what is being given
During the 20th century, the infectious disease death rate decreased from 800/1000 deaths to less than 100/1000 deaths. This is mainly due to the introduction of immunisation. Vaccination has clearly prevented millions of deaths over the last century; nevertheless, the anti-vaccination movement has grown significantly in recent years. Some of the reasons why people join this movement include the belief that vaccines don’t actually work, the belief that vaccines are unnatural and therefore unhealthy and the belief that vaccines contain toxins that cause bodily damage and neuropsychiatric problems (eg. Autism). This essay will discredit the beliefs associated with the anti vaccination movement through infectious disease statistics,
Vaccines are essential and important to the babies and pre-school or school aged children. Other than building the body’s immune response they have uncountable pros including; protection of future generations where the vaccinated mothers of the unborn children are alleviated the dangers from various microorganisms such as viruses that have the great potentiality to cause birth defects as well as the vaccinated communities helps to reduce or curb diseases for future generations. Such as the outbreak of the German rubella virus disease that caused the death of about 11,000 babies and about 20,000 birth defects in babies between the year 1963 to 1965 in USA. Generally, women who were vaccinated during their early ages of childhood against this rubella virus have tremendously decreased the chances of passing down this virus to their unborn as well as newborn toddlers. Thus eliminating the cases of birth defects and other complications associated with this disease (James, 1988).
What is a vaccination? Why are they so important ? A vaccination is a live virus administered into the body to build immunity against deadly diseases. When a child is little and is exposed to a disease their bodies are not strong enough to fight it off and can make them very sick. Before vaccination came into play children would get diseases such as pertussis(whooping cough),polio,diphtheria, and tetanus, all of these being extremely deadly.Why would someone want to give a young child these deadly viruses? Studies have shown that no medicine is perfect but most childhood vaccines produce immunity about 90 - 100% of the time.(vaccines) Before vaccinations were invented people were only living 50-60 years, they now are living 20-25 years longer. How does this protect those who physically can not have vaccinations? Vaccinations protect those who can not be vaccinated, whether is be from a disease they are already fighting, chemo / radiation, and being allergic. All of those being reasons to hope others get their vaccinations. Vaccinations not only protect children from harmful diseases, but also those who can not be vaccinated.