Maine winters are as harsh and unpredictable as my family. They can be as cold and bitter as the wind if you are not prepared. Ironically, it’s winter that brings us together. As a child in the Adams family I share the tradition that is handed down each generation; snowmobiling. My place on the sled had to be earned as it was by my grandfather, my mother, and her siblings. From an early age, I was bundled up in my winter gear, waddling out the back door of my great grandfather’s house like a penguin. When I was first introduced to snowmobiling I remember feeling thankful for those layers which protected me from the blistering cold I faced while being towed around in a sled by my grandfather on his snowmobile. On the worst days I would fall out of the sled a few too many times and go inside too frustrated to keep riding. Within a good hour I was back outside waiting to try it again. The opportunity to ride was determined by my grandfather. Naturally, I wanted to prove I could do just as well as him, thinking I could make him proud. I went for it; reaching toward the handle bars I pressed the throttle with all my strength. The sound of a loud crunch followed and I blinked, trying to figure out what caused it. Once I was on the ground I shook with fear at …show more content…
As college approaches it seems intimidating. I will be the first person since my grandfather to get a college degree. Yet, I am confident I will be successful. It will be frustrating and unfamiliar, but if I prepare myself to the best of my abilities and continue to try despite my failures I can only make progress. Most importantly, I feel confident that college will be exciting and fulfilling because I will put the time and ambition into making it the best possible experience it can be. When unsure how to handle a situation in life I will always treat it like how I would ride a
As a young girl, the idea of college was a distant dream that I knew was important. I was told every day for the past 12 years of my life that college is the threshold to a better life because with a college degree you can accomplish so much more. Now, as a high school graduate, College and everything that comes with it is my reality. From applying to accepting an offer to orientation and financial obligations is all too real. I am just starting to realize how difficult college is.
Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle in their book “Rereading America” feel that commencing college is a very disturbing experience. So many things we have to deal while starting college, but the major challenges are expanded difficulty levels and higher expectation which we are not familiar over the years of high school. In order to solve this issue, we have to remodel ourselves by taking up the challenge and rethink about our strength and flaws. To succeed in college we need to be mentally strong and dedicated towards our goal.
What did I do over winter break? I did so many fun things these past two weeks. I went to the mall with my friend, then he came over to my house, and he gave me a Christmas present.
Starting college as a Freshman is exciting; it is also unnerving. The comfort of everything I know is going to disappear and it will be time to grow up and face reality. However, reality isn’t doomed to be negative if I prepare for my future and
During winter break, I didn't do a lot of things although I did spend my time wisely enough to do the things that I was planned to do during the break. Most of the time that I have was for family, and some extra time for games. Since my older brother came back one week before my final, I did have a lot of times having fun with him and my parent. My older brother did stayed with me the whole break, and he left on Saturday to go back to UCLA, which was two days before I came back to school. I think that my break was great, and I didn't do a lot of things, but I think that I did achieve all of my goals for the winter break. My best part of the break was when me and my family walking down the street of San Francisco, and during that trip I got
This winter break my family and I went to visit my Aunt and Uncle empty nesters. The twelve hour drive included passing through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and then Georgia. The drive is always miserable but since technology is a life saver so the ride isnt miserable.I spent most of the holiday break with my boy Hudson Gregg. I spent a lot of time with him because he’s my brother separated at birth. He’s about as tall as me, weighs about fifty pounds lighter than me, a similar hairstyle as me, and a lighter skin tone. Also Hudson some pretty sexy teeth, so we practically the same person overal he a really awesome person to talk to. Hudson probably the best listener in the entire world. He doesn't doze off or anything he also has
I am aware that college will be challenging, but I will try my very best and I will not give up when times are tough. I know that I can't give into the pressure that may surround me. Knowing that I will have to take another eight years of schooling, I have high expectations that the college I attend to, will prepare me for my greatly acknowledged career and
Many students are so overjoyed to fly the coop and go off to college that they have a hard time remembering that all education, not only college can be very challenging therefore “let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”(Galatians 6:9) . The shock of it all can cause very negative reactions on people of all ages from partying all the way to simply procrastinating. Excitement is an amazing feeling but keeping it at bay can be a serious challenge.
As I stepped out of the airport, followed by my family, I was unprepared for the snowfall and icy pavement that is so commonplace in January in Michigan. If I had thought enough about it, I would have worn winter boots on the plane and maybe brought my puffy white coat to block the wind. Instead, I stood shivering in brand new, pink ballet-flat shoes, while snowflakes filled my eyelashes.
I believe in Winter. Winter has always been my favorite season, warm clothes, hot chocolate, blankets by the fire, snow, and of course Christmas. I’ve been a die hard winter fan ever since I was a little kid, making memories and just having so much fun around the holidays. I remember not being able to fall asleep because of being too excited about Christmas morning, and then waking up super early to jump out of bed and to wake my parents up. We then open up presents and then my mom makes these cinnamon rolls that will blow away your mind. They are layered in frosting and are so gooey in the middle that it melts in your mouth.This I believe makes the holiday and what makes winter.
The season of winter has begun. The sky was dark and the ground was bright. During this time of the season, we usually stay home and some people go out for hunting. When I woke up on the first day of winter morning I wore my skirt and cape that was made out of yellow cedar bark to keep myself warm. Afterward, I helped my mom prepare food for breakfast that was served on wooden platters and trays. The food we had for breakfast was dry fish that were caught from summer. After breakfast, I mostly spent the day making and repairing tools that will be used for the
I will tell you about who amazing and exiding my winter break was. I will tell you about my Christmas, my new years, and when I went to rush air sports in Bakersfield.
College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I’m an adult and expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can develop life skills outside academics, to be fully
Sitting in class for the first time, it was half of what I expected. I expected to sit by people I didn’t know, learn about old things in new lights, and writing a lot of papers. What I didn’t expect was me hating college. I am not as creative as some teaches would like, but that isn’t my personality, and I dint want it to be either. I fully expected college to try and morph me into a perfect little student that I knew I wasn’t. College so far to me hasn’t been fun and I will treat it like Wal-Mart. When I say that, I mean that I will get in and get out as fast as possible. If I pick up stuff along the way then alright, but if I don’t, then it won’t kill me.
Hearing so many good things and bad things about college I didn’t know what to expect and look forward to. That change my junior year knowing different college come every year I didn’t really pay it any mind what college I wanted to go to until ODU, Virginia State University and Virginia Teach came. It was Virginia State first year of visiting out school and I knew I wanted to go there I start getting e excited for college that were talking about their experience at college and what to look for when we graduated if we decided to go to college. Eager to start a new chapter college sound like it could be a little nerve wrecking but I thought I could handle it.