At the beginning of this Writing Composition course, I hardly had any expectations besides the excessive amount of essay assignments. Up until this course, I had only considered that this was any other ordinary writing class. My experiences with writing classes and essays have not been a fun one because I have always seen it as an annoying task. Recently, this narrow perception of mine has gradually deteriorated because of my experience in this course. I have realized that writing isn’t just another assignment, but it is a place where one can express their opinions, emotions, and experiences. This course has helped me develop my strengths like my development of thoughts and organization skills while being able to acknowledge my weaknesses like having trouble stating two positions and having biased opinions. Due to this recent realization, I have been able to get a better insight of my writing skills and a new perspective of writing classes. …show more content…
Everyday, we would do similar assignments and eventually became very repetitive and boring. It was because most teachers guided us through the process and hardly allowed us to critically think and develop ideas on our own. Therefore, I went through my middle and high school career learning to write essays without realizing how poorly-developed my essays had become. Apparently, most of my english teachers liked my writing style and praised my writing skills but I never found out why they did. I have always considered myself as a mediocre writer, but after taking this writing composition course, I feel as though I have greatly developed my writing skills and have become somewhat better than a mediocre
When I started Composition I, I never thought that it will be so difficult. Before this class, I hardly managed to write a 200 word document; now, I am writing documents that contain 2000 words and I have been improving. Personally, it is very important for me to improve my writing skills because I want to be able to write a paper and have people understand it. During this semester, I have learned that a document is never completely perfect; every document could use improvement. The most difficult to write would have to be my Synthesis Essay, Media Analysis essay, and the Research Based Academic Argument Essay, which I will explain later. For these three essays, I had to first write it, then, I would send if to my teacher so that she could make comments and hep me improve my essay. After making the corrections needed, I would send the document again and I would receive more corrections. I learned that every time you reread your document, you can find grammatical or vocabulary errors that need to be changed. Also, I learned the importance of others
All throughout my years of schooling, I’ve had just about, one paper that was about one page long, due every year. My papers never had to be more than one page in length. Therefore, I did not have to do much writing or do many essays. Surely not enough to remember any of the assignments. Writing has never been something I enjoyed doing, so I never bothered to many any memories of my writing experiences. I did not think it was necessary to remember any of them since I only had to do them to get a grade. The only writing experience I remember was the first assignment I had in this English 100 class about a writing experience. All week long, I sat there thinking about what to write about, but nothing came to mind as a topic. Then, one thing came to mind, but it was so very vague, I could not write the length that was needed for the assignment. I could only think of a few sentences to write for it. After sitting for a few moments longer, I thought, how about I write about how difficult it was for me to write this essay before it was due.
Everyone on the planet has a goal set in life, but only a handful attempt to improve to obtain their goal by studying the subject their goal is in. In my English class, English 101 this quarter I was astonished by how much I had progressed as a writer sharpening my writing skills and also learned a lot about writing that I hadn’t learned before. In my writing portfolio for this quarter I had to write an autobiography essay, a research essay, and this reflection essay to develop my writing skills better. The writing assignments were fun to do because it challenged me to work on essays of different styles that were new to me. The essay assignments helped me grow as a better writer that gave me the self-confidence and skills to take on the world on my own.
Throughout the course of this semester, I have continuously grown as a writer. Prior to taking this course, I had little experience or knowledge when it came to writing. I used to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my hands, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is has caused me to grow greatly as a writer.
This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer. Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting, proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and will need to be follow to improve student’s writing.
One of my most challenging experiences in writing was actually in Virginia Wesleyan College. During my last semester, I was taking Professor Ruh’s ENG 250 class called 19th Century American Women Writers, and we were required to write a few literary analytical essays on novels and short stories that were written by women during the 19th century. Even though the class was very interesting, I was having such a hard time writing my essays that I actually thought I would never be able to pass his class after I failed my first essay. I am usually the type of student that never asks for help because I would often feel intimidated by my teachers. However, I managed to speak up and ask for his help throughout the entire semester and because of that,
I am very excited for this semester with you as my English 101 professor. I am proficient in both reading and writing, but I hope to grow and improve my skills with your help.
