
NCLB Reflection

Satisfactory Essays
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NCLB brought me to my current position in Elkart Schools as the Academic Dean. Seven years ago I changed buidlings within SBCSC to teach math at Dickinson Fine Arts Academy (DFAA). DFAA at the time was an F school and had been an F school for quite a while. My first year there I saw some growth with my students, but the second year we adopted 8-Step and two new bulding administrators. Mr. Sim’s goal was to turn the school around in one-year, and we did. We had the highest growth in the state for any middle school and our grade went froman F to an A. The year after we won over $4 million dollars from a sig grant. An revemped the school altogether. The five years I remained at DFAA were the hardest I’ve every worked, but it was so worth it. It was worth it because of the relationships I gained with both staff and students. It was worth it because of the 100+ point growth I saw each year in all of my students. Some students had not passed ISTEP at all, ever. Data was something that I enjoyed looking at and disaggregating. Getting creative for success lessons, where students were making pancakes and learning about geometry concepts is what made it …show more content…

Yet, both students and teachers need to be held accountable for teaching and learning. The right evaluation tool hasn’t been created. NWEA is an assessment tool that I believe the state should take a good look at when it comes to testing our kids come 2017. Pierre Moran Middle School, where I currently work, is a D school. This building has had a new principal each year for the last four years. This past school year was no different, only I was added to the mix as AD. We are implementing the recommendations from the state and AdvancED to help turn our buildig around. I’m not if we will see much growth from this past school year, but I am looking forward to seeing what we do 2016-2017. Our goal is to earn the gorwth points and move continue to move our school grade from a D to and A or

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