
Myers Briggs Type Indicator Analysis

Decent Essays

Myers Briggs Type Indicator The Myers-Briggs personality test is based from the theorists, Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers. The eight letters E, I, S, N, T, F, J, P, are the personality traits tested in this exam. Upon completion of the test, each person is given a four-letter profile. These profiles will consist of either an E or I, S or N, T or F, and J or P, depending on his or her personality. E stands for extravert which means a person who is an extravert is usually more outgoing and open than those who are not extraverts. The opposite of an extravert is an introvert, represented with an I. Introverts tend to keep to themselves. They do not like to be the center of attention. Sensing, S, focuses in on what is happening in that moment …show more content…

My profile said I was 50% extravert but I think it should have been more than that. I feel much more at ease as the center of attention than as a face in the crowd. In high school I was a class officer and this required me to give a speech in front of my entire school. Unlike many people, I loved being in front of a crowd like that. I would also consider myself an extroverted introvert. There are times when I want to be the main subject but also times when I would rather blend in with the crowd. When I make a decision I always attempt to think through every possibility before making an immediate decision. This is why I agree that I am intuitive. My profile also said I was more of the thinking personality than feeling. I believe that when people think with their feelings, it clouds their judgment. I make decisions without involving my emotions. Even though I try not to assume, my personality is perceiving, I tend to assume in order to get things done quicker and more …show more content…

This is extremely good news for me because those are professions I have heavily considered and am planning to do in the future. It is good that my personality and profile gravitate towards these careers because it helps me believe that I have a better chance of being successful in these fields. The exact opposite of my profile would be ISFJ. I could see myself in I and F. Even though I enjoy being around people, there are times that I like to spend time by myself. I believe this is true for most people as well. It is hard to be around many people for long periods of time with little time to yourself. There are many occasions I use feelings to make a decision. When something happens that hits close to home, without realizing it, I use my own personal experiences to make a

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