Myers Briggs Type Indicator The Myers-Briggs personality test is based from the theorists, Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers. The eight letters E, I, S, N, T, F, J, P, are the personality traits tested in this exam. Upon completion of the test, each person is given a four-letter profile. These profiles will consist of either an E or I, S or N, T or F, and J or P, depending on his or her personality. E stands for extravert which means a person who is an extravert is usually more outgoing and open than those who are not extraverts. The opposite of an extravert is an introvert, represented with an I. Introverts tend to keep to themselves. They do not like to be the center of attention. Sensing, S, focuses in on what is happening in that moment …show more content…
My profile said I was 50% extravert but I think it should have been more than that. I feel much more at ease as the center of attention than as a face in the crowd. In high school I was a class officer and this required me to give a speech in front of my entire school. Unlike many people, I loved being in front of a crowd like that. I would also consider myself an extroverted introvert. There are times when I want to be the main subject but also times when I would rather blend in with the crowd. When I make a decision I always attempt to think through every possibility before making an immediate decision. This is why I agree that I am intuitive. My profile also said I was more of the thinking personality than feeling. I believe that when people think with their feelings, it clouds their judgment. I make decisions without involving my emotions. Even though I try not to assume, my personality is perceiving, I tend to assume in order to get things done quicker and more …show more content…
This is extremely good news for me because those are professions I have heavily considered and am planning to do in the future. It is good that my personality and profile gravitate towards these careers because it helps me believe that I have a better chance of being successful in these fields. The exact opposite of my profile would be ISFJ. I could see myself in I and F. Even though I enjoy being around people, there are times that I like to spend time by myself. I believe this is true for most people as well. It is hard to be around many people for long periods of time with little time to yourself. There are many occasions I use feelings to make a decision. When something happens that hits close to home, without realizing it, I use my own personal experiences to make a
The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a test that is designed to look for a psychological preference on how are seen in the world and how they make a decision. In essence allows on to see what kind of leader they are. The MBTI was created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. The way the test works is are you have answered the questions you will receive a 4 letter personality type. This will then correspond with a full breakdown of your personality type. Providing a very useful information. I conducted a version of this test online, in which my results came up to be an INTP. INTP stands for Introverts, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving.
Hello, I’m Joshua Dudley and the results I got for my Jung Typology Test was on point for the kind of person I am. In the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my letters were ENFJ. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship (butt). All of the letters have different meanings. (E)- Extravert (34%), (N)- iNtuitive (9%), (F)- Feeling (19%), and (J)- Judging (28%) and these for letters ENFJ make up the type of person I am. I also had to find a two letter temperament for my personality. The two Letters I think that fit me is (NF)- “The Idealists” which my primary
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) “is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions” (13). It is one of several personality assessments that is popular among modern mental health experts throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that the MBTI is “taken by more than two million people per year and is translated into 16 languages (10). “The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people 's lives” (4).
The first subset of my personality is Extraversion, as opposed to Introversion. As an extrovert, I would describe myself as social, external and gregarious. This characteristic helps me communicate and reach out to others. However, there are cons that go along
Based on a theory proposed by Carl Jung, the test measures four aspects of personality tested using semantic differentials; Extrovert (E)-Introvert (I), Sensation (S)-Intuition (N), Thinking (T)-Feeling (F), and Judging (J)-Perceiving (P). Jung suggested that the foundation of one’s personality is rooted in four of these functions—iNtuition, Sensing, Thinking, and Feeling. This theory was further developed by Isabella Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs during WWII as a measure to help women find jobs that would fit their personalities, and has been modified and used for professional and personal development (2015). Because the test was written with women in the workforce in mind, we thought there may be gender differences among types. Given the significance of each feature, we chose to focus our study on Jung’s original functions, S-N and F-T. Our hypothesis was that gender would have a significant correlation on personality type. More specifically, males would positively correlate with Sensing and Thinking attributes, while females would have a positive correlation with Intuition and Feeling. In Bak’s correlation, he found that there was a significant correlation between gender and the Thinking-Feeling aspect, and more specifically that men correlated positively with T, while women were more likely to be an F. We tested college age students, and assessed correlations for both age and gender.
