
Myth Of Down Syndrome

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Chromosomes are like computers, ‘carrying genetic information in the form of genes’. These chromosomes determine your hair color, eye color, skin color, etc. Every human contains 42 chromosomes, only two of them determine the gender of the person. During the reproductive system however, the mother gives 23 chromosomes and the father gives 23 chromosomes as well. Sometimes during the reproduction system, one parent gives 24 chromosomes which will affect the child later in his or her life after birth.

Usually, the 21st chromosome has three chromosomes instead of two, causing the child to have a condition called Down syndrome, or known to some people as the 21st syndrome disease. Down syndrome is also known to some people a trisomy 21. …show more content…

In America alone, there are about 200,000 to 3 million people diagnosed with Down syndrome in the US per year. Down syndrome will affect one in the 1,000 births in the United States alone. Another common myth about Down syndrome is that they live a short life. That in fact is not true since it has been discovered that they live about the same life span as normal kids. Most people with Down syndrome also believe that if one person has Down syndrome, it will run in the family for the rest of their lives. That too however is not …show more content…

The procedure will surely affect the child with Down syndrome, but how? Scientist believe that it will surely eliminate the extra syndrome that is causing the problem, but will that effect the child’s lifespan, facial features and other?

People living with siblings, parents or students with Down syndrome believe the cure is not really a good idea since they believe people with Down syndrome bring something special to the world. "If Down syndrome were completely cured, the world would lose something from the absence of that culture," said Skotko, who has a sister with the condition. "There is something positive that people with Down syndrome contribute to the world."

People with Down syndrome bring happiness to others as they are completely innocent. Most people do not want this factor to leave their lives. Others believe if Down syndrome is cured, than they will lose their jobs for teaching them, taking care of them, etc. The fact is that, people with Down syndrome are special in the world in many

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