Cover Letter I think what I struggled most with was the descriptive language, and vivid language to paint a picture for my audience. I thought writing in the past was going to be a piece of cake, but once I learned more rules when referring to the past in writing, I found myself worrying whether or not I used the right tense of transitional phrases and active verbs. Also I think trying to incorporate similes and metaphors were hard for me because I felt silly when adding these weird and odd phrases. Or perhaps it was just weird to me because my similes and metaphors didn’t seem so clever or at college level. I would say this paper stressed me out because I struggling adding the dialogue, and knowing whether or not I included it correctly …show more content…
I remember grabbing all my T-shirts, jeans, shorts and most importantly grabbing my uniform, dress. trombone and making sure those items were with me at all times. Then I continued to pack and got my last remaining items, wallet, keys attached to my lanyard and my iPad for the long plane ride. Finally I was ready to go and I did all that in under 2 hours. The clock now read 6:55, I took my luggage and instrument to the car and loaded them up, then came in through the front door and I heard the sizzling and crackling, the smell of hickory smoked bacon embellishing itself all around the house. My mom was making bacon and eggs, I saw the leftover peels from the oranges and I could see my mom had even made fresh squeezed orange juice, breakfast was the best part of waking up and finally we heard my mom …show more content…
I look back and I think I would say I did a pretty great job at winging it, the show went smoothly and I got to work on my soloing, I went through the scales and managed to wow the crowd as Mr. Kusserrow signaled the band to repeat the chorus of Chameleon about 3 more times to let me solo for another 75 measures. After the show Mr. Kusserrow apologized to me and then told me when we go to New York that I have his permission to tour freely with my friends and not with him and his assistant. So after another 10 hours on the road, we were in the Big Apple. We arrived at the Marriott Hotel and unloaded our stuff, my luggage and music were there Yay, lady luck arrived. I could now change my outfit, I had fresh underwear and music, things could not be any better for
Over the course of this semester, I have learned many things to improve my writing. Having taken the course before, this semester has been an excellent opportunity to expand on my existing knowledge. Although I had written many essays before, there is still much to be learned and improved. Two factors of writing that I had learned or improved on this semester were transitions/topic sentences and how to properly structure a conclusion paragraph.
At the moment, there are only 5 articles available for a 3-star rating, which isn't much. I was wondering, can I apply to any teams at this stage? Are there other ways to find additional work?
My writing process starts when I am given an assignment. I’m not one to just write for fun, so this is usually the only way I can make myself write. Don’t let that fool you though, because once I start writing something and my ideas start flowing, it’s hard for me to stop. Personally, I love to be able to choose what I’m writing about. I don’t like getting assigned a topic, because that means everybody else has to write about the same topic and that ends up with everybody asking what I wrote in my paper and comparing it to theirs. I HATE when my writing gets compared to other peoples’, because we are all unique and different writers and we shouldn’t be so concerned about who stated certain facts better or got a higher grade.
I'm not the best when it comes do to writing well. I guess i feel like my writing doesn't sound “smart” it's not full of big words that the reader has to look up and learn more about.
Prior to entering class, I thought that I was a competent writer. However, I quickly learned that my writing was conversational and that I had little experience in academic writing. I became aware that much of my poor writing was like an old habit that I found humbling to admit and hard to correct. Passive voice, unneeded words, long sentences, were just a few of the obstacles that resulted in ineffectual writing. However, using peer reviews and an editing checklist I slowly began the journey to better writing. I also found that reading about writing provided supplementary methods to improve my writing. Implementing these new techniques, I slowly began to understand what scholarly writing entailed. As I learned through giving criticism
What I have learned throughout the year about writing is that it is important to know how to write because you will need to use it for your everyday life, whether it is at school or at your work. My writing process I think that I have changed a little bit on it but I think I need to practice more so I can get better. What I have changed on my writing was that I need to make my writing sound good and that it makes sense. Why I made those changes because I want it to sound good and make sure that it makes sense to what I am being asked to write. My opinion on writing has not changed. My opinion hasn’t changed because I just don’t like to write and I find it boring.