Personality assessments can serve as valuable tools to determine personality types, and subsequently allow us to understand certain behavior patterns. My own personality assessment revealed that I have an ENFJ personality type; I am an extrovert; have a preference of intuition over sensing; have a preference of feeling versus thinking; and have a preference of judging over perceiving (Jung, n.d.). The results of my assessment were quite revealing, mostly accurate, with room for interpretation. Real-time circumstances and the environment have a direct impact on my behavior. According to Revelle and Condon (2015) “People differ from themselves on a moment to moment basis in that they do not think, feel or act the same all the time. They change in their feelings, in their thoughts, in their desires and in their actions.”
In fact in the other side of the world are the introverts the ones that people think we're shy , we're not out there as much , aren't really social , that were really plain and dark but in reality we aren't. We could be as an extrovert as in being an introvert too at the same time . Did you know that ? No… well now you know.
The type of person that I would classify myself as, is one who enjoys to be social, while also having a drive for success. I have always been a person who is hardworking, whether that may be achieving great grades on my report card, or waking up at five o’clock in the morning for football. Whenever I may encounter a situation that requires a great amount of thinking for the best possible outcome, I will always be the one to observe my options by using logic and reasoning, rather than my instinct or gut feeling. My results from the Meyer Briggs personality test have me to conclude that I generally am a social person. What had told me this was the part that informed me I was, “34% extravert” (Jung Typology Test).
At first, I was not aware of the main word it described me for which was extraverted until I read in depth about it. Once I understood the meaning of the word I felt that it was very accurate. I personally love to always help others, support and encourage them. Although at times I can feel used if in return I do not see appreciation from the other person. Then moving forward with Introverted it is a term to demonstrate that I am always thinking about the future and better ways of newer solutions for not just my own benefit but for my loved ones and my way of organizing my next step.
I standing for introvert, defined as stimulated by inner world of thoughts and reflections, reserved, and quiet. Introvert is the one characteristic
An introverted intuitive thinker otherwise known as an INTP personality type is who I am.
Extroverts, the people that love to be at the center of attention, those who prefer to speak first and think second, the people you can’t help but notice at parties because they want you to notice them; this is the group of people in which I live (Jung Typology
I believe that most people are neither introverts nor extroverts but are a mix of both. There are many people who tend to display characteristics of the introvert and the extrovert. For example: I myself have many of the characteristics of the introvert and the extravert. I am sometime considered reserved because I do not like to be the center of attention, especially in groups of people, this is a characteristic of the introvert. I love to be surrounded by people and to communicate with people, which is a characteristic of the extravert. I would rather email or text people instead of talking on the
Feeling allows me to express my emotions when others are involved. I also freely express my opinion when others are involved. At times I find myself torn between the moral conclusions about their actions and attitudes and my longing to express my bucket full of feelings and the consequences of the unbridled truth. My confidants are chosen with care, I understand that there are those out there who will stab you in the back without batting an eyelash.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) enables an individual to gain a deeper insight into their inherent personality traits. For some people, they have had prior knowledge or underlying assumptions about their personality, but this test provides clearer information about each of their identifiable traits. According to the MBTI in Human-metric personality test, my scores were 22% (E) extroverted thinking more than introverted, 9% (N) intuitive as oppose to sensing, 16% (T) thinking more than feeling, and 12% (J) judging as compared to perceiving. Thus, my personality type is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality group is described as a minority group that consists of natural-born leaders, and people filled with passion, and charisma for example, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey; they are notable members of this group, also known as the protagonists (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists apprehend pride in providing guidance for others to improve individually and to improve the community at large (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists find it naturally easy to communicate with others and excel at communicating with other people in person (16personalities, 2016).