On Wednesday, September 2nd I went to the Men's Soccer Game against UCF, sponsored by the Athletics Department. I choose to go to this event because I missed the previous soccer game against Georgetown. I love sporting event and wanted to support my school's team and be an active Dirty Bird member. It was my first game at FGCU and even though there was a lightning delay I really enjoyed the game. My friends and I arrived early to the game and sat in the Dirty Bird section behind UCF's goal. The event was a whiteout so the few UCF fans were hidden in a white blob. They started the game by announcing all the players and singing the National Anthem, and I remember being impressed by how well the girl sung the anthem. During the game, since all
My boyfriend and his family, who were all born in Peru, invited me to the USA vs Peru soccer game. Peru and the USA’s records were tied, both having two wins and two losses. The result of the game would break the tie and put one team on top. His family has a very strong sense of Peruvian pride and so they were very happy and excited to be going to the game. It was a normal hot day in September when we arrived at the stadium. We wanted to get into the stadium as soon as possible and find our seats so that we could settle in and watch the players warm up. My boyfriend and his family were all wearing Peruvian jerseys and I was wearing a t-shirt that said Peru. The game began and everything was going normally. There were supporters of Peru and of the USA sitting around us. About 10 minutes into the second half of the game, three lady’s supporting the Peruvian team arrived to the
MILLERSBURG — Better equipping firefighters to locate victims and fight fires, the Millersburg Eagles Aerie No. 2418 on Wednesday presented the Holmes Fire District No. 1 Firefighters with the cash needed to purchase a second thermal imaging mask.
Ben shot a penalty kick with 4 minutes left in the game, giving NCSSM the lead 4-3. The student section went crazy, however South Alamacen then scored with 2:30 left in the game. Neither team scored after South Alamacen tied the game at 4, so the game ended in a tie, however the soccer team had a good performance. I appreciated how a majority of the NCSSM community was at the game to support its’ athletes, as the student section made up at least 40% of the school. Conversely, I disliked how everyone showed up late, but making an attempt to show up at all still shows good school spirit. At the game, I learned that NCSSM’s students are very talented in areas other than academics, in this case in athletics. I also learned that soccer games are the closest to football games here so many people attend the home games. I will attend similar events in the future, being sure to watch different sports, because I met a lot of new people and saw how talented my classmates were outside of the
The live sporting event that I chose to observe was the 2015 Woman’s Soccer Big West Conference championship game with Cal State Fullerton competing against Cal State Long Beach. The game took place on Sunday, November 8th at 1:00pm at Cal State Fullerton. This game is significant because it determines who wins the Big West and who qualifies for the NCAA tournament, so pressure on the players and intensity are very high. Throughout the game, I observed the game as a sport psychologist professional and observed the player’s and coach’s behaviors that relate to Sport Psychology. The three sport psychology concepts that were interpreted during the soccer match were: situational awareness, arousal regulation strategies, and reinforcements.
Living in United States for 17 years, I have spent roughly 13 years down in Florida. Besides elementary, I finished all my schooling in Florida. I always wanted to attend schools somewhere on the west coast where its quiet and not a lot of people. To experience all four seasons is definitely a plus, given that I grew up where summer is predominant throughout the year. But being brought up in an eastern cultural fashion, I didn’t want to stay too far from family. During my junior and senior years I chose USF-Tampa. Tampa is far enough from Miami where I can study without distractions of family, but also close enough in case of emergency.
With the blow of a whistle, practice comes to a grinding halt. Tired young men remove their helmets and gasp for air in the early-but-oppressive Florida summer. I gather with the rest of the coaching staff and together we prepare one of our final talks to the team before they battle in the Florida Gulf Coast Lacrosse League Championship game. In the six months leading to this final surge, myself and the other coaches have worked to instill four key traits into our players: teamwork, dedication, integrity, and respect. It is these four qualities, we believe, that will allow them to develop a fifth quality, technical competence, and take them to the top of their sport. More importantly, it is these four traits that we believe will transform them into mature young men and prepare them for the rigors of life off of the field.
I was so excited to go to Kansas City for my soccer tournament. We were ready to go to Kansas City but then my friend asked if he could come with us. So we went to go pick him up when another person called because they needed a ride to Kansas City because there mom or dad could not come. Then we picked him up.
