
My Wedding Speech

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Avoid the embarrassment of your mom, Uber. One day I was getting ready to meet a girl that I was speaking with. She was the most beautiful girl in school. It took me many weeks finessing her into going on a date with me. I even extended the truth into saying I drive a Lexus of the year. On the day of the date I told her that my brother took my car for the weekend. I was getting dressed; putting my shoes, necklace, and watch on. I even sprayed some cologne on. I looked like a million dollars. I forgot to arrange a ride over so I asked my mom to ride me. That’s when my day turned upside down. Now I learned to never have my mom to drive me on a date. She made me look like a child, voiced unwanted opinions, and talked to everybody.

Age doesn't matter; mothers can make a teen look like a child. As soon as I left my house, my mother started questioning me who she is and where I meet her. She made me feel like I’m going to meet a delinquent. I told my mom that I’m 17 years old and I know what i'm doing. Then she started making me a speech saying I'm not ready for these situations and I’m too young. She made me feel like I’m going to my wedding. When I arrived at the girl's house she was waiting for me outside. She gave me a hug and smiled. She then gave my mother a big greeting introducing herself. For my mother the greeting turned into a farewell and she practically pulled my ear to get in the car before we left. Not only was this extremely rude but this ruined any chance of

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