
Myths About Mental Illnesses

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An estimated amount of 450,000,000 people in the world are affected by some form of mental illness, that’s 54 times the amount of people that live in New York City. Around 41,000 individuals die due to mental illness each year, and out of all those people only 1,250,000 of them make contact with treatment services. Many people, including those suffering from them believe several myths about mental illness that are not true. One myth is mental illness is uncommon, actually mental illnesses affects almost 1 in 4 Americans, mental illness can strike at anytime to anyone. Myth: Being suicidal means i'm crazy, suicidal thoughts do not mean you’re crazy it just means that you might be suffering from a mental illness, being suicidal can be …show more content…

It is common that when there is a genetic overlapping that person will suffer from some form of depression Other possible causes, but rare variants are mutations, duplications,deletions, and gene-environment interaction. Depression affects twice as many women than men in adulthood, but as teen both boys and girls are affected equally. Celebrities with depression are Demi Lovato, Princess Diana, and Kendra Wilkinson. Depression is very recoverable, ⅔ of individuals affected by major depression episodes recover completely. While an eating disorder is defined as, any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. studies have shown that bullies as well as victims are at a higher risk of eating disorders. Negative body image can increase the risk of obesity in teens. eating disorders can happen to anyone, including celebrities. A few celebrities that have dealt with eating disorders are Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Kelly Clarkson, and Ke$ha. An eating disorder isn't just starving yourself or purging the food, eating disorders can mean overeating or eating only certain …show more content…

If we start seeing mental illness as what it is an illness, then will can save hundred among thousands of people lives that would have ended their lives. “ Depression in not selfish. Anxiety is not rude. Schizophrenia is not wrong. Mental Illness isn't self-centered, any more than a broken leg or the flu is self-centered. if your mental illness makes you feel guilty, review the definition of “illness”and try to treat yourself with the same respect and concern you would show to a cancer patient or a person with pneumonia

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