It was our first game in Disney coach gave us his usual pep talk," I have five soccer rules run hard.play hard,shoot hard,obey the refs,and have fun," but this time it was different it didn't seem as if coach actually meant it ,he was staring at the other team the whole warm up time. I think he was nervous that we were going to lose this game which made me doughtfull of the whole team. I was pepping my team up while I heard coach check out of the hotel room on his phone because if we lost we would go home. I took the field all the parents were going wild on the sidelines except for one my dad he said," I don't need to cheer you on, champions know how to cheer there selves on." I took my position and then the whistle blew every time that whistle
It was a cold day in November: an icy breeze blowing across a green soccer pitch in Jackson, Mississippi. Fans along the sideline cheering on the Jackson Elite FC. I took the field feeling the pressure of gameday bearing down like i had weights on my shoulders. This was the first time I had every started as a forward in a soccer game. The referee brings the ball to midfield and sets it down. I hear my parents cheering from the sidelines. The opposing team kicks off and the game is on.
The shouting and cheering from the crowd, student sections, and band fills the Frankfort High School gym. The Lebanon boys basketball team had just began their warm up when I found a seat near the top bleachers. I started to look upon the crowd scanning the fans sitting in the bleachers. One specific lady caught my eye. She was covered in blue and white, Frankfort’s school colors. This woman clapped and cheered as the Frankfort boys team began their warm up. During the warm up, this lady sat and talked with people around her. She seemed to always be smiling and chatting with everyone. Twenty minutes later the teams were ready for tip off. This lady was looking a little anxious, but excited. As Frankfort scored the basket, this woman leaped
The day the team got together and fought threw a tough battle facing pinnacle high school. It was our second home game and our record was 1-2. After all of the hard work we had put in over summer, we realized we could not lose, especially in front of our home crowd. At the beginning of the game we did our usual warm-ups, I have never felt so much adrenaline pushing threw my veins in my life. After the warm-ups the whole team got in a big huddle, we chanted a chant that will never be forgotten and one day make history for the pride. After the chant we got ready for kick-off, lined up and ready to go. The crowd started cheering at the first 2 seconds of the game “go pride go, go pride go”. This made the whole team nervous, not just because there was so many
With thousands paying all attention to you, this is the perfect place to open up a world of change to so many people. Moreover, some also say it isn’t their place, however, this is very much their place. The football event wouldn’t have happened without the players. On the other hand, people who’ve done this in the past have been given an unreasonable and unfair punishment. As humans, if we choose to speak up, there is no viable reason as to why people are punished for using the rights we’ve been
Unlike all other game days, this one is very special. We take on UC San Diego in hopes of securing a playoff spot. My emotions have been running all over the place, and no it’s not because I am a young adult trying to get through college. I have been playing soccer for 15 years already so it is safe to say that soccer is my life. All I do is constantly train to get better and improve as much as I can and today is my chance to showcase my talent at the highest level I’ve played at so far. It’s my second year at SFSU and my second year playing soccer here and with 20 games already recorded for me at the school, I should be coming into the game with a cool head but I am far from it.
My place of observation was the USM baseball field, known as Towers Field on the Gorham campus where the USM baseball team was taking on Wheaton college at 1pm on Sunday, April 17, 2016. The field can be found behind Philippi Hall at the far end of campus near the softball field and turf field where many other sports are played. The space consists of two dugouts, one field, a press box and a bunch of spectator seating. There’s a patch of grass dividing the baseball and softball fields where many people stand, watch the game and sometimes barbecue. The press box sits at the front, facing the field up behind home plate and the spectator seating is in front of home plate and spans around to the dugouts. The home team can be found on the
I clap my hands with the other thousands of fans, and my hands feel greasy from the slice of pizza I just finished eating. My mouth still has the tangy, saucy taste of pizza. I look down towards the field where the players are lining up in their formations. Their brightly colored uniforms stand out in the glare of the stadium lights. The field has a fresh mowed look, and the screens are bright as the North Star. As the lady starts to sing the National Anthem, the crowd falls do a dead silent, placing their hands on their chest and mouthing the words along with her. The mass of people standing in the arena look as if they are mannequins strategically placed for a photo. The lady finishes singing and the crowd resumes their jet like roaring. A man walks in front of me, as he walks by a get a whiff of his cheap cologne mixed with stale beer and cigarette smoke. Lucky to be me this man makes his way around to his seat that is directly to my right. After the first ten minutes the smell was almost unnoticeable. The game comes to an end most of the crowd wearing smiles and giggling like school girls, as if they had won the game themselves. Few others scream and pout as they waddle down the stairs to their cars. The noise has decreased greatly giving my ears a rest. The noise is now down to a dull roar, like a spring breeze blowing around leafs. My feet and hands ache from being pounded for nearly three hours. Passing the restrooms, a filthy smell flies through