I always start my writing process by reading the directions. I read the directions three or four times to fully analyze what is required and what is being asked. For instance, in most assignments are not simply questions. There are usually more than one factor in the question. After understanding the directions, I start following the five steps of the writing process. First, I pre-write/ draft a outline to get my ideas into answering all the parts of the question and to establish. Next, I start writing to establish flow of my paper. Then, I submit it to to check for grammar, punctuation, and spell check. Then, I edit my paper from the suggestions suggested. Lastly, I submit my work for a grade.
My earliest memories of reading was when my mom sent me to bible school and the teacher would read out a hand book
During this semester, I have learned multiple things in English 1020. Not only have I learned new writing techniques and how to find and use credible sources, but I have also improved my writing skills. Throughout this semester, I focused on the topic of abortion, which, not surprisingly, I regretted soon after completing my annotated bibliography. However, by choosing this very biased topic I was able to give myself an academic challenge. I was challenged greatly when it came to forming and writing my own ethical opinion, as well as finding unbiased sources to help guide my research. Looking back at this semester I was faced with many bumps in the road, but now reading through the many revisions I put myself through, I have noticed the huge improvement I was able to make through this single English course.
In the first assignment, I assessed my writing with the online tool PaperRater. The score received was below average on almost all fronts, which surprised me. I established a goal to be writing weekly and applying online tools to provide feedback. While I have not completed this goal in a way I expected, my writing style has been enhanced. I put this improvement down to my research and study throughout this unit, as well as entering into a new workplace that requires a higher level of professionalism than my previous workplace.
My experience in writing is rather slim, and primarily for the sole purpose of communicating with fellow colleagues and clients for business needs. Conversely, I have been commended for my writing skills. Prior to college, I never analyzed my writing process, I just did what came natural. Nevertheless, I believe my process begins by jotting down my thoughts, with no rhyme or reason; I lay them out, then begin fitting them together like puzzle pieces of a complete message. I rewrite my paragraphs accordingly, so my message flows flawlessly. Writing, as in responding to emails, comes rather easily to me; with content of familiarity. I purposefully clean up my writings for grammar, spelling, the removal of filler words, and to place transitional
Writing presents it’s own challenges to those who write books and articles daily; and to those who write less frequently. Getting around using punctuation, placing commas, and figuring out how to start an essay always seemed to be the biggest challenges for me. Through practice is the only way I’ve come to be masterful over my own writing style, even though there is always room for improvement. Because each time someone sits down to write a letter, article, or book; they are practicing their writing style and ultimately becoming better writers. Many people find writing to be a hassle or too cumbersome in a day in age of technology and the internet supplying information to the public so immediate, but everyone must overcome challenges that they
My writing style, in my opinion, is light-hearted and creative. I don't particularly like bland papers, regardless of the topic, so I tend to add in a bit of humor, if possible, and maybe even a bit of interesting facts. I always tend to wonder if someone else would understand my paper. I enjoy being able to put in a nice flow to my paper so that I'm not going from one topic directly to another. In all honesty, I enjoy other writing styles such as being objective, realistic, complex, and dramatic. My favorite that I try to go for, however, is a light-hearted style because I can have a bit of fun with it while following the designated guidelines.
When there was nothing else for me to do and my supervisor was on the phone, I began doing some homework until she gave me the next task. My supervisor was very rude and told me to closed down what I was doing, not caring that I was in the middle of a quiz. She scolded me as if I was her child and told me I was not allowed to do my homework there no matter if everything else was done and she was on the phone. And I asked her if I was supposed to sit there and do nothing until you get off the phone and she never answered. I told her I did not mean to disrespect her in any way by doing my homework there but I made sure that everything else was done before doing so. I stated that I was not sure how long she would be on the phone because the last
I would share what I have learned with my boss, family member and friends by showing them how i have changed my way of writing and thinking before I start writing or speaking. I know that I talk a certain way but i will make sure that y writing skills are different. I would also share with my friends and family members the basis rules of writing that was shared with me. (Chambers 2016) Writing is an acquired art and that there are no run on sentences, punctuation and sentence fragments. (chambers 2016) I have not been a student with good writing skills in a long time. But I am learning to not write the way I speak. I will continued to improve my writing, speaking and thinking skills on a daily bases.