
Myths V. Facts About Common Core Standards

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I believe the American public education system is in some capacity standardized, and that is in the areas of what gets taught and how children are assessed. The only freedom from standardization that teachers have is in deciding how to teach what students are required to learn and show proficiency in on annual assessments. In Myths v. Facts About the Common Core Standards, an objection is made to what is claimed as a myth; that is, that the Common Core Standards tell teachers what to teach. However, the fact following this myth about Common Core Standards, seems to reaffirm the myth as truth. It states, “the best understanding of what works in the classroom comes from the teachers who are in them. That’s why these standards will establish what …show more content…

However, our focus is so fixated on the child’s cognitive growth and performance on these standardized tests, that I feel we lose sight of our mission to also help the child develop socially, emotionally, linguistically and ethically. I think this is largely because a school is viewed as successful when it’s students perform well. But, the quality of an education cannot be measured by how well the child is performing on standardized assessments. All it demonstrates is that the child is learning what he or she is being taught. But is it a good education, and are children learning what they should? That would depend on one’s definition, and according to Dennis Littky, “our country does not have a common definition of learning” (2015, p. 159). I think that the goal of education should be to teach students to learn how to think in a way that is translated in to whatever profession they choose. For the most part, I agree with Littky’s definition of learning. He writes, “Learning is to problem solve and think critically, to analyze and interpret different perspectives, to be creative and use the world as a tool to innovate, to be proficient in reading, writing, and math” (2015, p. 159), I think that learners should be able to demonstrate these skills - but I think that there should be an overarching emphasis on the moral and civic character growth of our

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