I want to become an author, I love to write and I would love to share my writings with others.
Writing lets me tell people things without directly telling them, it’s a whole new way of communication. Stories with great meaning, with great suspense and dramatic moments, that’s the kind of books I will write, the kind I hope people will enjoy and connect to. This paper will explain my plans for the future, and what I need to focus on in order to become a successful author.
Survey Results:
My survey results says my top two career clusters are Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications and Hospitality and Tourism. My survey says that I am independent, able to use creativity and imagination, trustworthy, kind-hearted, someone who enjoys nature, competitive, good at following directions, inspired, compassionate, observant, curious, dependable, good listener, don't get mad
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I need to work on reading comprehension, active listening, and speaking. My survey also says I need to work on my active learning and monitoring, but I don’t think that's right. I am bad at active listening simply because I have a bad memory and I get distracted easily. Reading comprehension is hard for me because I don’t know the meaning of many difficult words, and when I read I don’t think about it too much, I just read for the entertainment. I do not like speaking in front of people, I feel like everyone is talking about me and judging me. I am a very self conscious person, and I am very aware of my surroundings, this is also why I get distracted easily. Writing is something that’s easy for me. I just write whatever comes to my mind, I add adjectives to create better images, and I add suspense to add more drama. I could write a simple story and I’d be told I could publish it. Personally I don’t think I’m that good, but I know are that it’s something I find easy to
My history as a writer began ever since I was in school. I have always loved writing. I also love to read. I find it easy to express how I feel on paper. Language arts has always been one of my favorite classes in school.
I’m not a notable writer, nor have I really wanted to join the writing industry. However, I have been interested in other people’s writing. From their deep meanings, content, and different formats/styles. It’s a wondrous creation made from within our imagination and experiences. It has inspired me to write too. I’ve been writing most of my life that it has become a necessity. And now from my past experiences with writing, I try my best to improve my skills as a writer for the future.
In many ways, I consider it to be one of the most difficult professions in the world. The primary difficulty is the dreaded beast known as writer’s block. This lack of motivation can spell death for a literary project. Overcoming this challenge is still something with which I struggle. My schedule is a hindrance as well. It is rare that I have time to sit down and write anymore. For instance, I don’t participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) because it takes place during the beginning of the school year, when . Homework must take precedence over what is, at this stage, a hobby. Furthermore, I must battle every day the fear that I am not talented enough to be published. Being without confidence in this career is difficult and yet many writers suffer from this same
Have you ever been given an assignment where you say to yourself, “how the heck am I going to do this?” or maybe, “what am I supposed to write about?” Well that’s exactly how I felt, thought, and did with this writing journey. Coming up with something to say about my writing journey has been difficult. I would be bold enough to say nearly impossible. So impossible it’s like trying to get a camel through the eye of a needle. Okay that might be an exaggeration, but it has been difficult. The idea that I have a writing journey I understand. But thinking of an event or something that has made my writing the way it is has been difficult. So, what I’ve decided to do then is to write about my writing journey writing this paper.
Based on his argument using a piece of story from his past, the writer conceptually supported his explanatory point of views on how skills can be developed with a passion of understanding the writer’s intention. I believe that the writer of this article addressed fundamental thoughts that should be useful in the process of reading as a writer, and on how to become a better writer.
Lacking experience in writing and reading, English is my most feared subject. It is the one and only vulnerable spot in my in my mind. I hate writing and I hated reading, other than sports pages in the newspaper or sports books. My earliest time that I started reading and writing was extremely abhorrent for me. Sometimes, you could even say that some of these experiences bothered me. It was quite hard because I wasn’t able to focus on what I need to do. I was even struggling to write my own name. The young mind that I had, it was so easy to get distracted on what I need to learn and also accomplish, especially for the future ahead of me.
I think as a writer I am okay but not as good as I had hoped to be when I reached college. I do love history and history involves a lot of writing most of the time, but for some reason my writings in history and literature never seemed to transcend to English language or writing courses I have taken since coming to BU. I definitely think that one of my strong suits is getting my point across, however, my execution of my points sometimes is lacking a bit and the development of my ideas I tend to struggle with as well. I definitely feel like I need to work on grammar in my essays, especially run-on sentences. It always seems to be the one thing that I lose most points off. As this is a class based on how the topic of marijuana has progressed
A person can read and write a great deal in one day whether they realize it or not. Whether it be texting a friend or reading a textbook for a certain class, you are reading and writing constantly and a daily basis. What surprised me the most about the reading and writing that I did on Sunday was how much I am reading and writing on my phone. Whether I am texting to coordinate plans with a friend for the night or reading a random article I saw while reading a Facebook news feed, I am constantly reading and writing on my phone. I never considered it reading and writing when I used my phone, I just saw it as looking at my phone. Just staring at this four-inch screen for some sort of entertainment. What also surprised me was how much we read without noticing it. You can walk down State Street and you will be constantly reading by looking at stores, posters, or even words on a bus that is passing by. Our eyes and brains are looking at and reading words all the time.
Throughout this semester, I have seen an improvement in my writing skills and the way I develop my essays. I have always had a passion for creative writing, but when writing academic papers, I lacked technique and correct grammar. I made exceptional grades on my writing assignments in high school, but I learned quickly that English college classes are much more challenging. Being in my first college English class helped me learn how important class attendance and participation are, along with learning the many rules and techniques used in writing. Seeing the improvement in my writing over the course of this semester has made me very optimistic of the English classes I will take in the future. This class has taught me how important grammar is and how I should always strive for improvement in my writing.
From a young age, I have always been taught to understand the value of education and learning. Reading and writing have been emphasized to me as tools for success, that should always be constantly improved, for as long as I can remember.
I’m a practiced freelance writer and editor, with experience working for numerous clients and sites. I have authored numerous blog posts, research papers, critiques, psychology and psychiatry, technical scientific articles, product descriptions, press releases, health articles and more.
I want to be surrounded by writers. At my school, the only time kids are writing is when the teacher tells them to or because colleges require it. They don't care about the words they put on the page. People take AP and Honors English classes because they look challenging, not because they wish to improve their craft. I want to be in an environment that appreciates writing, believes in writers, and aspires to give everyone a chance to share their voice. I get so wrapped up in my classes that the only time I end up writing is in class during lessons. I don't want writing to be something I need to squeeze in, I want to have to squeeze in other things because I'm writing. I just want to be around thoughtful and devoted people, helping others become
If you ever entertained any ideas about writing professionally, you will want to look at setting long-term goals as a writer. Create a big picture: what kind of writing will you be doing further down the road? Would you like to a published novelist with a library of books to your credit? Do you intend to be a nationally-acclaimed reviewer for cultural magazines? What is it you are hoping to achieve for the future?
Has anyone wanted to write a book before, but believed they couldn’t? Has anyone here thought about writing a book at least once in their lives? Does anyone here write currently? Writing isn’t as complex of a process as you might think it is, in fact, I challenge all of you to throw away that preconceived notion that writing a book is just too impossible because it’s not. the question is. Where do you begin?
This paper investigates the life and writing career of British J.M. Barrie. He was a great British author who gained success rapidly. This essay elaborates on the story behind his famous play Peter Pan; the true influence and reasons why he wrote it. The writing style of J.M. barrie is spread through different types of genres. Reviews and criticism of the play were very positive back then and are still very positive now for Peter Pan. Audiences from all over the world still adore this play. Today, it still has a major impact on society, great movies are still being produced of Peter Pan. Sequels of Peter Pan have also been made into movies. The legacy in which he left behind is astonishing.