
My Writing Process Analysis

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Writing is labor. It is a skill that requires a person to become monomaniac, as well as fastidious to the craft. Writing takes empathy and demands long periods of time to be alone with one’s self. Writing relies on readers to exist, but the writer ought to shut off the mind’s of readers and creative the work for themselves in order to become authentic. Writing is a skill that requires years of practice, as well as a clear memory and years of a life in order to be relevant in the vast abundance of information that is available for humanity. Writing is the phenomena that advances civilizations and individuals throughout all existence of humanity The writer is a wordsmith, who uses memories and impressions to be printed on the paper to be relived in the minds of a few or the minds of many. My Process …show more content…

I can have a spinning head of euphoria from joy, or I am deeply frustrated with aspects in my life that I believe should be better. I can also be very sadden and have a severe sense of heartache, which could slow down and torment my physical body. Writing is a way to comfort my racing thoughts, which furiously burns calories in my body. For myself, there is a strong collation between the mind and body dichotomy and writing. The printed words are from the emotions that are physical in my heart, through my finger tips, which stroke the keyboard. It is my legs, which carry me into my daily routine into the uncertain days of my life. My legs, my heart and mind, return to the keyboard. I contemplate the past, which cannot be lived again. I attempt top revive the past—I had once lived, through my pen or my keyboard. I attempt to make it effable— for a future moment for myself, or another reader other than

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