Complete Transparency You all know Billy Sanders. He and I and sometimes work together as an interpreting team. During our breaks we talk non-stop about programs that we feel would improve our beloved NAOBI-DC. I started documenting our conversations and finally converted the notes into a proposal. Once the proposal was written I could not remember where his thoughts ended and mine began that is how in sync our vision had become. I realized that the programs proposed need to be shared with the members so I gave a speech about change, at the September NAOBI meeting. That is when I announced that I would be running for President. After making the announcement Billy volunteered to help me recruit board members and committee chairs who we …show more content…
I have had conversations with him regarding the structure, the by-laws and the operating procedures of NAOBI-DC. Every time I have a conversation with him, I am impressed with how much he knows about NAOBI and how much he knows about running an organization and most important how much he loves NAOBI. One of the characteristics of a good leader is to know your strengths and recognize your weaknesses. I have mentored interpreters, teachers, chaired committees, and I am the CEO of SHARAVA, LLC (my interpreting service). I feel that I am capable of being an effective President for NAOBI. However, I cannot ignore the fact that Billy Sanders who knows NAOBI inside and outside, and has served 2 terms as the Vice President of NAOBI, deserves a chance to lead this organization. After, talking to Billy on many occasions and being exposed to the wealth of knowledge he has regarding NAOBI, I am convinced that the office of Vice President is the precursor for the office of President. Since I have not served as the Vice President of NAOBI, I must acknowledge my weakness. Therefore, I am stepping aside so that Billy can run for President. I will run as Vice President. We will run on one ticket. You all will be on our ticket. Please join me in recognizing and supporting “The Man” who will be running for the office of President for NAOBI-DC, Mr. Billy Sanders. Applause, applause,
P.S. I wanted to mention, and it may be my miss communication, Jim Williams is an advisory board member, and not the chairman. Our chairman is Frank
As the president of the 1st Clarkson Venture Company, I organized meetings, camping trips, volunteer opportunities and teaching sessions with the Beaver, Cub and Scout sections of our group.
I am dedicated and committed to moving our community and our country in a directions that embraces and celebrates our differences. I want to be a part of the changes that create a healthier future for our children. I want a stronger economy that doesn't compromise the health of our planet. As your E-Board rep and delegate, I will work hard to get lawmakers to enact policites with these values. I will fight for Tulare
I am grateful and honored to be speaking here today, in the great country of Tricktopia with so many terrific candidates. If you are sitting here right now, it means you want answers and believes what the country can be. You care about this country as much as I do. Tricktopia has reached a crossroad where changes must be made to guarantee a better future. And you are the people who have the power to make a difference in the political landscape of this country. It was we, the citizens, who formed the Union.
The board members made decision to let the sub organization Trout Unlimited Teens to decide who they are sending to represent them at the summit. Trout Unlimited Teens will decide their reprehensive and report back to the directors. Another decision that was made was to appoint Beck Chickello as the new vice president of Trout Unlimited Teens. The organization also decided to form a strategic planning committee for rive cleanups. The committee is in charge of planning when and where the cleanups will be
I will design and construct a flag for our country, and I will write a policy discussing the punishment for Senators should they show disorderly
The primary election for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is to be held Thursday, September 3, 2015. This momentous occasion happens every four years. The elected chief and officials, such as council members, can run for office for as long as they see fit, for there is no term limit. Our past chief, Michell Hicks, was in office three consecutive terms for a total of twelve years. This year Hicks has decided to step down and the new candidates for chief are Patrick Lambert and Gene “Tunney” Crowe. These new candidates must be able to fill the role of a generous and successful leader to those of the Cherokee nation. The platforms of both Lambert and Crowe are used to persuade the public to vote in their favor and are extremely versed in the
So, while the group has been successful in providing a candidate for president in 2012 success in the federal government has been limited, but success across the state and local government is beginning to spread into all states. A few of the candidates in support of this in both the state and
Leading the Global Awareness Club during this time, our topics focused heavily on the election. An avid social activist at heart; I was keenly aware of the political process impact on society, but was more prone to all things international. While I nurtured a passion for politics, especially for our club discussion; the possibility of venturing into the field was fantastical. Why? Representation and examples. There is a homogenous demographic in Congress, so why risk a career to venture into a field that was notorious for glass ceilings and covert
boards all have same spirit about how we can help people and so I have no doubt that those board members that I've met can all help me.
Deciding to run for the Texas State Senate, was a life-changing decision. The effort I had to put into this campaign was extraordinarily time-consuming, but the end is almost near, and I know it will all be worth it. Running for office in Texas will not only cost thousands of dollars, but the number of votes will also matter to me. By the end of this campaign, I am sure I will not only win the elections for the people but also change the perspective of my voters. Because I know if you have the materials needed to succeed, you will achieve.
Why would you go through the trouble of electing a new chief when you can just stick with me, Ralph? Why would you risk people having new conflicts that were not existing before? Why would you (rhetorical question) change the entire system of things when everything is working? I am not sure why anyone would want to elect a new chief when you have a perfect contender right in front of you. In the past, I might have gotten a bit carried away with the fact that we were going to be rescued, but now I have come to reality and have better plans for us. I have both the mental abilities as well as physical abilities, which make me the best candidate for chief. I am the best candidate for chief because the little’uns look up to me which is necessary for being chief. Vote for Ralph because I will make sure we will not starve, always make sure we are able to be rescued, and make
In order to become a member of this committee, an individual who meets the qualifications would be nominated by the Board, upon the recommendation of the Nominating Corporate Governance Committee; this process occurs annually. Members of this committee are Gregory D. Brenneman, Albert (Al) Carey, Armando Codina, Helena B. Foulkes, and Bonnie G. Hill.
And now, for the first time, you will engage from a position of power, authority, and influence with a clearly superior message that easily sways the
First off I want to say that I am very happy to see all of you here. I am going to use this time to announce my candidacy for Senate. After much deliberation I have decided to leave the House of Representatives after my three terms and run for a position in the United States Senate. I believe that I am the right candidate for this position for several reasons. First of all, I was in the House for six years, because of this I understand how the institution is run from the inside, and I understand the problems of the Senate. I believe that this is a very important aspect when running for the Senate. Second I realize that Congress has some fundamental problems, that come from individual goals as well as institutional goals, and I want to take