I have been very satisfied with my time here at NDSU. The professors are wonderful; the students are driven and competitive, and the overall experience has been great. There was a time in my freshmen year here at NDSU where we were doing a group project and each of us split up the tasks evenly. Once my group had all of their tasks done we got together and reviewed each other’s work before submitting it. I was reviewing one of my group member’s works, and something just didn’t sound right. This paragraph was not written the way a typically college freshman writes. I went home and continued to review their work, and had an online spell checker make sure I had all the grammar correct and found out that it was all not all their work. I went to
For the first short story paragraph on Identities by W.D Valgardson, I was expecting to obtain a mark of 4- or higher as my goal for this course is an 88 or higher. In reality, I got a 3. The mark I received was much lower than what I truly wanted but I do understand that it is what I deserved. The reason why I thought I would get a 4- or higher is because my previous years english mark was a 4-. Also most of my marks last year were 4- or higher. I thought because of the fact that I did so well on my H.P Lovecraft practice paragraph, I would do the same on this paragraph, but that did not occur. The most important reason why I thought I would obtain the mark that I wanted is the fact that I am quite comfortable with writing as long as I have
When I stop to think about the memory’s that I have made during my first semester of college; there are both good and bad pieces or times that present themselves. Often with many things there are gray areas, and writing would fall in there for me. I fortunately understand now that I have times where I can over look many of my writing flaws. Such as sentence structure! This by far was my biggest problem in this class, and I fully understand why. Personally I have times that will type up a paragraph and never notice the mistake. That is until someone points it out to me. It’s almost like my brain knows that something is wrong with it, but for some unknown reason it won’t register when I’m revising my paper. So as a writer I have realized that I need to take advantage of people around me and get their feedback on my essay’s; because
This reflection paper focuses on student learning outcome number four (current research findings regarding family and caregiver stress) and the chronic illness of bronchiectasis and its effects on the caregiver, including role stress and strain.
I am the founder and president of the SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Chapter at my school, and I've helped create SADD chapters at other middle and high schools in multiple school districts. Currently, there are about 40 students in my SADD chapter. I started my SADD group my freshman year, so I have been involved with my SADD group for almost three years now.
I have been on the UTD School of Natural Science and Mathematics Dean's List for every semester I have attended UTD. This is awarded to full-time students with a GPA in the top 10%.
Working afterschool at my family’s business while doing homework and playing sports allowed me to manage my time and my priorities. Whether joining NCSSM’s Residential or Online program, I will be able to welcome it will loving responsible hands into my schedule. Not only would I work hard into committing to my future and current education but also for the community that makes me who I am through volunteering and projects. I won’t just try to squeeze these opportunities into my schedule but allow myself to allot a piece of my agenda for it so I can give it my all towards it. NCSSM Residential program allows me to clubs and sports on the same campus as where I learn and, in addition, lays in the center of Durham, a city full of opportunities.
For every major I advise, I make a concerted effort to learn all the intricacies of the major and develop a relationship with the program directors or chairpersons. I regularly attend the RN-BSN curriculum meetings, so I can stay abreast of upcoming changes to the program requirements. I also apprise faculty of issues students are having and make suggestions for possible improvements. One of the suggestions implemented was moving admission to the program from an application process to a more automated process, thus saving students a few steps.
During this week, I spent a lot of time preparing for the NCMHCE exam that I had scheduled for April 22. My supervisor and I took time to review practice simulations and briefly went over each set of DSM-5 diagnoses.
When I first received my invitation to join the UHD NSCS chapter I thought, “Great, another honors society on campus that is all talk, but does not actually do anything”. However, after attending the Induction Ceremony I felt more drawn to The National Society of Collegiate Scholars versus any of the other honors societies that I had received invitations for. The officers were passionate and the new inductees were eager, and although many of us had never met before there was a strong sense of community present in the room. That is the key aspect of NSCS that I was previously unaware of, how community is a strong presence that accompanies NSCS and provides a lifelong network for scholars.
Although I have only spent two semesters at Mississippi State, I have already grown to love my experience here. My ability to attend this year was made possible thanks to the generosity of these scholarships. My family is also grateful for the support, as there are three of us (Parrish siblings) in
Based on the last couple of papers I wrote there were viewer errors in this paper on a short about the “A Worn Path”. Collectively the errors came from grammar that was miss by me on my final check of the paper. The response was greater on positive feedback from the instructor for doing a good job on the paper. My down fall was the error with submission of the paper, I thought everything was ok on my end but the file showed up blank. On my behalf I should have look at the file twice before submitting it to ensure the file was ready.
NCLB brought me to my current position in Elkart Schools as the Academic Dean. Seven years ago I changed buidlings within SBCSC to teach math at Dickinson Fine Arts Academy (DFAA). DFAA at the time was an F school and had been an F school for quite a while. My first year there I saw some growth with my students, but the second year we adopted 8-Step and two new bulding administrators. Mr. Sim’s goal was to turn the school around in one-year, and we did. We had the highest growth in the state for any middle school and our grade went froman F to an A. The year after we won over $4 million dollars from a sig grant. An revemped the school altogether.
Throughout DATA Lab I struggled the most with not fully understanding what was expected of me as a student in a DATA Lab setting. Breaking away from the traditional lab mold was challenging. After the first couple labs, I started to understand what research outside of class benefited my in class time the most. I found that applying labs to real world concepts through research made the labs more interesting and I was able to ask more questions about the concepts of the labs and found the labs more relatable.
By now, I had decided to ask for help with my proofreading and formatting. This was the project where my teachability issues could not be ignored and the teacher confronted me in a private conference meeting about having issues listening to instructions. I was used to writing creatively, or considering more than one scenario in my papers. Even in my education classes, where we practiced writing letters to parents of students, we were given a generous amount of freedom in our writing style. I was not used to following a very strict format where I felt like I was being graded on what the professor wanted to see instead of my content. However, I finally sought out the help I needed from people who knew what MLA format should look like and recognized where I was having issues of clarity in my papers. When I got the paper back, it was disheartening to see the grade I received without any specific comments on the final essay itself which I was hopeful in seeing improvements. I had to remind myself that I am ultimately not a grade and that no matter what happens, I am still just as smart as the person sitting next to me. The professor did tell me that my writing improved when I got help but I was still struggling with accepting the help and it showed in my writing. This is something that I will be struggling with for the
Being a student at California State University East Bay requires all students to pass the University Writing skill Test (WST) requirement. Students have the choice to either take the written exam or to take two writing English courses in order to graduate. Writing is one of my weakness that needs to improve, in order to prepare myself to become a better writer. Now that I have taken English 3000 and currently taking English 3003 I have noticed an improvement in my writing as well as being able to develop a persuasive argument, an improvement in research skills, and being able to catch my readers attention by adjusting the audience. Although, I have not taken the WST exam, taking these two English courses, has helped me develop an understanding of the necessary requirements to no longer have to take the WST because, it has increased my knowledge as a writer.