
Myers Briggs Personality Test : Evaluation

Decent Essays

This week’s assignment will focus on Myers-Briggs personality test, which will include results from the Jung typology test. I have learned that my Jung Typology results is a ENTJ which put me in the Executive type of leadership position. ENTJ I will discuss ENTJ personality as a whole and the meaning of each letter within the results. Finally I will touch up on what I have learned as a whole and how to improve myself within my organization. ENTJ ENTJ according to Myers-Briggs are naturally born leaders and a take charge type of person. I truly agree with Myers-Briggs, because in my secular job I work as an Assistant Manager for a Property Management company. The Manager I work under in my opinion is a fairly decent Manager but at times, she bases a lot of decisions on her feelings with eats me alive on the inside. Since my personality is ENTJ, making decision based on feeling does not work with me at all. I have to bit my tongue a lot in the office, not to step out of my position and remain respectful of my Manager. I just want to see things run in a professional organized way and just get the job complete. Since she is operating base on feelings a lot of work will and has not been complete and the residents’ complaints is high as of right now. ENTJ strengths are being able to handle ‘complexities’. At times it my seems that ENTJ are going ‘overboard’ and make ‘simple things complicated’ but their ability to motivate and make things happen is extremely rare to find within

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