
My Writing Process Analysis

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Writing tends to be one of the best forms of presenting and preserving information. However, “poor” writing may not offer the desired message, is full of errors, offers irrelevant information or is uninteresting to the audience. I have been striving to develop my writing through various activates that entail freewriting and reading the “best” articles. Hence, my writing has significantly improved because it adheres to most of the applicable principles and procedures.
At the initial stage, I could read through applicable resources to gain information. It is imperative to peruse through relevant articles, books, videos and other materials to acquire vital information that could be utilized during the writing. Since humans tend to be limited in …show more content…

Some readings could be offering crucial information using diverse strategies that may include symbols, direct expressions and imagery. By brainstorming, I can acquire essential information to facilitate formulation of these and development of other data that could be presented in the document. Brainstorming reveals links between and among various message from diversified resources. Moreover, brainstorming offers opportunity to incorporate personal opinions and views on the concerned subject. Without sound understanding of the reading message, wrong these, misleading and inadequate content could be developed. Fortunately, brainstorming facilitates intense analysis and evaluation of the concerned resources to attain useful information. Therefore, brainstorming is critical for proper development of the …show more content…

From the commencement, I could write almost continuously to the end. Freewriting exercises that I have been accomplishing could have promoted the nonstop writing process as Peter Elbow suggests that “the most effective way I know to improve your writing is to do freewriting exercise regularly” (1). Freewriting encourages constant writing because it discourages editing until the concerned topic has been exhausted. Through the practice of uninterrupted writing, information is flowing freely. Unfortunately, several errors can be made since the focus is primarily on writing, and not editing. However, most often I would return to the brainstorming stage after drafting a document. Returning to the brainstorming step is important because it offers a chance to modify and streamline the thesis. After writing a draft, some new ideologies and data could be attained or dismissed. Further, re-brainstorming may aid in attainment of more information and connections with the thesis. Hence, it is vital to revisit the thesis through brainstorming

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