
My Writing Process Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

I have been writing papers for a long time, but I am by no means the best writer I can be. To unleash my full potential as a writer, I have to review all my old writings. I have to analyze my past writing style so that I can see if there is anything I can do differently. Overall, the creation process of my papers can be better. Maybe taking a look at who I am as a writer will help me improve. It has been a while since I put magnetic letters on the fridge to write "Happy Birthday Dad!" Some of my first writings were put on that same fridge. By displaying my writing front and center, I was able to see what mistakes I made. Now I have my old papers to look at. I have been storing my old papers for years. I keep them in a folder just in case I want to look back on past works. Every time I am in a writers rut, I find it helpful to read old papers. When I look at the papers I have written, it reminds me that I can always improve as a writer. But, every paper I write brings me closer to being the best writer I can be. By reading past papers, I can see what I need to improve on. …show more content…

When I write a paper, it depends on how I feel and the other work I have to get done. Once I feel it is time to write, I go straight to the living room and embrace my inner Shakespeare. Normally I write at night. I tend to think better when the sun is down. To be honest, my brain works best when it is slightly tired. My best ideas come from a sleepy brain. While I am writing, I typically have a few tabs open to help me write a better paper. One tab I will aways have open is a dictionary. If I know there is a better word to use but I can not think of it, I will use the dictionary. My writing schedule is plan, procrastinate, then write. I plan out what I will write about the day I am assigned to the essay. Then I will procrastinate writing the essay because I tell myself I need time to edit my plan. Finally I will write the essay the day before it is

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