I’m a practiced freelance writer and editor, with experience working for numerous clients and sites. I have authored numerous blog posts, research papers, critiques, psychology and psychiatry, technical scientific articles, product descriptions, press releases, health articles and more.
I have tremendously improved as a writer during the time spent in this class. Composition one has taught me many lessons that will benefit me down the road. I have learned how to become a better writer, and I have learned many different tips to make my work the best it can be. During the months spent in composition one, I have written four essays. I struggled with some essays more than others, but I still made all of the deadlines. My best two essays are essay one and essay two.
During my junior and senior year of high school at Leslie County I found a reason to enjoy writing and have fun with the thing I wrote. Every class until those years was either way too boring for me to pay attention, or the teachers really didn’t seem to care what you wrote down, they would just grade and move on it seemed. I never had a teacher who would actually look at what I wrote down and come speak to me about it, whether to praise the stuff I wrote down or to help me with small problems in my assignments. Expecting another failure of a class to sit through, I was already dreading English that day. I didn’t really know what this teacher was all about, then I met. Joel Brashear was the English teacher, he hadn’t been there very long I
Although I’ve had quite a bit experience with writing classes because most Broward College classes are writing classes, I’ve never enjoyed them, writing isn’t really my thing. As soon as class is over I tend brain dump everything. My first writing class at Broward College was an English class that mainly helped with grammar and how to set up an essay. Some of the classes I took at Broward College were better than others. I took a geography class that was a writing class, but the writing consisted of was answering a few questions about videos I watched, in fact most of the classes taken that were not English classes consisted of this. English classes did actually help me in understanding how an essay should be written, but it did not actually
I have been writing essays since middle school, gaining experience from multiple teachers all of whom had unique ways of imparting their skills on me as well as my classmates. Barring the basic learning of Writing in middle school, most of my writing thus far has been gained in literature classes. Because they were not solely writing classes, the goal of understanding the literature that was being studied was often placed above improving my writing skills. Almost all of the writing completed in the literature classroom setting were centered on displaying an ability to grasp the concepts from the literature or to prove a concept related to the literature. I also wrote a number of descriptive essays in which I had to write fictional stories in great detail. Another source of writing experience for me would be the occasional essay in the various social studies classes that I partook in. These essays were almost always
Writing is a way for people to communicate their feelings, thoughts, ideas, opinions, and stories and is an important component to everyday life. However, in high school, when given a writing assignment I was motivated to complete the assignment rather than learn and grow from the assignment. Freshman Composition I has indirectly taught me to think critically, become more responsible, and more skilled in communicating my ideas. Reflecting over the course I am proud to see my strength in the writing process, using transitions, and providing insightful comments, yet I still need improvement on writing thesis statements.
If I am being completely honest, at the beginning of the semester, I detested writing in every form. However, this class has taught me otherwise. This class has taught me that writing takes practice just like anything else, moreover writing 150 taught me that writing is much more than just throwing some words together and praying they make sense. In high school, I vividly remember sitting in every English class feeling like I was the worst rhetor in existence consequently, I didn’t try. I wrote no more than one draft the night before and that was the extent of my effort. Throughout this class, however, I have learned that just like playing an instrument or riding a mountain bike down a hill, writing takes practice. As I began to write consistently and began to learn more about rhetoric and style I found that my writing greatly improved and that I was able to get my arguments across in a clear and interesting way.
College writing has been a semester fill with different essays and ways of writing. Although, we have only written three essays during this entire semester (not including this one), it has helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Even though we did write essays, we also wrote many journal entries throughout the semester. By being able to express our creative thoughts out on paper not in an essay format was very beneficial to the course. Throughout this course I have had some easy parts and harder parts for sure, one being my grammar definitely needs some work. However, this course has helped shaped me as a writer.